Can an Engineering graduate work in a field that they did not study?

In summary: This is what I am good at." However, by the time you're in your mid-thirties, employers will be more likely to look at your skills and experience as a whole, and not just what you studied in college. So, if you've got a degree in EE or Nuclear Engineering, don't worry about it- you'll still be able to find a job.
  • #1
I’m a second year Electronic and Electrical Engineering student, just about to sit my first set of exams for this year.
I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to do after I graduate, and unfortunately I do not think I want to go into EE engineering. I do however definitely want to be an engineer, don’t get me wrong I love my course, I just think that I have chosen the wrong field of engineering.

I chose EE Engineering because in the first year of unspecialised Engineering I found the digital electronics module fun and the strength and materials module pretty boring, that was enough reason for me to go down the electronics side. However now I’m thinking about careers and I would like a job that is meaningful to me, and I don’t think I can get that with EE Engineering. I would much prefer to go into the green energy business, researching and designing alternative sustainable energy sources, or working on nuclear fission or fusion reactors, the latter being the most tempting to me.

The problem is that my university actually offers a nuclear engineering course, and a sustainable engineering course, so they obviously would have been better choices for me. However, the nuclear engineers course is not too different from mine. All Engineering students study; Engineering maths, Thermodynamics and heat transfer, Instrumentation and control, power and heat, and Engineering projects. The only difference between EE and nuclear is that they do 20 weeks of a module simply titled “Nuclear Engineering” where as we do the module “electrical circuits and power systems”. We also both study Electro-Magnetics and RF Engineering in the same lectures (This is my new favourite module). Next term they will be studying decommissioning and sustainability where as I will be studying digital electronics part two.

After these sets of exams I am going to ask if I can study the nuclear module instead of the digital one, although I doubt they will let me as it will mean I do not have a complete degree in one field, I won't be a full EE Engineer or a full Nuclear Engineer.

So I have two questions, firstly, if by some chance I can change schemes to nuclear do you think I should take this opportunity or do you think having an inconsistent mix of modules is a bad idea? And secondly if I carry on with my EE degree can I still get a job in the nuclear industry or the green energy industry?

Thanks for reading.
Engineering news on
  • #2
CraigH said:
can I still get a job in the nuclear industry or the green energy industry?

I've just realized this bit of the question is quite vague. What I meant was; do I have as much chance as those studying nuclear engineering to become successful in the nuclear industry, and do I have as much chance as those studying sustainable engineering to become successful in the energy industry.
  • #3
CraigH said:
I've just realized this bit of the question is quite vague. What I meant was; do I have as much chance as those studying nuclear engineering to become successful in the nuclear industry, and do I have as much chance as those studying sustainable engineering to become successful in the energy industry.

Nuclear industry is a lot more than just reactor physics.

I worked in a nuke plant. Now that's a lot less glamorous than research, but it was sure interesting because of the variety.
A nuke plant is one reactor that works fine because it was designed by geniuses around 1950.
It's surrounded by thousands of other machines to get the heat moved out to the grid as electricity. So it's a tinkerer's paradise.

We had just a couple of nuclear engineers onsite but scores of mechanicals and electricals.
To be a well rounded power plant guy one needs to be conversant in reactor physics, basics of mechanical engineering (strength of materials, pumps), thermo, analog electronics, computers and three phase power.

So yes, there's plenty of room for semi-nukes in the nuclear industry..
Don't overspecialize yet.
Take all the machinery courses you can get plus automatic control theory.

In these uncertain economic times there will always be work for people who know their way around machinery. Electric generation can't be sent offshore.

good luck !
  • #4
I can't speak for Nuke E's but as a general rule...employers care about what your past work experiences are as much or more than what you studdied. We have programmers that were trained as Mech E's. Its possible. But it'll be harder to get your foot in the door.
  • #5
I second the comments above. I work in aerospace as a mechanical engineer. The only limitation is really the employer, or more specifically, the HR department of the company.

Early on in your career, the type of degree means a lot because you don't have very much, if any, practical work experience. They can only judge what you know based on that. However, the more work experience you have, the better they can see what you know and where your strengths are. I would suggest getting an internship with a company that specializes in the type of engineering you want to do. You'd get a better idea on what you need specifically for that kind of job, and it'll also help you get practical experience.

My personal opinion is that EEs are needed everywhere. I'd pursue it until you are forced to switch.
  • #6
Many Engineers do not work in the field they were not trained in.
I know several EE's who do mostly computer programing.
Some of what you are asking may be location dependent, In Texas
they have something called a P.E. License (Professional Engineer).
I am not a P.E. but understand a P.E. can sign off on almost any kind of
engineering project. ( I suspect most P.E's being a conservative lot tend to stick
to their own areas of expertise).

FAQ: Can an Engineering graduate work in a field that they did not study?

1. Can an engineering graduate work in a field that they did not study?

Yes, an engineering graduate can work in a field that they did not study. While an engineering degree provides a strong foundation in math, science, and problem-solving skills, it also allows for flexibility and transferable skills that can be applied to various industries.

2. What fields can an engineering graduate work in?

An engineering graduate can work in a wide range of fields, including but not limited to: technology, finance, consulting, healthcare, energy, construction, and manufacturing. The knowledge and skills gained through an engineering degree can be applied to various industries and job roles.

3. Will an engineering graduate need additional training or education to work in a different field?

It depends on the specific field and job role. In some cases, an engineering graduate may need additional training or education to work in a different field, especially if the new field requires specialized knowledge or skills. However, many industries value the problem-solving and analytical skills gained through an engineering degree, making it possible for an engineering graduate to transition to a new field without additional education or training.

4. What are the advantages of working in a field that is different from an engineering graduate's degree?

Working in a different field can offer new challenges, opportunities for growth and learning, and exposure to different industries and job roles. It can also provide a different perspective and allow an engineering graduate to apply their skills in a new and innovative way.

5. Are there any potential challenges for an engineering graduate working in a field that they did not study?

Some potential challenges for an engineering graduate working in a field that they did not study may include a learning curve in understanding the industry and job role, and potentially needing to adapt their skills to fit the new field. However, with determination, open-mindedness, and a willingness to learn, an engineering graduate can overcome these challenges and excel in a new field.
