Can a Paired Two Sample T Test Reveal Significant Changes in Flux over 8 Hours?

  • Thread starter leonmate
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In summary, the physics undergrad is working on a project involving statistical analysis of 10,000+ sources from the Herschel space telescope. They have two time intervals with flux measurements and errors for each source. They need to conduct a paired two sample t test to see if there are significant changes in flux over the 8-hour period. They are looking for guidance on how to implement the test using Excel or Python. They also mention two options for handling the errors in the data and suggest averaging the errors or ignoring them and comparing the observations directly.
  • #1
Hi, physics undergrad here with bad statistics skills!

I'm working on my 3rd year project and I need to do some statistical analysis. First, I'll paint the scene:

We have a number of tables, each of 10,000+ sources taken from the space telescope Herschel. They have had their flux measured at two time intervals ~ 8 hours apart. For each source I had flux1, flux2 and each data point has an error. So my table looks like:

| Flux_1 | Err_1 | Flux_2 | Err_2 |
(lots of data)

I need to run a paired two sample t test (I believe) on this data to see if any sources have significant changes in flux over the 8 hour period.

I've been looking at two sample t tests everywhere and I can't seem to find an example that has errors associated with each value taken.

I was hoping someone could shine some light on the situation that I'm in. And perhaps drop some hints on how I would implement running the tests on each data point. Excel or Python, maybe something easier?


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  • #2
It sounds to me like you are looking to conduct 10,000+ independent comparisons.
H0 : Flux1_i-Flux2_i = 0
H1 : |Flux1_i - Flux2_i|>0
If the errors are similar, then it is best to average the error for your test. Assuming your error term is the standard error (S), and based on the same number of observations in the system, then you can use:
##S^2_p = \frac{S_1^2 + S_2^2}{2}##
##t_0 = \frac{Flux_1 - Flux_2}{\sqrt{S^2_p/2}}##

The other option would be to ignore the error term and just compare the observations. This might be prudent if the errors are relatively small compared to the observations.
Doing that would follow the standard process form paired tests, where you are testing the pairwise difference against the mean difference of the total sample.

FAQ: Can a Paired Two Sample T Test Reveal Significant Changes in Flux over 8 Hours?

1. What is a paired two sample t test?

A paired two sample t test is a statistical method used to compare the means of two related groups. It is used when the two groups being compared are not independent, meaning that the data in one group is somehow related to the data in the other group. For example, the same group of individuals may be measured before and after a treatment, or two different measurements may be taken from the same sample group.

2. When should a paired two sample t test be used?

A paired two sample t test should be used when the data being compared is paired or dependent. This means that the same individuals or samples are being measured in both groups, and their data is somehow connected. It is commonly used in medical or scientific studies where the same group of individuals is being tested before and after a treatment or intervention.

3. How is a paired two sample t test performed?

To perform a paired two sample t test, the data from each group must first be paired in some way. This could be through matching individuals or samples, or by using the same individuals or samples for both groups. Then, the differences between the paired data points are calculated and a single sample t test is performed on these differences. The results of the t test will indicate whether there is a significant difference between the means of the two groups.

4. What are the assumptions of a paired two sample t test?

The assumptions of a paired two sample t test are: 1) the data is normally distributed, 2) the variances of the two groups are equal, and 3) the data points are paired or dependent. Violation of these assumptions can lead to inaccurate results. It is important to check these assumptions before performing a paired two sample t test.

5. How do you interpret the results of a paired two sample t test?

The results of a paired two sample t test will provide a t statistic and a p-value. The t statistic measures the difference between the means of the two groups, and the p-value indicates the probability of obtaining these results if there was no difference between the two groups. A p-value less than 0.05 is typically considered statistically significant, meaning that there is a significant difference between the means of the two groups. This suggests that the independent variable (such as a treatment or intervention) has had an effect on the dependent variable being measured.

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