Can Algal Bloom Decrease Oxygen Levels in Water?

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In summary, photosynthetic algae undergo photosynthesis during daylight, using CO2 and releasing O2, and undergo aerobic respiration at night, using O2 and releasing CO2. If these processes are balanced, an algal bloom can decrease the O2 level in water due to an increase in organic matter and biochemical oxygen demand. Algae bloom is often caused by an increase in nitrogen phosphate run-off, leading to an overgrowth of algae and cyanobacteria, which results in a decrease in oxygen levels due to bacterial digestion of organic matter.
  • #1
photosynthetic algae - photosynthesis takes place during daylight, CO2 is used and O2 is released. At night, aerobic respiration occurs, O2 is used and CO2 is given off.

If these two processes are in balance with each other (or are they?), how would an algal bloom decrease the O2 level in water? There would be more algae using up oxygen at night but also more would be producing oxygen during daylight?
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  • #2
In a nutshell, the process is not balance but in a lake or on the coast other micro-organism are present. Algae bloom is cause by an increase of nitrogen phosphate run-off in many cases. As the algae and cyanobacteria grow, more organic matter is produce and this results in an increase of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Bacteria digest the organic matter and decrease the oxygen level.
  • #3

Yes, an algal bloom can decrease oxygen levels in water. While it is true that photosynthetic algae produce oxygen during daylight, the rate at which they consume oxygen during nighttime respiration can outweigh the amount of oxygen produced during the day. This is especially true during an algal bloom, where there is a large and dense population of algae present. The excessive amount of algae can deplete the oxygen in the water faster than it can be replenished, leading to low oxygen levels in the water.

Additionally, algal blooms can also create a layer of scum or mat on the surface of the water, preventing oxygen from diffusing into the water from the atmosphere. This further decreases the available oxygen for other aquatic organisms.

Furthermore, algal blooms can also lead to eutrophication, where the excess nutrients from the algae can lead to an increase in the growth of other microorganisms such as bacteria. These bacteria also consume oxygen, further contributing to the depletion of oxygen levels in the water.

In conclusion, while photosynthetic algae do produce oxygen during the day, the rapid consumption of oxygen during nighttime respiration and other factors such as eutrophication can lead to a decrease in oxygen levels in water during an algal bloom.

FAQ: Can Algal Bloom Decrease Oxygen Levels in Water?

1. What causes algal blooms to decrease oxygen levels?

Algal blooms are caused by an excess growth of algae, which can be fueled by an abundance of nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus. As these algae die and decompose, the process consumes oxygen from the surrounding water, leading to a decrease in oxygen levels.

2. How do algal blooms affect aquatic organisms?

Algal blooms can have a negative impact on aquatic organisms by decreasing oxygen levels and creating hypoxic conditions. This can lead to fish kills and harm other organisms that rely on oxygen for survival.

3. Can algal blooms be harmful to humans?

Some algal blooms can produce toxins, which can be harmful to humans if ingested through contaminated water or seafood. These toxins can cause a range of health issues, including gastrointestinal illness and skin irritation.

4. How do scientists measure oxygen levels during an algal bloom?

Scientists typically use a variety of methods to measure oxygen levels during an algal bloom, including dissolved oxygen meters, water sampling and analysis, and remote sensing techniques. These measurements can provide valuable information about the severity and impact of the bloom.

5. Can algal blooms be prevented or controlled?

Algal blooms can be prevented or controlled by reducing the amount of nutrients entering bodies of water, such as through better agricultural practices and reducing runoff from urban areas. Additionally, implementing early warning systems and monitoring programs can help to mitigate the effects of algal blooms.

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