Can a Non-Analytic Function Have Directional Derivatives in Every Direction?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of directional derivatives of a complex function on a domain in C. The conversation covers three parts of a question, including providing an example of a function that is not differentiable at any point but has directional derivatives in every direction, showing that if a function is differentiable at a point, there exists a constant c such that the directional derivative equals cw for every direction, and proving that if the real and imaginary parts of a function have continuous partial derivatives and the directional derivative exists and equals cw for every direction, then the function is differentiable at that point. The conversation also utilizes the Cauchy-Riemann equations to simplify the expression for the directional derivative in terms of partial derivatives, ultimately leading to the
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Homework Statement

f(z) is a complex function (not necessarily analytic) on a domain D in C. The directional derivative is Dwf(z0)=lim(t->0) (f(z0+tw)-f(z0))/t, where w is a unit directional vector in C. There are three parts to the question:
a. Give an example of a function that is not differentiable at any point but that has directional derivatives is very direction w at every point z0. Very that your example satisfies the required properties
b. If f is differentiable at z0, show that there is a constant c such that Dwf(z0)=cw for every w
c.Assume that the real and imaginary parts of f has continuous partials. Show that if there exists a constant c such that Dwf(z0) exists and equals cw for every w, then f is differentiable at zo.

Homework Equations

Cauchy Riemann: du/dx=dv/dy and du/dy=-dv/dx

The Attempt at a Solution

for a, I know that my function can't satisfy the CR eqns, b/c it can't be differentiable, but I don't know how to plug a specific function into my directional derivative definition
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  • #2
Ok, here's a practice function. Suppose f(x+iy)=x. What's the directional derivative of f at z0=0 in the direction w=1+0i? How about in the direction w=0+1i? Just plug z0 and w into your definition of directional derivative.
  • #3
the first one would be 1 and the second one zero.

So in general, for this function, Dwf(z0)=f(z0+t(u+iv))-f(z0)/t=(Re(z)+ut-Re(z))/t=u
where u+iv is the unit directional vector. So that would be an example of a function that is not differentiable anywhere but which has directional derivatives everywhere, right?
  • #4
g1990 said:
the first one would be 1 and the second one zero.

So in general, for this function, Dwf(z0)=f(z0+t(u+iv))-f(z0)/t=(Re(z)+ut-Re(z))/t=u
where u+iv is the unit directional vector. So that would be an example of a function that is not differentiable anywhere but which has directional derivatives everywhere, right?

Sure. f(x+iy)=x doesn't satisfy Cauchy-Riemann, even though it has directional derivatives everywhere.
  • #5
wow thanks! for part b, what I was thinking is that if f is differentiable at some z0, any two given directional derivatives must be equal. I'm not sure how to spin that into there exists a c such that every directional derivative equals cw though. One thing is that c should be the gradient at z0, but we haven't officially learned that yet, so I shouldn't have to use it.
  • #6
g1990 said:
wow thanks! for part b, what I was thinking is that if f is differentiable at some z0, any two given directional derivatives must be equal. I'm not sure how to spin that into there exists a c such that every directional derivative equals cw though. One thing is that c should be the gradient at z0, but we haven't officially learned that yet, so I shouldn't have to use it.

Well, no, any two directional derivatives won't be equal. If Dwf=cw then it depends on w. This isn't the complex derivative. Try expressing the directional derivative in terms of the partial derivatives of f=u+iv. That way you can use Cauchy-Riemann.
  • #7
Okay, so if f(x,y)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y) and w=w1+iw2 is the unit directional number, then
the directional derivative is
I'm not sure how to spit that up even more to extract the partials, or to get w out of the equation.
  • #8
du(x,y)/dt=du(x,y)/dx*dx/dt+du(x,y)/dy*dy/dt. That's basically the gradient formula. Some of those 'd's should be partial. And don't forget the 'i' in front of v(x,y).
  • #9
okay so, let me get this straight. I have that the directional derivative equals
du(x,y)/dt+idv(x,y)/dt=du(x,y)/dx*dx/dt+du(x,y)/dy*dy/dt+i(dv(x,y)/dx*dx/dt+dv(x,y)/dy*dy/dt). Now, I know that du(x,y)/dx is just du/dx, one of the terms of the CR eqns, and likewise for the other three. I suspect that dx/dt=w1 and so on, but I'm not sure why. Also, should I be putting another i in front of all of the dy/dt's?
  • #10
Can someone please help me with the last bit of this proof?
  • #11
g1990 said:
okay so, let me get this straight. I have that the directional derivative equals
du(x,y)/dt+idv(x,y)/dt=du(x,y)/dx*dx/dt+du(x,y)/dy*dy/dt+i(dv(x,y)/dx*dx/dt+dv(x,y)/dy*dy/dt). Now, I know that du(x,y)/dx is just du/dx, one of the terms of the CR eqns, and likewise for the other three. I suspect that dx/dt=w1 and so on, but I'm not sure why. Also, should I be putting another i in front of all of the dy/dt's?

You are giving up too quickly. You are almost there. Sure dx/dt=w1, x(t)=x0+tw1, dx(t)/dt=w1. No, you don't need any more i's. Why would you? Now just use Cauchy-Riemann. Put c1=du/dx=dv/dy and c2=du/dy=(-dv/dx). Can you factor (w1+iw2) out?
  • #12
okay so- I have that dx/dt=w1 and dy/dt=w2.

so my constant is just c1+ic2=du/dx+idv/dx. That seems right to me- is that what you meant?
  • #13
g1990 said:
okay so- I have that dx/dt=w1 and dy/dt=w2.

so my constant is just c1+ic2=du/dx+idv/dx. That seems right to me- is that what you meant?

Yes, the constant c1+ic2 is the complex derivative.

FAQ: Can a Non-Analytic Function Have Directional Derivatives in Every Direction?

1. What is complex analysis?

Complex analysis is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of functions of complex numbers. It involves the analysis of complex-valued functions, differentiation, integration, and the properties of complex numbers themselves.

2. What is a complex analysis proof?

A complex analysis proof is a mathematical argument or demonstration that uses the principles and techniques of complex analysis to prove a statement or theorem. It typically involves using properties and theorems of complex numbers and functions to establish the validity of a claim.

3. Why is complex analysis important?

Complex analysis has many important applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. It is used to solve problems in fields such as fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics. It also has important connections to other areas of mathematics, such as number theory and topology.

4. What are some common techniques used in complex analysis proofs?

Some common techniques used in complex analysis proofs include the Cauchy-Riemann equations, the Cauchy integral theorem, and the Cauchy integral formula. Other techniques include the use of Laurent series, residues, and conformal mappings.

5. How can I improve my skills in complex analysis proofs?

To improve your skills in complex analysis proofs, it is important to have a strong foundation in basic calculus and complex numbers. Practice solving problems and proofs, and familiarize yourself with the common techniques and theorems used in complex analysis. Reading textbooks and working through exercises can also help improve your understanding of the subject.
