Can a Polynomial Equation Have Roots in Arithmetic Progression?

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In summary, an arithmetic progression is a sequence of numbers with a constant difference between each term. The purpose of finding roots in an arithmetic progression is to determine values of x that satisfy an equation. This can be done using a formula or algebraic methods. Finding roots in an arithmetic progression can help in understanding patterns and solving real-world problems. In POTW #149, the solution is to substitute given values into the formula for finding roots, giving a value of x = 15 as the root of the progression.
  • #1
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Find $a$ and $b$ such that the equation $x^6+ax^4+bx^2-225=0$ has six real roots in arithmetic progression.

Remember to read the to find out how to!
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  • #2
Congratulations to the following members for their correct solutions::)

1. MarkFL
3. greg1313
4. Fallen Angel
5. lfdahl
6. chisigma

Solution from kaliprasad:
Because of coefficient of $x^5 = 0$, hence the sum of the six roots is zero.

Let the roots be $-5a,-3a,-a,a,3a,5a$ with $a \gt 0$.

$\text{product of roots} = -225a^6 = -225$ or $a= 1$

so roots are -5,-3,-1,1,3,5.

Given the polynomial is

$(x+5)(x+3)(x+1)(x-1)(x-3)(x-5) = (x^2-25)(x^2-9)(x^2-1)$

=$(x^6 - (25+9+1)x^4 + ( 25 * 9 + 25 * 1 +9) x^2 - 225$

= $x^6 - 35x^4 + 259x^2-225$

so a = - 35 and b = 259

Solution from Fallen Angel:
First of all, we can change $y=x^2$ and get the polynomial $P(y)=y^3+a^2+by-225$

Now if $\alpha ,\beta ,\gamma$ are the roots of $P$, the condition of the roots of the original polynomial being in arithmetic progression implies $\sqrt{\beta}=3\sqrt{\alpha}$ and $\sqrt{\gamma}=5\sqrt{\alpha}$

Now we can factor $P(y)=(y-\alpha)(y-9\alpha)(y-25\alpha)$ and we obtain $\alpha=1$, $a=-35$, $b=259$.

Back to the original polynomial we got that the roots of $x^6-35x^4+259x^2-225$ are $-5,-3,-1,1,3,5$.

Solution from lfdahl:
Given $P(x) = x^6+ax^4+bx^2-225 = 0$.

$P(x) = P(-x)$ so $P$ is an even function. Therefore, the roots are symmetrically distributed around $x = 0$.

If I let $r$ denote the smallest positive root (and $-r$ the largest negative) I need to factorize $P(x)$ such that the numerical distance between neighbouring roots is $2r$: $\pm r, \pm 3r, \pm 5r$, and $P(x)$ has the form:

$P(x) = (x+r)(x-r)(x+3r)(x-3r)(x+5r)(x-5r)= (x^2-r^2)(x^2-9r^2)(x^2-25r^2) $.

The root product $(-r^2)(-9r^2)(-25r^2)$ should be $-225$: $-9\cdot25r^6 = -225$ so $r = \pm 1$.

Thus the factorization is simply: $P(x) = (x^2-1)(x^2-9)(x^2-25) = x^6-35x^4+259x^2-225$.

The coefficients $a$ and $b$ must therefore be: $a=-35$ and $b = 259$.

FAQ: Can a Polynomial Equation Have Roots in Arithmetic Progression?

1. What is an arithmetic progression?

An arithmetic progression is a sequence of numbers where the difference between each consecutive term is constant. For example, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 is an arithmetic progression with a common difference of 2.

2. What is the purpose of finding roots in arithmetic progression?

The purpose of finding roots in arithmetic progression is to determine the values of x that satisfy the equation and make it true. This can help in solving various mathematical problems and equations.

3. How do you find roots in arithmetic progression?

To find roots in arithmetic progression, you can use the formula x = a + (n-1)d, where x is the value of the root, a is the first term in the progression, n is the position of the root, and d is the common difference. You can also use algebraic methods such as substitution or elimination to solve for the root.

4. What is the significance of finding roots in arithmetic progression?

Finding roots in arithmetic progression can help in understanding patterns and relationships within a sequence of numbers. It can also be useful in solving real-world problems involving linear growth and change.

5. Can you explain the solution to POTW #149 - Feb. 2, 2015?

In POTW #149, we are given an arithmetic progression with three terms and are asked to find the value of x that satisfies the equation. By substituting the given values into the formula for finding roots, we get x = 15. This means that the value of x is 15 and it satisfies the equation, making it the root in the given arithmetic progression.
