Can a Universe-Sized Rubber Pipe Exist in Two States at Once?

In summary, the conversation discussed an experiment with a thin rubber pipe being twisted by both hands to form a torus. The question was raised about what would happen if the pipe were the size of the universe and the twists were done simultaneously. It was pointed out that the experiment was flawed as the twists do not happen instantly and the time it takes for the disturbance to travel is longer than the speed of light. It was also mentioned that there is an FAQ on rigid objects in the relativity forum that could be helpful. The question then shifted to what would happen when the two twists meet, with the conclusion that the pipe would not break but the force of the stretching rubber would cause the untwisted region to twist. The exact outcome of
  • #1
I was thinking of this problem recently and thought it'd be best if I got an answer from a physicist (or anyone else who'd know how to solve this).

Imagine a thin rubber pipe about a meter long. Holding each end of the pipe with both hands (respectively), you bend the ends inwards to form a torus (circle) with a gap where your hands are. Firmly gripping the ends of the pipe, by twisting your left hand, your right hand instantly feels the right end of the pipe twist as well, and vice versa.

Now hypothetically speaking, imagine if this pipe were the size of the universe (or at least large enough where the speed of light would take considerable time to travel it's length). With the same setup as above, if I were to simultaneously twist the right side clockwise and the left size ANTI-clockwise;

- What direction is the pipe twisting?
- What happens when these twists (moving at the speed of light) meet?
- Is this a physical paradox whereby a single object can exist in two states at once?

Even more puzzling;

- What happens if I shift both my hands outwards in opposite directions? (in comparison to doing this with the 1m pipe, where moving my left hand outwards in reference to the circle would see the other end of the pipe replace the area where my left hand was)

Answers appreciated.
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  • #2

To help visualize my 4th question. Grey ovals are where your hands are. Interesting to consider that because the effects of doing this on a hypothetical galactic pipe are delayed, the mind (from experience and through intuition) visualizes the pipe as decreased/decreasing in length.
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  • #3
Unfortunately your experiment is flawed. When you twist one end the other one doesn't twist instantly. It takes some time for the disturbance to travel.
  • #4
And the time it takes to travel is considerably longer than the one light takes to go through vacuum at the speed of c , so in real life light would have completed it's journey to the other end while the material would still be twisting to get to the newly given shape.
  • #5
There's an FAQ in the relativity forum that may be a helpful starting point:

It focuses on rigid objects, but it's applicable to your non-rigid rubber tube as well because the basic point is that when dealing with relativistic speeds... Nothing is rigid.
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  • #6
Gordianus said:
Unfortunately your experiment is flawed. When you twist one end the other one doesn't twist instantly. It takes some time for the disturbance to travel.

'Instantly' as in if I were to punch you, you'd feel the pain "instantly". I was talking in a general sense. Technically, the twist is moving much slower than c, but that doesn't change anything. Irrelevant to how slow or fast the twist is going, it's going. And what happens when they meet?

Crazymechanic said:
And the time it takes to travel is considerably longer than the one light takes to go through vacuum at the speed of c , so in real life light would have completed it's journey to the other end while the material would still be twisting to get to the newly given shape.

I understand this, but as stated above, nothing changes.

Nugatory said:
There's an FAQ in the relativity forum that may be a helpful starting point:

It focuses on rigid objects, but it's applicable to your non-rigid rubber tube as well because the basic point is that when dealing with relativistic speeds... Nothing is rigid.

Interesting link, but my question is not an attempt to have something travel faster than light. It's one questioning the object itself and how we define it and it's state in an abstract situation. For example, here's another question:

When the two twists meet;

- Does the pipe break?

I'd say no, because there's not enough force being applied for that to happen. So if it doesn't break;

- What happens?
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  • #7
__________ said:
When the two twists meet;
- Does the pipe break? I'd say no, because there's not enough force being applied for that to happen. So if it doesn't break;
- What happens?

OK, I think I see what you're asking. We can simplify the problem some by not making the length of the tube anywhere close to the size of the universe; all that's necessary is that it be long enough so that the twist/wave takes a noticeable amount of time to get from one end to the other. That's going to be at most a few tens of meters for any reasonable rubber tube-like object - no relativity, no weird universe-wide effects.

You're right that the tube won't break. There's no reason why it should, as we're only twisting it by a quarter-turn or so, and it's elastic enough to handle that easily.

So what does happen? First, imagine that you twist the tube only with your left hand, so there's only one wave traveling through the tube; it will eventually arrive at your right hand. Behind the wavefront, the tube is twisted one-quarter turn and ahead of the wavefront the tube is untwisted. The interesting stuff is happening at the wavefront, where the rubber between the twisted and untwisted regions is stretched; the force of the stretching rubber is tending to twist the untwisted region, moving the wavefront towards your right hand.

Now if you start a second wave by twisting the other end of the tube in the opposite direction with your right hand, we have two wave fronts moving towards each other, and dividing the tube into three regions: one behind the right-moving wavefront, where the tube is corkscrewed by a quarter-turn clockwise; another behind the left-moving wavefront, where tube is corkscrewed by a quarter-turn counter-clockwise; and a third between the two, where the tube is still untwisted. This third region gets smaller as the two waves approach one another and disappears when they meet.

