Can a Unit Also be Nilpotent? Proving the Contradiction

In summary, the two claims state that a unit and a nilpotent element cannot coexist in a ring. A proof of the first claim involves showing that a unit and a nilpotent element would contradict the well ordering property, while a proof of the second claim can be done by multiplying by the inverse of the nilpotent element.
  • #1

Homework Statement

First Claim: If ##u \in R## is a unit, then it cannot be nilpotent

Second Claim: If ##u \in R## is nilpotent, then it cannot be a unit

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I realize these are simple problems, but I have no one to verify my work and I want to be certain I am doing things correctly. Here is a proof of the first claim:

Suppose the contrary, that ##u## is a unit and also nilpotent. This implies there exists an element ##v## that acts as a multiplicative inverse and a natural number ##n## such that ##u^n = 0##. By the well ordering property, we can take ##n## to be the smallest natural number for which ##u^n=0##. Then

##u^n = 0##

##u u^{n-1} = 0##

##vu u^{n-1} = v0##

##u^{n-1} = 0##,

contradicting the minimality of ##n##.

Does this seem right? If I am not mistaken, then proof of the second claim is identical.
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  • #2
That's correct, although I wouldn't have used ordering and minimality, which looks kind of artificial to me, like a little stone in the shoe.
You could have simply multiplied by ##v^n## instead.

FAQ: Can a Unit Also be Nilpotent? Proving the Contradiction

1. What are nilpotent elements and units?

Nilpotent elements are elements in a mathematical structure, such as a ring or algebra, that when raised to a certain power, become equal to zero. Units are elements that have a multiplicative inverse, meaning they can be multiplied by another element to equal one.

2. How do you identify nilpotent elements?

To identify nilpotent elements, you must look for elements that, when raised to a power, become equal to zero. For example, in the ring Z10, the element 2 is nilpotent because 25 = 32 = 0 (mod 10).

3. Can nilpotent elements be units?

No, nilpotent elements cannot be units. This is because units have a multiplicative inverse, which means they cannot be equal to zero. Nilpotent elements, by definition, become zero when raised to a certain power.

4. How do nilpotent elements and units affect the structure of a ring?

Nilpotent elements and units affect the structure of a ring by creating zero divisors. Zero divisors are elements that, when multiplied by another element, equal zero. This can cause problems in the structure of the ring, such as breaking the commutative property.

5. What is the significance of nilpotent elements and units in real-world applications?

Nilpotent elements and units are important in various fields of mathematics, including abstract algebra and number theory. They also have applications in computer science, particularly in coding theory and cryptography. In chemistry, nilpotent elements can represent atoms with an empty outer electron shell, and in physics, they can represent zero-energy states in quantum mechanics.
