Can a Point-Like Particle Defy the Uncertainty Principle?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of a spatial frame of reference being attached to a point-like particle, where the particle is at rest at the origin and has a definite position and momentum. This is normally considered a violation of the uncertainty principle, but the principle only applies to actual measurements. The conversation also mentions that there is no such thing as a point particle and the paradox is resolved by not breaking it in the first place. The uncertainty principle is also discussed in relation to the double slit experiment.
  • #1
Imagine a spatial frame of reference attached to a point-like particle. It has x=0 since it is at the origin and p=0 since it is at rest. Having definite position and momentum is normally considered a violation of the uncertainty principle. How would you resolve this paradox?

1. Position frames and momentum frames are not the same. I.e. there is no such thing as a common "spatial" frame, because such a frame would imply a common eigenstate for both position and momentum representations in the frame indicated above.
2. This special case is an exception.
3. The uncertainty principle applies only to actual measurements.
4. There is no such thing as a point particle.
5. Other.

I have my own resolution of this paradox, centered on (3), but the implications are many and complex and would probably be considered speculative (though I think they are obvious and focused on the distinction between translations and boosts and their unitary representations*) so I won't relate it here, but I'd love to hear what others think.

*If anyone wants to know my resolution, pm me.
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  • #2
I don't think its possible to choose such frame of referance. You can't set a point which point particle is rest. Its just not possible due to QM affect so I don't think its a paradox.
  • #3
mikeyork said:
It has x=0 since it is at the origin
This doesn't make sense. You define a frame such that the particle is at rest in that frame. It doesn't mean that the quantum particle is found at a single point in that frame.
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  • #4
1. is correct.
3. and 4. are correct in some interpretations of QM, but not all.
  • #5
DrClaude said:
This doesn't make sense. You define a frame such that the particle is at rest in that frame. It doesn't mean that the quantum particle is found at a single point in that frame.
I defined it as attached to the particle (at the origin).
  • #6
mikeyork said:
I defined it as attached to the particle (at the origin).
A frame of reference is a rule for assigning coordinates to events in spacetime; it's not "attached" to anything. We can perform a measurement on the particle, get some position out of that measurement, and declare that position at the moment of measurement to be the origin of our coordinate system. However, that doesn't attach the frame to the particle and there's no reason why a subsequent measurement of the particle should find it at the origin.
  • #7
Nugatory said:
A frame of reference is a rule for assigning coordinates to events in spacetime; it's not "attached" to anything. We can perform a measurement on the particle, get some position out of that measurement, and declare that position at the moment of measurement to be the origin of our coordinate system. However, that doesn't attach the frame to the particle and there's no reason why a subsequent measurement of the particle should find it at the origin.
If you don't like the word "attached", think of it as a location of the origin. An observer has a frame in which they are at the origin and at rest in that frame. That is what I mean by attached. But a spatial frame of reference, does not need an observer, it just needs a location and a path for that location. If we think of the particle as having its own frame of reference (as if it were its own "observer"), then it is both at the origin and at rest in that frame and we can think of the frame as moving with the particle so that the statements "at the origin" and "at rest" are time independent.
  • #8
The paradox is resolved by not breaking it in the first place. You began with "I have broken the uncertainty principle" and end with "now how does this reconcile with the uncertainty principle?". No such frame exists for electrons, which is the meaning of the principle.

By which i mean, when you say "p=0" - p does not equal 0. I think the big issue missing here is how momenta and space are linked - TIME.
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  • #9
Ben Wilson said:
No such frame exists for electrons, which is the meaning of the principle.
So, you are saying that an electron (1) cannot have its own frame of reference and (2) that there is no transformation (translation, boost or acceleration) relating it to the frame of its observer?
  • #10
mikeyork said:
So, you are saying that an electron (1) cannot have its own frame of reference and (2) that there is no transformation (translation, boost or acceleration) relating it to the frame of its observer?
generally, yes. Take the double slit experiment: Which slit did the electron's frame of reference move through?
  • #11
Ben Wilson said:
generally, yes. Take the double slit experiment: Which slit did the electrons frame of reference move through?
Only the electron and the slit know that. There is no other observer unless you place one at the slit.
  • #12
mikeyork said:
Only the electron and the slit know that. There is no other observer unless you place one at the slit.
I must correct you in that the slit and electron do not know either, hence the interference pattern (see 2:10 in vid).