Calculating exactly what happens at the exact moment that the two wavefronts meet is seriously hairy and requires detailed knowledge of the physical characteristics of the material the tube is made from. But for most reasonably elastic rubber-like substances, the two wavefronts will pass through each other, again leaving the tube divided into three regions. The region between the left-moving wave and your left hand is still corkscrewed by a quarter turn clockwise; the region between the right-moving wave and your right hand is corkscrewed by a quarter turn counterclockwise; and the region in the middle is twisted by a full half-turn. As the waves move towards your hands, this middle region grows while the other two shrink and then disappear completely when the waves reach your hands.

And when they do, the entire tube is corkscrewed by one-half, just as you'd expect from twisting the ends one-quarter turn each in opposite directions.

(Note that depending on just how elastic your tube is, the waves may travel back and forth and the tube may bounce around quite a bit before everything settles down. And calculating the exact speeds and magnitudes of the wave is going to be complex and messy - but the above will do for a qualitative description of how it all plays out).
  • #8
Nugatory said:
OK, I think I see what you're asking. We can simplify the problem some by not making the length of the tube anywhere close to the size of the universe; all that's necessary is that it be long enough so that the twist/wave takes a noticeable amount of time to get from one end to the other. That's going to be at most a few tens of meters for any reasonable rubber tube-like object - no relativity, no weird universe-wide effects.

You're right that the tube won't break. There's no reason why it should, as we're only twisting it by a quarter-turn or so, and it's elastic enough to handle that easily.

So what does happen? First, imagine that you twist the tube only with your left hand, so there's only one wave traveling through the tube; it will eventually arrive at your right hand. Behind the wavefront, the tube is twisted one-quarter turn and ahead of the wavefront the tube is untwisted. The interesting stuff is happening at the wavefront, where the rubber between the twisted and untwisted regions is stretched; the force of the stretching rubber is tending to twist the untwisted region, moving the wavefront towards your right hand.

Now if you start a second wave by twisting the other end of the tube in the opposite direction with your right hand, we have two wave fronts moving towards each other, and dividing the tube into three regions: one behind the right-moving wavefront, where the tube is corkscrewed by a quarter-turn clockwise; another behind the left-moving wavefront, where tube is corkscrewed by a quarter-turn counter-clockwise; and a third between the two, where the tube is still untwisted. This third region gets smaller as the two waves approach one another and disappears when they meet.

Calculating exactly what happens at the exact moment that the two wavefronts meet is seriously hairy and requires detailed knowledge of the physical characteristics of the material the tube is made from. But for most reasonably elastic rubber-like substances, the two wavefronts will pass through each other, again leaving the tube divided into three regions. The region between the left-moving wave and your left hand is still corkscrewed by a quarter turn clockwise; the region between the right-moving wave and your right hand is corkscrewed by a quarter turn counterclockwise; and the region in the middle is twisted by a full half-turn. As the waves move towards your hands, this middle region grows while the other two shrink and then disappear completely when the waves reach your hands.

And when they do, the entire tube is corkscrewed by one-half, just as you'd expect from twisting the ends one-quarter turn each in opposite directions.

(Note that depending on just how elastic your tube is, the waves may travel back and forth and the tube may bounce around quite a bit before everything settles down. And calculating the exact speeds and magnitudes of the wave is going to be complex and messy - but the above will do for a qualitative description of how it all plays out).

Apologies for the late reply.

Thanks for the well thought out answer, bro. I suppose I need to read up on wave dynamics. Definately sparks my interest.
  • #9
what happens when they meet

What happens when waves meet on a string?

FAQ: Can a Universe-Sized Rubber Pipe Exist in Two States at Once?

1. What is a circular pipe experiment?

A circular pipe experiment is a scientific experiment that involves studying the flow of a liquid or gas through a circular pipe. This type of experiment is commonly used in fluid mechanics and can provide valuable insights into the behavior of fluids in different conditions.

2. Why is a circular pipe used in this experiment?

A circular pipe is used in this experiment because it is the most common shape for pipes in real-world applications. By using a circular pipe, the results of the experiment can be applied to real-life scenarios and can help in understanding the behavior of fluids in pipes.

3. What are the variables in a circular pipe experiment?

The variables in a circular pipe experiment include the diameter of the pipe, the flow rate of the fluid, the viscosity of the fluid, the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the pipe, and the length of the pipe. These variables can be changed and measured to observe their effects on the flow of the fluid.

4. How is the flow rate of the fluid measured in this experiment?

The flow rate of the fluid in a circular pipe experiment is typically measured using a flow meter, which calculates the volume of fluid passing through the pipe per unit time. Other methods such as using a stopwatch and measuring the time it takes for a certain volume of fluid to pass through the pipe can also be used.

5. What are some applications of circular pipe experiments?

Circular pipe experiments have many practical applications, such as in the design and optimization of plumbing systems, irrigation systems, and pipelines. They can also be used in the study of natural phenomena such as river flow and ocean currents. Additionally, circular pipe experiments are used in industries such as oil and gas, where pipes are used to transport fluids over long distances.

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