Can a politician truly represent the political views of people who elect him/her

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  • Thread starter Benzoate
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In summary, I think most US politicians have their own personal views that sometimes differ from the views of their constituents. However, the good ones usually try to represent the views of their constituents to the best of their abilities.
  • #1
... if a particular politician holds personal political and religious beliefs that greatly contrast with their congressional district view? Frankly, I cannot see how a politician writes a law without his own personal views affecting what kind of law he writes. Ideally, citizens who elect public servants like US Congressmen and US Senators, alderman want those public servants to serve as mouthpieces for them so they're concerns will be heard in a larger forum of public discourse . Politicians are like a microphone to a person who voice wants to be hear in a large stadium arena filled with 20,000 people. They are not suppose to place their own personal views on the table but are basically the messengers for their constituents. This is never the case.Because politicians are human beings who have their own personal beliefs just like their constituents. You have politicians who pass laws that would put restrictions on mediums like radio and televisions to keep radio hosts and tv shows from saying certain things on tv because of their personal beliefs about what children should hear/watch and should not hear/watch. You have politicians passing laws that would ban gay marriage because of their personal beliefs of who should be included in a marriage. You have politicians who may vote on laws that fund physics projects like the SuperConducting Collider that is now a defunct project that many if not the majority of that congressman constiuents would not even know what a superconductor is let alone a superconductor collider

Do you think most US politicians today truly represent the views of the people who elect them or do you think most politician who get elected have their own agenda to promote? We all know a lot of politicians in washington carry some degree of corruption, but is that the norm or do you think most politicians most of the time look out for the well-being of their constituents? I say US politicians because the United States is presented as a representative democracy rather than a direct democracy
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  • #2
The bad ones truly represent the people who elected them. The really bad ones. Keep in mind that the majority of people range from dumb to truly stupid. Bush is in this category.

The good ones tell a bunch of lies during the election and then do what is right. Reagan comes to mind in this category.
  • #3
wildman said:
The bad ones truly represent the people who elected them. The really bad ones. Keep in mind that the majority of people range from dumb to truly stupid. Bush is in this category.

The good ones tell a bunch of lies during the election and then do what is right. Reagan comes to mind in this category.

what do you mean "The good ones tell a bunch of lies during the election and then do what is right. Reagan comes to mind in this category."? What lies did Reagan tell ?

I don't think so . People who elected Bush and the majority of americans are strongly against amnesty for illegal aliens. I think you are right about people being misinformed about the politicians they elect though. Most congressman voted to raised their salaries even though I'm sure most Americans would be against congress raising their own salaries/
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  • #4
Benzoate said:
what do you mean "The good ones tell a bunch of lies during the election and then do what is right. Reagan comes to mind in this category."? What lies did Reagan tell ?

I don't think so . People who elected Bush and the majority of americans are strongly against amnesty for illegal aliens. I think you are right about people being misinformed about the politicians they elect though. Most congressman voted to raised their salaries even though I'm sure most Americans would be against congress raising their own salaries/

Well, hmmm... I guess Bush did lie about illegals. He is strongly for amnesty.

I guess what I mean is that Reagan talked tough, but really was careful in the World. For instance he pulled immediately out of Lebanon when things went sour. He wasn't afraid to back off even if it didn't fit what he had said to his supporters. Bush talked tough and then tried to follow through with being tough with spectacularly bad results.
  • #5
Does doing what is in the interest of one's constituents necessarily mean doing what they would have you do?

Related to Can a politician truly represent the political views of people who elect him/her

1. Can a politician truly represent the political views of people who elect him/her?

This is a complex question with no definitive answer. Generally, a politician's job is to represent the interests of their constituents, but whether or not they are able to fully represent the political views of every individual who elects them is debated. Some argue that a politician should represent the majority of their constituents, while others believe they should strive to represent the diverse views of all individuals.

2. How can a politician accurately understand the political views of their constituents?

To accurately understand the political views of their constituents, a politician must engage in active listening and communication. This can include holding town hall meetings, conducting surveys, and meeting with community organizations to gain a better understanding of the issues and concerns of their constituents.

3. What factors can influence a politician's representation of their constituents' political views?

A politician's representation of their constituents' political views can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as their personal beliefs and values, their party's platform, pressure from special interest groups, and the current political climate. It is important for politicians to balance these influences and make decisions that align with the best interests of their constituents.

4. Can a politician change their representation of their constituents' political views over time?

Yes, a politician's representation of their constituents' political views can change over time. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as a shift in their own beliefs, changes in their party's platform, or feedback from their constituents. It is important for politicians to remain open-minded and adaptable in order to accurately represent their constituents' evolving political views.

5. How can constituents hold politicians accountable for their representation of their political views?

Constituents can hold politicians accountable for their representation of their political views through various means, such as voting in elections, communicating their concerns and opinions to their elected officials, and participating in grassroots movements and advocacy efforts. It is important for constituents to stay informed and engaged in the political process to ensure their voices are heard and their interests are represented by their elected officials.

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