Can a number that ends in 3 have a multiple consisting of only 1's?

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In summary, it is proven that any number ending in 3 has a multiple that consists of only 1's. This is done by showing that if a number is relatively prime to 10, then it has a multiple consisting of 9's. If the number is also relatively prime to 3, then it has a multiple consisting of only 1's. If the number is not relatively prime to 3, then it has a multiple that can be written as a multiple of 9 times a number consisting of only 1's. This multiple is also a multiple of the original number, proving the statement.
  • #1
I like Serena
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Given a number that ends in 3, prove that it has a multiple that consists of only 1's.

For instance 13 has the multiple 111111.
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  • #2
Klaas van Aarsen said:
Given a number that ends in 3, prove that it has a multiple that consists of only 1's.

For instance 13 has the multiple 111111.

Let $N$ be the number. As $\gcd(N,10)=1$, $10$ has finite order, say $k$, modulo $N$. This means that $10^k-1$ is a multiple of $N$; that number consists of $k$ digits $9$.

Let $M = \dfrac{10^k-1}{9}$ (a number consisting of $k$ digits $1$). We have $10^k-1 = 9M = aN$ for some integer $a$. If $\gcd(N,3)=1$, since $N\mid 9M$, we have $N\mid M$ and we are done.

If this is not the case, let $P$ be the number obtained by copying $M$ $9$ times; this number consists of $9k$ digits $1$. Note that $P = M(1+10^k+\cdots+10^{9k})$ is a multiple of $9M$. As $M$ is a multiple of $N/9$, $P$ is a multiple of $N$.

  • #3
Klaas van Aarsen said:
Given a number that ends in 3, prove that it has a multiple that consists of only 1's.

For instance 13 has the multiple 111111.
[sp]Let $R_n$ be the number consisting of $n$ $1$s. If $n>m$ then $R_n - R_m$ consists of $n-m$ $1$s followed by $m$ $0$s. So $R_n - R_m = 10^mR_{n-m}$.

Suppose that $N$ is an integer ending in $3$, and consider the remainders when the numbers $R_1,\,R_2,\ldots,R_{N+1}$ are divided by $N$. There are only $N$ possible remainders mod $N$, so by the pigeonhole principle two of them must coincide, say $R_m \equiv R_n \pmod{N}$. So $10^mR_{n-m} \equiv 0 \pmod{N}$. But, as in castor28's solution, $10$ is invertible mod $N$, so it follows that $R_{n-m}\equiv0\pmod{N}$. In other words, $R_{n-m}$ is a multiple of $N$.[/sp]
  • #4
Klaas van Aarsen said:
Given a number that ends in 3, prove that it has a multiple that consists of only 1's.

For instance 13 has the multiple 111111.

I shall prove a more general case why 3 , any number that does not have a factor 2 or 5 satisfies the criteria


The number with 10 does not have a common factor and so 10 and the number say k are coprimes

Now let us consider $10^p$ mod n for p = 1 to k-1 if k is not a multiple of 3 and upto 9k-1

they shall have k-1 remainders none of them zero and one of them shall be 1

to prove that one of them has to be 1 let us assume that none of the is one.

now there are k-1 remainders and k-2 values (as zero and 1 are not there)

so they correspond to power $10^a$ and $10^b$ with same remainder and a > b

so $10^a - 10^b \equiv 0 \pmod k$
or $10^b(10^{a-b} -1) \equiv 0 \pmod k$
or $10^{a-b} -1 \equiv 0 \pmod k$

which is not true as there is a contradiction
so there is a value n so that such that $10^n -1 equiv 0 \pmod k$

if k is not multiple of 3

$10^n -1 \equiv 0 \pmod k => \frac{10^{n-1} -1}{9} \equiv 0 \pmod k$

if k is multiple of 3
$10^n -1 \equiv 0 \pmod {9k} => \frac{10^{n-1} -1}{9} \equiv 0 \pmod k$
  • #5
All correct.
Thank you all, and nice to see different solutions to the same problem.
They cover the solutions that I am aware of.

FAQ: Can a number that ends in 3 have a multiple consisting of only 1's?

1. What is the significance of a number consisting of only 1's?

The significance of a number consisting of only 1's is that it is known as a repunit, which is a number that contains only repeating digits. In this case, all the digits are 1. Repunits have been studied in mathematics for their patterns and properties.

2. How many digits can a number consisting of only 1's have?

A number consisting of only 1's can have any number of digits, as long as they are all 1. This means that it can be infinitely long, with an infinite number of 1's.

3. What is the largest known number consisting of only 1's?

The largest known number consisting of only 1's is called a googolplex, which is 10 to the power of a googol (10^10^100). This number is so large that it cannot be written out in standard notation, and it would take more than the estimated age of the universe to write out all the digits.

4. Are there any practical applications for numbers consisting of only 1's?

While numbers consisting of only 1's may not have practical applications in everyday life, they have been used in cryptography and coding theory. They also have interesting properties in number theory and have been studied in various mathematical fields.

5. Can numbers consisting of only 1's be prime?

No, numbers consisting of only 1's cannot be prime. A prime number is defined as a number that is only divisible by 1 and itself. Since a number consisting of only 1's is divisible by 1, it does not meet the criteria for being a prime number.

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