Can a primitive galaxy nova or supernova?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of a primitive galaxy undergoing a nova or supernova event, and questions whether this process may be involved in star production or the formation of a quasar. The speakers also consider the possibility of a significant mass of a galaxy collapsing all the way to a black hole, and how this may affect the formation of a supermassive black hole in the galaxy's nucleus. They discuss the concept of fragmentation and its potential role in the early universe, particularly in the formation of supermassive black holes. The conversation also touches on the issue of how supermassive black holes form so quickly in the early universe and the limitations imposed by the Eddington limit.
  • #1
Loren Booda
Can a primitive galaxy nova or supernova? Might the former process be involved with star production or the latter with a quasar?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Can that which drives a nova or supernova be present thoughtout a galaxy?
  • #3
Huh? A whole galaxy? Its not even March, much less April 1.
  • #4
Perhaps, if a significant mass of a galaxy collapses, it does so all they way to a black hole (quasar?) without any obvious stages like a star. However would we describe the formation of our Galaxy's supermassive black hole in terms of its effect on the outlying galactic nucleus?
  • #5
Loren Booda said:
Perhaps, if a significant mass of a galaxy collapses, it does so all they way to a black hole (quasar?) without any obvious stages like a star.

This doesn't happen.

Collapse of any appreciable portion of a galaxy's mass would proceed so slowly and non-uniformly as to either not directly collapse into a black hole or simply create one (or even several) stellar-mass black hole with accreting matter.

You cannot create a stellar object above ~150 solar masses anyways, because the increase in temperature as the cloud collapses causes it to expand again. As far as I know, collapse of masses larger than this must proceed via fragmentation rather than a unified collapse.
  • #6

"Fragmentation" suggests what I had been looking for. How does this proceed in the early universe?
  • #7
A good read might be
Might we eventually understand the origin of the dark matter velocity anisotropy?
Im not suggesting this is particularly mainstream, but might be along the lines you are thinking.
  • #8
Loren Booda said:

"Fragmentation" suggests what I had been looking for. How does this proceed in the early universe?

I'm not sure if there's a very good description of how this proceeds, especially in the early universe. I don't exactly keep up with published papers, and know of no good explanation off the top of my head.
  • #9
This touches on an important issue:

how do supermassive black holes (SMBH) form so quickly in the early universe?

We've detected quasars, whose energy output suggests that they are powered by SMBHs with a mass of [itex]10^9 M_{sun}[/itex], and that show redshifts greater than 6. This implies that a SMBH must have formed less than a billion years after the big bang. Why is this a problem? Accretion onto SMBHs is limited. If the accretion disk around a SMBH produces too much light then the photon pressure will overwhelm gravity and push the accreting matter away--thus the Eddington limit is born. Thus you can guess how fast the SMBH can grow and, sure enough, they can't grow fast enough to reach [itex]10^9 M_{sun}[/itex] in a billion years.

This why workers are seeking ways to circumvent the Eddington limit either by the collapse of mini dark matter halos (similar to what your saying) much more massive than a solar mass or other means.

Related to Can a primitive galaxy nova or supernova?

1. Can a primitive galaxy experience a nova or supernova?

Yes, it is possible for a primitive galaxy to experience a nova or supernova event. However, the likelihood of this happening depends on various factors such as the size and age of the galaxy, the presence of certain types of stars, and the formation of new stars.

2. How often do primitive galaxies experience nova or supernova events?

The frequency of nova or supernova events in primitive galaxies is not well understood. These events are rare and can occur spontaneously, making it difficult to predict their frequency. It is estimated that a supernova event may occur once every 100 years in a galaxy like our Milky Way.

3. What is the difference between a nova and a supernova?

Nova and supernova are both types of stellar explosions, but they differ in their cause and intensity. A nova occurs when a white dwarf star in a binary system suddenly increases in brightness due to a sudden burst of nuclear fusion. A supernova, on the other hand, is the explosive death of a massive star, resulting in a much more powerful and destructive event.

4. Can a primitive galaxy survive a supernova?

It is possible for a primitive galaxy to survive a supernova event, depending on its distance from the explosion and the strength of the event. If a supernova occurs too close to a galaxy, it can cause significant damage or even destroy it. However, if the galaxy is far enough away, it may only experience minor effects such as an increase in radiation.

5. How do scientists study nova and supernova events in primitive galaxies?

Scientists use various methods to study nova and supernova events in primitive galaxies, including telescopes that can detect different types of radiation, such as X-rays and gamma rays. They also use computer simulations and data from previous observations to understand the behavior and characteristics of these events in different types of galaxies.

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