Can a lightning take the same path multiple times?

In summary, multiple flashes of lightning can take a slightly different path every time, and this can be seen on pictures taken from a safe distance. This effect is most noticeable when the lightning is close to the ground.
  • #1
Hi all,

I wondered if you guys could help me with this question.
I have been showed a picture of a lightning. It is not the complete lightning on that picture, maybe 1-2 thirds of it.
To me it looked a little blurry, so I asked if the photographer had used a tripod to make sure the camera was completely stable for the time the shutter was open. (30 seconds)
He said that he did use a tripod, and that the blur I was seeing was really caused by multiple flashes taking the same path.
Looking at the pic closely you see indeed several images of a lightning on the exact same path, but moved a tiny little bit side wards, maybe the fraction of a millimetre.
So my question is, is this possible?
After thinking about it, it does seem to me that multiple flashes of lightning originating and ending in the same (or almost the same) spots would still take a slightly different path every time, and that it is more likely that something moved the camera a tiny little bit just when that lightning occurred.
But would the lightning be "slow" enough to cause such an effect in that case?

What do you all think?
Science news on
  • #2
I read somewhere that lightning strikes are generally multiple discharges.
  • #3
If you read about lightning you'll find an ionized header precedes the main brilliantly visible strike...I'm sure a bit of turbulance can displace portions of that initial header a bit so each successive strike might follow a slightly different path...also portions of the path likely are re-ionized over time so that too could cause a slight displacement.
  • #4
During the Mount St. Augustine eruption scientists set up equipment to monitor lighting discharges that seem to always accompany volcanic eruptions. They discovered a phenomenon termed "constant lightning".

*The really intense phase of constant lightning went on for twenty to thirty minutes...'We saw more lightning than we'd generally see in a major thunderstorm'...'those lightning strikes lasted only 1 to 2 milliseconds and were a different kind of lightning than we had ever seen before'.

While I realize that this might not answer the original question it does open up exciting possibilities to such an answer.

*Kaufman, Marc: First Contact, Scientific Breakthroughs in the hunt for life beyond Earth. Simon and Schuster, 2011. pgs. 64-65.
  • #5
Naty1 said:
If you read about lightning you'll find an ionized header precedes the main brilliantly visible strike...I'm sure a bit of turbulance can displace portions of that initial header a bit so each successive strike might follow a slightly different path...also portions of the path likely are re-ionized over time so that too could cause a slight displacement.

Here is a nice video showing multiple strikes along the same path:

If I understand the timer right, the entire film shows 0.3s real time. So in a strong wind the discharge channel can offset by some meters.

But you should not see this on a picture taken from safe distance. I assume the camera was shaking. If you have lightning, you have thunder. Not yet from the one that you see on the picture, but from previous strikes.
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  • #6
A.T. said:
Here is a nice video showing multiple strikes along the same path:

If I understand the timer right, the entire film shows 0.3s real time. So in a strong wind the discharge channel can offset by some meters.

But you should not see this on a picture taken from safe distance. I assume the camera was shaking. If you have lightning, you have thunder. Not yet from the one that you see on the picture, but from previous strikes.

Nice video AT thanks for the link.
As a Stormchaser, I have often seen/videoed lightning that does multiple strikes down the same path. Some strikes are multi ones sometimes up to 8 discharges, other strikes are just a single zap

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  • #7
Once the electric potential builds up high enough, electricity flows towards the ground. This leaves a small path of ionized air. Once the charge reaches the ground, a larger current now forms going from the Earth to the cloud due to the low resistance ionized air. The down travel is fast, but the upstroke travels at a speed of approximately 1/20 to 1/10 the speed of light. This backflow is where most of the light comes from. Once the lightning has traveled down and then back up, it repeats the process multiple times until the electric potential is no longer high enough to make lightning (about 8 or 9 round trips later). Clouds will usually take 30 seconds in between strikes to charge up.

If you look at pictures of lightning, lightning that has reached the ground is noticeably brighter than cloud to cloud lightning or just the single flashes that don't reach the ground.

Check out for a less garbled explanation. (I put this together from memory with Wikipedia filling in the blanks.)
  • #8
EnergyHobo said:
Once the electric potential builds up high enough, electricity flows towards the ground. This leaves a small path of ionized air. Once the charge reaches the ground, a larger current now forms going from the Earth to the cloud due to the low resistance ionized air. The down travel is fast, but the upstroke travels at a speed of approximately 1/20 to 1/10 the speed of light. This backflow is where most of the light comes from.
I have a question about that backstroke/upstroke/backflow:

What is actually flowing back up there? I would assume that the electrons are always flowing downward, from the negative cloud to the positive ground.

Are the positive ions moving upwards and causing the flash?

Or does "back upwards" simply mean that the dramatic increase in downward flow of electrons is initiated at the ground, and then propagates upwards?
  • #9
If I remember right, it's like the electrons were pushed down on the down stroke. Then, they return to about their original position releasing a lot more energy. That's just a guess on my part; I'm having trouble remembering the explanation.

I originally heard it from MIT's OpenCourseware Electricity and Magnetism (Prof. Walter Lewin). He explains it much more clearly than I have just done. I would have hunted down the clip in question, but I have to go to class in the morning. The particular lecture in question is about Corona discharge and St. Elmo's Fire.

Hope that helps.
  • #10
I believe lighting can and WILL strike in the same place twice because it will want to follow the least resistant path. Someone has probably already stated this though!
  • #11
EnergyHobo said:
I originally heard it from MIT's OpenCourseware Electricity and Magnetism (Prof. Walter Lewin). He explains it much more clearly than I have just done.

Thanks for the hint. I found the clip:

To answer my own question, this is the right version:

Or does "back upwards" simply mean that the dramatic increase in downward flow of electrons is initiated at the ground, and then propagates upwards?

FAQ: Can a lightning take the same path multiple times?

1. Can lightning strike the same spot more than once?

Yes, lightning can strike the same spot multiple times. This is known as a "hot spot" and it occurs when there is a tall object or structure that is repeatedly struck by lightning due to its height and location.

2. What are the chances of lightning taking the same path multiple times?

The chances of lightning taking the same path multiple times are very low. Lightning tends to follow the path of least resistance, so it is more likely to strike a different location each time.

3. Is it safe to be in the same location where lightning has struck before?

It is generally not safe to be in the same location where lightning has struck before. The area may still be charged with electricity and there is a risk of being struck again.

4. Can a lightning rod prevent lightning from striking the same spot multiple times?

While lightning rods do not prevent lightning from striking the same spot multiple times, they can help to divert the strike and prevent damage to structures. However, it is still possible for lightning to strike other areas near the rod.

5. Why does lightning sometimes strike the same spot multiple times?

Lightning can strike the same spot multiple times due to a combination of factors such as the height and location of the object, the presence of conductive materials, and the atmospheric conditions at the time of the strike.

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