'Attatched to", "located at", "has a frame orginating from" etc. are different terminologies you are using for essentially the same thing. The point of unc princ is that you can't do any of those things if you want to have knowledge of electron momentum p no matter how you choose to paramaterise the spatial geometry.

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  • #13
Ben Wilson said:
I must correct you in that the slit and electron do not know either, hence the interference pattern.
The interference pattern results from the projection of the prepared state onto the position basis of the screen. This takes place in the frame of the screen. The electron always knows exactly where it is in its own frame (i..e. at the origin). (Remember that a frame transformation is a unitary transformation and therefore can convert an eigenstate into a superposition or vice versa. So the unitary transformation representing the frame change from electron to screen will actually transform an eigenstate of position in the electron's frame into a superposition of positions in the screen's frame and therefore generating the observable interference pattern.)
  • #14
mikeyork said:
The interference pattern results from the projection of the prepared state onto the position basis of the screen. This takes place in the frame of the screen. The electron always knows exactly where it is in its own frame (i..e. at the origin). (Remember that a frame transformation is a unitary transorfmation and therefore can convert an eigenstate into a superposition or vice versa. So the unitary transformation representing the frame change from electron to screen will actually transform an eigenstate of position in the electron's frame into a superposition of positions in the screen's frame and therefore generating the observable interference pattern.)

Apologies for the patronising childishness of the vid, i just wanted the pattern haha. I don't think that's correct but there's a lot of jargon to break through.
  • #15
Ben, I think your position is option (1) -- that there is no "spatial" fame as such and that position and momentum frames are distinct. This seems to be the popular position of others who have responded.

My criticism of this position is as follows:

Position and momentum eigenstates are related by unitary transformations. But so are frame transformations. If position representations and momentum representations both span the entire Hilbert space, this suggests that there is also a corresponding frame transformation that takes a position frame into a momentum frame. So what is this physically?
  • #16
I don't see the relevance of that math, i apologise. the way i see it is you're trying to model electrons as little flying axes, but whether you label it as a point particle or flying axes you come unstuck because the position IS undefined, not 0. This is because if I'm in a different frame, and want to transform to the electron frame, then I'm going to need an operator that transforms [undefined] to [0] which i can't see having any nontrivial use? or maybe I'm mistaken

Maybe you can assign a co moving reference frame centered on a quantum wave packet, but not a point electron at position x=R.
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  • #17
Ben Wilson said:
I'm going to need an operator that transforms [undefined] to [0]
No. You need an operator that transforms a superposition to an eigenstate. This is a unitary operator.
  • #18
mikeyork said:
So, you are saying that an electron (1) cannot have its own frame of reference and (2) that there is no transformation (translation, boost or acceleration) relating it to the frame of its observer?
"The frame of its observer" and "its own frame of reference" are common but sloppy ways of saying "a frame in which the electron is at rest" and "a frame in which the observer is at rest", respectively. It's easier to speak this way and the sloppiness generally doesn't matter, which is why we often use these not quite precise terms, but sometimes it can mislead - and this is one of those times.

There is no frame in which the electron is at rest in the sense that repeated position measurements would the same result. There is a frame in which the expectation value of the second position measurement does not change with time and is equal to the originally measured position, and we could reasonably agree to call that frame "the electron's own frame of reference". However, in that frame there is uncertainty about the electron's position; the expectation value is constant, but a position measurement doesn't in general yield that result.
  • #19
Nugatory said:
"The frame of its observer" and "its own frame of reference" are common but sloppy ways of saying "a frame in which the electron is at rest" and "a frame in which the observer is at rest", respectively.
Or "The electron is at the origin" and "the observer is at the origin". You can't specify which until you specify whether you are measuring position or momentum. In the absence of measurement, what is the distinction?
There is no frame in which the electron is at rest in the sense that repeated position measurements would the same result. There is a frame in which the expectation value of the second position measurement does not change with time and is equal to the originally measured position, and we could reasonably agree to call that frame "the electron's own frame of reference". However, in that frame there is uncertainty about the electron's position; the expectation value is constant, but a position measurement doesn't in general yield that result.
Again this argument is one about measurement. It seems to me you are invoking option (3) and/or (4) but interpreting it as option (1) when they are not the same thing.

