Can a passenger flight stand mid air before landing

  • Thread starter Sathishkumarline
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    Air Flight
In summary, an airplane is flying on the wind and must be moving faster than its stalling speed to stay in the air. If the wind speed is greater than the airplane's stalling speed, the airplane will have ground speed 0 and will likely crash. However, this is rare with passenger flights.
  • #1
Hi guys,
i see passenger flight standing mid air for some moment(nearly for some 10 to 15 seconds) in sky before landing , can anyone explain how it happens..
Engineering news on
  • #2
Airliners do not stand still in the air.

Perhaps it is approaching you in such a manner that you cannot sense its motion. This happens when it is heading straight toward you. The only change you can see in under these conditions is a change in size.
  • #3
Yah... when airplanes stop moving in mid air... they crash and even then its very rare that they actually stop in mid air.

It really depends on what angle you are watching from, especially if you're moving. If you see it from a back angled position... it really does seem like the airplane is just hovering in mid air but it is definitely moving.
  • #4
Remember that an airplane is literally "flying on the wind". In order to stay in the air, its speed relative to the wind must be greater than its stalling speed. It is possible that an airplane will have ground speed 0 if the wind speed is greater than its stalling speed.
  • #5
HallsofIvy said:
It is possible that an airplane will have ground speed 0 if the wind speed is greater than its stalling speed.
Theoretically possible, yes. But not with a passenger flight, as the OP mentioned.
  • #6
There's also the size matter. For whatever psychological/physical reason, I find that large objects appear to be moving slower than small ones when they are in fact at the same speed, since the larger farther-away one crosses less angular distance in the same time. If you're used to seeing cars whizzing by up close, a 747 indeed appears to 'float' in comparison.
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  • #7
I guess what he actually meant by "standing mid air" is when vertical velocity is zero, not horizontal.
I think that pilots use this time to level the plane and prepare for landing. IMO.
  • #8
Usually, from quite a ways out (20-50 miles) the aircraft are usually in a constant rate of decent. The rate sometimes varies for weather and such, but there really isn't a purposeful time of zero decent except in cruise.

It is tough to say what the OP meant by his question.
  • #9
I would be interested in hearing about the circumstances of observation. In particular, whether the observer was in a moving vehicle. The vehicle movement and a lack of reference objects to fix the plane relative to the ground could produce a parallax that would make it appear that the plane was temporarily standing still over the runway.
  • #10
I really have no idea what the original poster is asking, as the question is entirely too vague to be given a real answer, but here's my summary of landing an airplane.

1) All airliners use instrument landing system (ILS) approaches, which provide the pilot a ground track and a glideslope. The aircraft is expected to follow this glideslope all the way across the threshold of the runway.

2) Once over the threshold, at an altitude of some ten feet, the aircraft brings the nose first level, then nose-high, in what is called the "flare." The aircraft is flying very slowly at this point, so, despite the nose-up attitude, it is in fact still very gradually losing altitude.

3) Shortly after entering flare attitude, the main wheels should touchdown. The aircraft continues to lose speed (via aerodynamic drag, thrust reversers, speed brakes, whatever) until its nosewheel naturally drops and settles onto the runway, too.

The touchdown may be affected by so-called "ground effect," a sort of artificial boost in lift caused by the presence of the ground below the wings of the plane. (Wings work by pushing some air downward; when the ground is near, it builds a high-pressure area.) This ground effect can cause an aircraft to "float" above the runway for, in some cases, up to 10-15 seconds, in flare attitude and with proper landing speed. This is almost always caused by flaring too high, but can be made worse by wind conditions. The end result of such a float is usually a sudden, jarring drop of several feet after the aircraft slows enough that its wings no longer generate adequate lift.

- Warren
  • #11
Sathishkumarline said:
Hi guys,
i see passenger flight standing mid air for some moment(nearly for some 10 to 15 seconds) in sky before landing , can anyone explain how it happens..

I have seen this MANY times myself, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that it is an optical illusion. I would suspect that when you experienced this, that you were in a moving vehicle while noticing this odd "suspension"
  • #12
"absolute certainty" you say?

I've told you a million times - don't hyperbolize!
  • #13
DaveC426913 said:
I've told you a million times - don't hyperbolize!

What do you mean? It is an illusion that the airplane is hovering in the air. What's so hyperbolic (no pun intended) about it?
  • #14
Sid, Dave was pointing out pallidin's use of hyperbole in his "absolute certainty" comment by engaging in hyperbole himself, i.e. he did not tell pallidin a million times. It really has nothing to do with the topic of the thread.
  • #15
Fred, I think sid got that, he just didn't know why I was questioning pallidin's "absolute certainty".

