Can AdS/CFT Be Established Without String Theory Through Freidel's Approach?

In summary, Laurent Freidel is a leader in LQG research. He gave the invited LQG talks at the Paris 2009 Marcel Grossmann and the Sydney 2007 GR18 conferences. He has published a paper on the correspondence between quantum gravity and a pair of CFT's. His paper has not been published, but it is apparently interesting.
  • #1
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Could the correspondence be proven along the lines suggested by Laurent Freidel---one of the leaders in LQG research?

If you haven't heard of Freidel, there are two covariant LQG models currently being studied one being Rovelli et al, the other being Freidel et al's. He gave the invited LQG talks at the Paris 2009 Marcel Grossmann and the Sydney 2007 GR18 conferences.
That is to say if you are organizing a major international conference and you want one plenary speaker to describe current progress in LQG then you invite either Rovelli or Freidel.

So it might be interesting to see what tentative preliminary things Freidel has to say about AdS/CFT.

I was prompted to post this by Demystifier's comment in another thread:

Demystifier said:
Actually, maybe it is AdS/CFT that destroyed string theory (from the inside), because it turned out that AdS/CFT makes sense even without string theory, so many string theorists suddenly started to do AdS/CFT without doing string theory.

It is a simple but nevertheless observation that AdS/CFT makes sense without string. And is even perhaps provable in certain cases with other (nonstring) methods.
Reconstructing AdS/CFT
Laurent Freidel
34 pages
(Submitted on 4 Apr 2008)
"In this note we clarify the dictionary between pure quantum gravity on the bulk in the presence of a cosmological constant and a CFT on the boundary. We show for instance that there is a general correspondence between quantum gravity 'radial states' and a pair of CFT's. Restricting to one CFT is argued to correspond to states possessing an asymptotic infinity. This point of view allows us to address the problem of reconstructing the bulk from the boundary. And in the second part of this paper we present an explicit formula which gives, from the partition function of any 2 dimensional conformal field theory, a wave functional solution to the 3-dimensional Wheeler-DeWitt equation. This establishes at the quantum level a precise dictionary between 2d CFT and pure gravity."
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Physics news on
  • #2
According to Padmanabhanh,, GR is naturally Holographic! See Eq.(1). So, Verlinde's no gravity claim is what conceptually joins the above with Padmanabhanh.
  • #3
I thought the basic idea of holography goes back to 1990s, and people like Bekenstein and Gerard 't Hooft.

You mentioned a 2005 paper of Padmanabhan. Padmanabhan is a good writer, I often like his papers. It's hard sometimes, though, to tell whether he is presenting a new idea, or is instead presenting an old idea in a new and interesting way.

I thing it was 't Hooft who first called it "holographic principle" (maybe in the mid 1990s?) but the idea was already around before it was named.

I recently had a look at a wonderful historical article by Hans Kastrup. (One of Heisenberg's PhD students, along with Felix Bloch and Edward Teller.)
Some incidental information here:
Here is Kastrup's historical article:

Kastrup has a section on the history of AdS/CFT and cites this paper of Laurent Freidel that I mentioned.
He also cites several papers by Edward Witten. The AdS/CFT section is towards the end, see page 49.
Reference [245] is to Maldacena.
Reference [246] is to Witten.
Reference [247] is to three papers ( by Maldacena, by Nastase, and this one by Laurent Freidel.)

I'm curious as to why the Freidel paper has not been published. Did he not submit it?
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FAQ: Can AdS/CFT Be Established Without String Theory Through Freidel's Approach?

1. What is AdS/CFT without string theory?

AdS/CFT without string theory is a conjectured relationship between two seemingly different theories: Anti-de Sitter space (AdS), which is a mathematical model of a curved spacetime, and conformal field theory (CFT), which is a quantum field theory. Unlike AdS/CFT with string theory, this version does not involve string theory and is based solely on the AdS/CFT correspondence.

2. How does AdS/CFT without string theory work?

The AdS/CFT without string theory duality is based on the idea that certain gravitational theories in AdS space are equivalent to certain quantum field theories on the boundary of AdS space. This means that calculations in one theory can be translated into calculations in the other theory, providing a powerful tool for studying difficult problems in quantum field theory and gravity.

3. What are the implications of AdS/CFT without string theory?

If proven to be true, AdS/CFT without string theory would have far-reaching implications for our understanding of the universe. It would provide a way to unify gravity and quantum mechanics, and could potentially lead to a better understanding of black holes and the early universe. It could also have practical applications in fields such as condensed matter physics and high-energy physics.

4. How is AdS/CFT without string theory different from AdS/CFT with string theory?

The main difference between AdS/CFT without string theory and AdS/CFT with string theory is the underlying framework. AdS/CFT without string theory is based solely on the AdS/CFT correspondence, while AdS/CFT with string theory incorporates the principles of string theory. This makes AdS/CFT without string theory a more simplified version of the duality, but also limits its applicability to certain types of theories.

5. Is there evidence to support AdS/CFT without string theory?

While there is no direct experimental evidence for AdS/CFT without string theory, there have been numerous successful calculations and applications of the duality in various fields of physics. However, it is still a highly debated and actively researched topic, and more evidence is needed to fully understand its validity and implications.

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