I have no disagreement with option (3). I do however have doubts about option (1).
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  • #20
Aharonov and Kaufherr (1984) covers this very topic

They define quantum reference frames. They write,
"The reference frames...can be thought of as laboratories containing rulers, clocks, etc., all of which are rigidly attached to the walls of the laboratory."
The laboratories are finite mass, and therefore the laboratory obeys the uncertainty principle when viewed from another external reference frame.

I haven't perused the paper yet, but they present certain paradoxes and claim to resolve them.
  • #21
Khashishi said:
Aharonov and Kaufherr (1984) covers this very topic

They define quantum reference frames. They write,
"The reference frames...can be thought of as laboratories containing rulers, clocks, etc., all of which are rigidly attached to the walls of the laboratory."
The laboratories are finite mass, and therefore the laboratory obeys the uncertainty principle when viewed from another external reference frame.

I haven't perused the paper yet, but they present certain paradoxes and claim to resolve them.
Thanks very much for this. I was aware that Aharonov had written extensively on quantum frames but have always had difficulty accessing his papers. Do you have an electronic version of the paper you recommend? It's always difficult justifying paying for a paper when you don't really know very much about the relevance of its contents.
  • #22

Have you been watching this thread? I strongly suspect you would have something interesting to say.
  • #23
mikeyork said:
Thanks very much for this. I was aware that Aharonov had written extensively on quantum frames but have always had difficulty accessing his papers. Do you have an electronic version of the paper you recommend? It's always difficult justifying paying for a paper when you don't really know very much about the relevance of its contents.
What they show is the interesting properties that arise from assigning such a coordinate system to a quantum system, resulting from uncertainty of momentum p with a fully determined position x=0.

here are some freebies: ,

reference frames are quantized and [x,p]≠0.
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  • #24
Nugatory said:
"The frame of its observer" and "its own frame of reference" are common but sloppy ways of saying "a frame in which the electron is at rest" and "a frame in which the observer is at rest", respectively. It's easier to speak this way and the sloppiness generally doesn't matter, which is why we often use these not quite precise terms, but sometimes it can mislead - and this is one of those times.

Why i like the term co-moving frame which lends well to the implausibility of co-moving with the electron. But I'm sure this is also an inadequate piece of language for qm.
  • #25
mikeyork said:
I have my own resolution of this paradox, centered on (3), but the implications are many and complex and would probably be considered speculative (though I think they are obvious and focused on the distinction between translations and boosts and their unitary representations*) so I won't relate it here, but I'd love to hear what others think.
We don't discuss personal theories on PF.
*If anyone wants to know my resolution, pm me.
Neither do we support hidden parallel platforms.

Thread closed.

FAQ: Can a Point-Like Particle Defy the Uncertainty Principle?

1. What is the uncertainty paradox?

The uncertainty paradox is a philosophical concept that describes the paradoxical nature of knowledge and certainty. It suggests that the more we know about a certain topic, the more we realize how much we do not know, leading to a perpetual state of uncertainty.

2. How does the uncertainty paradox relate to science?

The uncertainty paradox is often discussed in the context of scientific knowledge. As scientists continue to make new discoveries and advancements, they also uncover new questions and uncertainties. This can lead to a constant cycle of uncertainty and the realization that there is always more to learn.

3. Is the uncertainty paradox a hindrance to scientific progress?

No, the uncertainty paradox is not a hindrance to scientific progress. In fact, it is a driving force for scientific inquiry and discovery. The acknowledgement of uncertainty motivates scientists to continue exploring and seeking answers to unanswered questions.

4. How can scientists deal with the uncertainty paradox?

Scientists can deal with the uncertainty paradox by embracing it and using it to drive their research and exploration. They can also acknowledge and communicate uncertainties in their findings, and continue to seek new information and evidence to improve their understanding.

5. Does the uncertainty paradox apply to all fields of science?

Yes, the uncertainty paradox applies to all fields of science. It is a fundamental aspect of the pursuit of knowledge and understanding in any scientific discipline. No matter how much we learn, there will always be more to discover and uncertainties to explore.
