Can a Spacecraft Achieve Light Speed Using Jupiter's Magnetic Field?

In summary: Virtual particles may be a good topic for a different may be better to leave virtual particles out of any talk of the speed of light, as things tend to get...confusing if you bring them up anywhere but the QM forum.
  • #1
I heard that light speed is attainable for a spacecraft from Jupiter's magnetic field and by Lorentz force. in this concept electric charge is turned on in a spacecraft orbiting Jupiter and Lorentz force caused by Jupiter's high magnetic field causes spacecraft to rotate around Jupiter faster and faster; when light speed is attained electric charge is turned off and spacecraft shoots through space at light speed.

my question is this; is any velocity higher than Jupiter's escape velocity is possible to attained by the above said concept?

I strongly feel that after attaining escape velocity of Jupiter, spacecraft will shoot to outer space: am I correct?
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  • #2
sr241 said:
I heard that light speed is attainable for a spacecraft from Jupiter's magnetic field and by Lorentz force. in this concept electric charge is turned on in a spacecraft orbiting Jupiter and Lorentz force caused by Jupiter's high magnetic field causes spacecraft to rotate around Jupiter faster and faster; when light speed is attained electric charge is turned off and spacecraft shoots through space at light speed.

my question is this; is any velocity higher than Jupiter's escape velocity is possible to attained by the above said concept?

I strongly feel that after attaining escape velocity of Jupiter, spacecraft will shoot to outer space: am I correct?

Bud, SR forbids *all* travel through space at or faster than the local value of C. Put another way, you can never go as fast or faster than light through a given medium.

Escape velocity from Jupiter does not equal escape velocity from the sun.
  • #3

FalseVaccum89 said:
Put another way, you can never go as fast or faster than light through a given medium.

Sure you can. Cherenkov radiation is a direct result of particle traveling faster than light through a medium. The key is that nothing can ever exceed c, the speed of light in a vacuum, and nothing with invariant mass can ever reach c.
  • #4

Drakkith said:
Sure you can. Cherenkov radiation is a direct result of particle traveling faster than light through a medium. The key is that nothing can ever exceed c, the speed of light in a vacuum, and nothing with invariant mass can ever reach c.

Intriguing. . . Your comment spurred me to do some more digging, and it appears that virtual photons (per QFT) don't even have to travel at c over short distances.

Richard Feynman said:
...there is also an amplitude for light to go faster (or slower) than the conventional speed of light. You found out in the last lecture that light doesn't go only in straight lines; now, you find out that it doesn't go only at the speed of light! It may surprise you that there is an amplitude for a photon to go at speeds faster or slower than the conventional speed, c."[4] These virtual photons, however, do not violate causality or special relativity, as they are not directly observable and information cannot be transmitted acausally in the theory. Feynman diagrams and virtual photons are usually interpreted not as a physical picture of what is actually taking place, but rather as a convenient calculation tool (which, in some cases, happen to involve faster-than-light velocity vectors).

Thanks for setting me straight!
  • #5

FalseVaccum89 said:
Intriguing. . . Your comment spurred me to do some more digging, and it appears that virtual photons (per QFT) don't even have to travel at c over short distances. may be better to leave virtual particles out of any talk of the speed of light, as things tend to get...confusing if you bring them up anywhere but the QM forum. Well, not even then, as things still get confusing.

FAQ: Can a Spacecraft Achieve Light Speed Using Jupiter's Magnetic Field?

1. Is light speed attainable for space craft from Jupiter's magnetic field?

No, light speed is not attainable for spacecraft, regardless of its location or source of propulsion. Light speed, or the speed of light, is a fundamental constant in the universe and is a barrier that cannot be exceeded.

2. What is the significance of Jupiter's magnetic field in relation to light speed?

Jupiter's magnetic field does not have any direct impact on light speed. However, the magnetic field does play a role in the behavior of charged particles and radiation in the space surrounding the planet.

3. Can a spacecraft travel faster than light with the help of Jupiter's magnetic field?

No, a spacecraft cannot travel faster than the speed of light, even with the assistance of Jupiter's magnetic field. The laws of physics, specifically Einstein's theory of relativity, prohibit any object from exceeding the speed of light.

4. What is the fastest speed that a spacecraft can attain in space?

The fastest speed that a spacecraft can currently attain in space is about 39,000 miles per hour, achieved by the Voyager 1 spacecraft. This is still far below the speed of light, which is approximately 670 million miles per hour.

5. Are there any proposed methods for traveling faster than light in the future?

While there are some theories and concepts being explored, such as wormholes or warp drive, there is currently no proven method for traveling faster than the speed of light. These ideas are still purely hypothetical and require much more research and development before they can be considered a possibility.