I'm questioning his absolute certainty because he wasn't there. He wasn't with with Sathishkumarline.

I'm not just not just bifurcating bunnies here. Pallidin, like the rest of us - can't even be sure of what Sathishkumarline is trying to describe (much of this thread has been devoted to determining the circumstances of Sath's observation). We don't yet even know if Sath was in a moving vehicle, let alone anything else.

Pallidin stating he knows anything about Sath's observation with any kind of certainty at all, is highly premature.
  • #16
I stand corrected on my use of the terms "absolute certainty" Though I believe my opinion is correct regarding the matter, my use of some terms were not.
  • #17
pallidin said:
I stand corrected on my use of the terms "absolute certainty" Though I believe my opinion is correct regarding the matter, my use of some terms were not.
I can tell you with absolute certainty that hyperbole is appropriate for what to many is a profoundly significant optical illusion. I also suspect that Sathishkumarline was in a moving vehicle while noticing this
odd "suspension". Let's hope Sathishkumarline returns soon to confirm or deny our suspicions.
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  • #18
Hi guys , sorry for the late reply :biggrin: ,
i feel that what i saw should be an optical illusion as "pallidin" says , since i notice this when iam moving in a train in opposite direction to that of the plane , and not when iam moving along the direction of the plane...i notice this when iam moving in MRT(singapore local train)
  • #19
Yep, that's an illusion caused by parallax.
  • #20
What reference points you have to gauge its motion? If you have only the sky behind it then you have none, this makes it very difficult to see the motion.
  • #21
here is a Pictorial presentation in attachment.. may be this explain more clear..


  • Untitled-3.gif
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  • #22
You guys need to upgrade your trains.
  • #23
odd.. if they are going in opposite directions.. then youll see the horizontal movement of it really quickly, but the vertical won't be apparent because as you move away from an object you naturally expect things to look smaller.. so yes it is an optical illusion.
  • #24
An object between the train and the plane (moving in opposing directions) would act as somewhat of a pivot point to your line of sight. Using this as a reference, would obfuscate the perception of horizontal motion. Fixed objects, in your field of vision, closer to the train would tend toward “out running” the plane supporting the illusion of reduced forward motion to the plane.
  • #25
I think the airplane can hover in the mid-air if it is at sufficiently great height, but at the time of landing, it is almost impossible.
  • #26
Excellence said:
I think the airplane can hover in the mid-air if it is at sufficiently great height, but at the time of landing, it is almost impossible.
Umm...that is absolutely incorrect. There is no hovering. If you meant to say it APPEARS to hover when at higher altitudes, then you are saying what has already been said.
  • #27
Depends on how well you know the position of the plane - As Heisenberg predicts, its momentum could easily be anything :rolleyes:

But seriously, though, I fly aircraft myself, albeit much smaller and slower, and I know very well what happens if you go many knots below tall speed, thankyou very much. :eek:

So I guess it's pretty safe to assume it's an optical illusion. My friend experienced something similar when he was traveling on a RoRo ferry, and when he looked at the water the boat appeared to slow down. After some thinking and walking back and forth like an idiot watching the waves I could conlude it was due to parallax of the side rail on the boat.
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FAQ: Can a passenger flight stand mid air before landing

1. Can a passenger flight really stand mid air before landing?

No, a passenger flight cannot physically stand or hover mid air before landing. In order for a flight to stay in the air, it requires forward motion and lift from its wings. Once the plane starts to slow down, it will eventually lose lift and begin to descend towards the ground.

2. What happens during the descent phase of a passenger flight?

During the descent phase, the pilot will gradually decrease the power to the engines, causing the plane to slow down and lose altitude. The flaps and slats on the wings will also be extended to increase drag and help the plane descend at a controlled rate.

3. How does a pilot determine when to start the descent for landing?

The pilot will use a combination of visual cues and instruments to determine when to begin the descent for landing. They will also consider factors such as air traffic, weather conditions, and the weight of the aircraft.

4. Is it possible for a passenger flight to abort a landing and go back into the air?

Yes, it is possible for a passenger flight to abort a landing and go back into the air. This is known as a go-around procedure, and it can be initiated for various reasons such as poor visibility, runway obstruction, or an unstable approach.

5. What safety measures are in place to ensure a smooth landing for passengers?

Before landing, the pilot and co-pilot will perform a series of checks and procedures to ensure the safety of the passengers. These include checking the landing gear, flaps, and brakes, as well as communicating with air traffic control and monitoring weather conditions. In addition, pilots undergo extensive training and are experienced in handling various landing scenarios.
