Can an Electron Be a Frame of Reference in Quantum Mechanics?

In summary: The orbitals are not fixed to the nucleus like in the atom model, they are instead specified by a wave function which depends on the coordinates.
  • #1
How does the concept of frame of reference apply to quantum mechanics? Classically something can be a frame of reference as long as it is not accelerating. I often picture in my head an atom with the nucleus fixed and the electron cloud surrounding it. Would it be possible to describe an atom from the perspective of an electron? Is that a valid frame of reference? Something tells me that it isn't but can't come up with a good reason why.
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  • #2
Would it be possible to describe an atom from the perspective of an electron? Is that a valid frame of reference?
It is not an inertial frame, so you get all sorts of weird physics equations, but I am sure it is possible.
  • #3
orthogonal said:
Classically something can be a frame of reference as long as it is not accelerating.

Strictly speaking, a frame of reference is a convention for attaching coordinates to points in spacetime, and when you say something can be a frame of reference, you're really saying that there exists a set of coordinates in which that something is at rest. Phrased that way, you don't have a frame of reference question, you have a question about how effectively the electron can be described in terms of points in spacetime.
  • #4
Nugatory said:
you don't have a frame of reference question, you have a question about how effectively the electron can be described in terms of points in spacetime.

Thanks for helping me think through my question. Is this similar to how we determine the at rest mass of an electron? As far as I know an electron is never actually at rest.
  • #5
"The reference frame of the electron" is meaningful in classical mechanics, but not in quantum mechanics, because the electron does not have a well-defined trajectory.
  • #6
Bill_K said:
"The reference frame of the electron" is meaningful in classical mechanics, but not in quantum mechanics, because the electron does not have a well-defined trajectory.
Yes and no.

Suppose you have a classical Hamiltonian function H(q1, q2, p1, p2) for a two-particle system like an electron and a proton. Then usually one fixes the c.o.m. frame classically and introduces the relative momentum p, the corresponding variable x=x2-x1 and the reduced mass m1*m2/(m1+m2). This results in an effective one-particle Hamiltonian h(x,p); usually on choses the c.o.m. frame with P=0.

But there is an alternative description where the full two-particle system is quantized. Then one can apply a unitary transformation, i.e. an operator U which implements a transformation that results in new operators q1', q2', ... and a new Hamiltonian H'. This new Hamiltonian looks like the reduced one-particle Hamiltonian h(p,x) depending on the new variables plus a free Hamiltonian P2/2M with the c.o.m. momentum P and the total mass M=m1+m2. This second term corresponds to the wave function of a free particle with mass M and momentum P. The whole solution is a product of some ψ for x and p and a plane wave (free particle) for P.

In that sense the classical canonical transformation between different frames of reference corresponds to a quantum mechanical unitary transformation acting on operators and states.
  • #7
Sure! By a change of coordinates you can either solve the Hydrogen atom in center-of-mass coordinates, or in the original coordinates x1, x2 of the individual particles. But whichever way you do it, the particles move in those coordinates.

H has a kinetic energy term ħ2/2m112 + ħ2/2m222. And each particle has an orbital angular momentum, and so on. Using the electron's coordinate x1 does not mean you are "describing an atom from the perspective of an electron".

FAQ: Can an Electron Be a Frame of Reference in Quantum Mechanics?

1. What is a quantum frame of reference?

A quantum frame of reference is a theoretical concept in quantum mechanics that describes the reference point or perspective from which an observer measures and describes the behavior of quantum particles.

2. How does a quantum frame of reference differ from a classical frame of reference?

A classical frame of reference is based on the principles of classical mechanics, which describe the behavior of macroscopic objects. In contrast, a quantum frame of reference is necessary for understanding the behavior of subatomic particles, which exhibit different properties and behaviors than macroscopic objects.

3. What is the significance of the observer in a quantum frame of reference?

In a quantum frame of reference, the observer plays a crucial role in influencing and determining the behavior of quantum particles. This is because the act of observation itself can cause a change in the behavior of particles, known as the observer effect.

4. How does the uncertainty principle relate to a quantum frame of reference?

The uncertainty principle, which states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with certainty, is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics. It is closely tied to the idea of a quantum frame of reference, as the observer's perspective and the act of measurement affect the uncertainty and behavior of particles.

5. What are some applications of a quantum frame of reference?

A quantum frame of reference is essential for understanding and developing technologies such as quantum computing, cryptography, and teleportation. It also has implications for our understanding of the nature of reality and the role of consciousness in the universe.

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