Can a Star Exist with Negative Pressure?

In summary, It is possible to have a star with negative pressure, but it is unlikely to form due to normal gravitational forces. The concept of negative pressure itself is now common, but it is still speculative.
  • #1
Star with negative pressure?

Is it possible to have a star with matter with unusual equation of state.
Will it be possible to have a star with negative pressure.
Astronomy news on
  • #2

astromandi said:
Is it possible to have a star with matter with unusual equation of state.
Will it be possible to have a star with negative pressure.
Maybe an inflating red giant or a supernova.
  • #3

Great question!
As you may know, gravitational attraction occurs via three sources: energy, mass pressure. All are included in Einstein's mass/energy tensor in general relativity. So do "anti-gravitational" or "negative gravitational" repulsive effects.

Matter normally has positive pressure; dark matter has negative pressure and enough of that becomes other words it becomes repulsive under gravity. Negative pressure appears to be the basis of the cosmogolical constant and appears to be contained in dark energy...I don't think anybody has much of a theory yet...Oddly, unlike ordinary energy it has the same value from any reference frame...hence "cosmological".

Einstein's theory that the repulsive cosmological force is tiny and becomes large enough to overcome gravity only at cosmologically large distances is still intact...hence you and I are not moving apart as a result; gravity easily holds us and our galaxy together.

So with that as background:
I'm going to guess the answer to your question is NO, for two reasons: first the force is very tiny, second it's repulsive so it seems unlikely to me it will aggregate like positive mass ordinary matter does...due to normal gravity. But who knows?

Brian Greene discusses this in Chapter 10, FABRIC OF THE COSMOS.
  • #4

Since it is the (positive) pressure that prevents gravity from collapsing the star, a star with negative pressure would very quickly collapse.
  • #5

Why does it have to be a inflating star??
Can be have a star in equilibrium with material with negative pressure??

Suppose we have a star with no pressure atall in will collapse(free fall)
If there is a positive pressure then it would try to stop/resist the collapse.
If there is a negative pressure should it not enhance the collapse making it faster??
And we should never an ever-imploding system instead of inflating supernona?
  • #6

Depending on what is meant by negative pressure, a entity might NOT might never form because negative pressure can be gravitationally apparently with dark energy.
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  • #7

Naty1 said:
Depending on what is meant by negative pressure, a entity might NOT might never form because negative pressure can be gravitationally apparently with dark matter.

You mean dark energy; dark matter is something quite different. Dark energy stars have been pushed chiefly by George Chapline, whose theories are well outside mainstream physics.
  • #8

George, thanks I edited to replace matter with energy...The concept of negative pressure itself is now common...from Guth, Brian Greene and many others...not that such acceptance will ultimately make it correct!
  • #9

Dark energy behavior would be completely different.
Since When we deal with dark energy we have matter(Don`t know weather to call it matter or something else) with negative energy.

And we study it`s dynamics in the spatially homogeneous and isotropic universe.

Whereas when we deal with similar matter (with same equation of state) in case of the star we deal with spherically symmetric spacetime.
hence dynamics (dictated by Einstein`s equation) would be entirely different.

In the FRW universe density of dark energy remains constant.
Whereas that may not be the case in spherically symmetric spacetime. As governing Einstein`s equations are totally different.

FAQ: Can a Star Exist with Negative Pressure?

1. What is a star with negative pressure?

A star with negative pressure is a theoretical type of star that has pressure lower than the surrounding interstellar medium. It is believed that these stars may exist in the early universe, but have not yet been observed.

2. How is negative pressure possible in a star?

Negative pressure in a star is possible due to the nature of quantum mechanical effects. In a star with negative pressure, the particles exert an attractive force on each other instead of a repulsive force, resulting in negative pressure.

3. What are the potential implications of a star with negative pressure?

If a star with negative pressure is discovered, it could have significant implications for our understanding of the early universe and the formation of stars. It could also provide insights into the nature of dark energy.

4. Can a star with negative pressure exist in our current universe?

It is unlikely that a star with negative pressure exists in our current universe. The conditions necessary for the formation of such a star are believed to have only existed in the very early universe, and have since changed.

5. How can we detect a star with negative pressure?

Currently, there is no way to directly detect a star with negative pressure. However, astronomers are constantly developing new techniques and technologies that may one day allow us to observe and study these elusive objects.

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