Can a homeomorphism of the closed unit disk map $S^1$ onto $S^1$?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Euge
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In summary, a homeomorphism is a function between two topological spaces that preserves their topological properties. The closed unit disk is a two-dimensional shape that includes all points within a certain distance from the center point, and $S^1$ refers to the unit circle in two-dimensional space. A homeomorphism can map $S^1$ onto $S^1$ by transforming the points while preserving its shape and connectedness. However, a homeomorphism of the closed unit disk cannot map $S^1$ onto $S^1$ with any shape, as the resulting shape must still be a circle with a circumference of 1.
  • #1
Gold Member
POTW Director
Happy New Year, MHB! Since the year has just started I figured I'd start with a light problem which I'm sure several of you can solve.

Prove that a homeomorphism of the closed unit disk onto itself must map $S^1$ onto $S^1$.

-----Remember to read the to find out how to!
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  • #2
Honorable mention goes to vidyarth for a partially correct solution. You can read my solution below.
Let $\bar{D}^2$ be the closed unit disk in $\Bbb R^2$. Let $f : \bar{D}^2 \to \bar{D}^2$ be a homeomorphism. Suppose there exists a $z\in S^1$ such that $f(z)\notin S^1$. There is a homeomorphism $\bar{D}^2\setminus\{z\} \xrightarrow{~} \bar{D}^2\setminus \{f(z)\}$ induced by the restriction of $f$ to $\bar{D}^2\setminus\{z\}$. As $z\in S^1$, $\bar{D}^2\setminus\{z\}$ is contractible (since it is a convex subspace of the plane). Since $f(z)$ lies in the interior of $\bar{D}^2$, $\bar{D}^2\setminus\{f(z)\}$ deformation retracts to $S^1$. So the induced map on fundamental groups gives an isomorphism $0 \to \Bbb Z$, which is a contradiction.

FAQ: Can a homeomorphism of the closed unit disk map $S^1$ onto $S^1$?

1. What is a homeomorphism?

A homeomorphism is a function between two topological spaces that is continuous, bijective, and has a continuous inverse. This means that it preserves the topological properties of the spaces, such as connectedness and compactness.

2. What is the closed unit disk?

The closed unit disk is a two-dimensional geometric shape that includes all points within a certain distance from the center point. It is often represented as a circle with a shaded interior, and is denoted by D^2.

3. What is $S^1$?

$S^1$ refers to the unit circle in two-dimensional space. It is also known as the one-dimensional sphere and is represented by a circle with a circumference of 1.

4. How can a homeomorphism map $S^1$ onto $S^1$?

A homeomorphism can map $S^1$ onto $S^1$ by transforming the points on the unit circle in a way that preserves its topological properties. This can be achieved through stretching, rotating, or reflecting the circle while maintaining its shape and connectedness.

5. Can a homeomorphism of the closed unit disk map $S^1$ onto $S^1$ with any shape?

No, a homeomorphism can only map $S^1$ onto $S^1$ if the shape of the closed unit disk is preserved. This means that the circle cannot be stretched or distorted in a way that creates holes or breaks its connectedness. The resulting shape must still be a circle with a circumference of 1.
