Can an entire function with exponential growth have bounded derivatives?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Euge
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In summary, an entire function with exponential growth can have bounded derivatives if its growth rate is slower than the rate at which its derivatives approach infinity. This can occur when the function contains terms such as <em>e<sup>x</sup></em> or <em>x<sup>n</sup></em>, and does not always result in unbounded derivatives. The significance of an entire function having bounded derivatives is that it is a well-behaved function, making it easier to analyze and manipulate. To determine if an entire function has bounded derivatives, one can examine its growth rate or use mathematical techniques such as the Cauchy-Riemann equations.
  • #1
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Here is this week's POTW:

Let $F$ be an entire function for which there exists $t > 0$ such that $\lvert F(z)\rvert = O(\exp(\lvert z\rvert^t))$ as $\lvert z\rvert \to \infty$. Show that there is a constant $M > 0$ such that for all $n$ sufficiently large, $$\lvert F^{(n)}(0)\rvert \le Mn!\left(\frac{et}{n}\right)^{n/t}$$


Remember to read the to find out how to!
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  • #2
This week's problem was solved correctly by GJA. Here is his solution.
Since $F$ is entire, we can apply Cauchy's inequalities to disks of arbitrary radius centered about the origin to obtain

$\left|F^{(n)}(0)\right|\leq \dfrac{n!\|F\|_{C}}{R^{n}},$

where $\|F\|_{C}=\sup_{z\in C}|F(z)|$ denotes the supremum of $|F|$ on the boundary circle - $C$ - of the disk centered at the origin with radius $R$.

From the order condition on $f$, there is $N\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $|F(z)|\leq M\exp{\{|z|^{t}\}}$ for all $|z|\geq \left(\dfrac{N}{t}\right)^{1/t}$.

Now fix $n\geq N,$ set $R=\left(\dfrac{n}{t}\right)^{1/t},$ and consider the disk centered about the origin of radius $R$. Applying the above considerations, we have

\left|F^{(n)}(0)\right|&\leq \dfrac{n!\|F\|_{C}}{R^{n}}\\
&\leq Mn!\left(\dfrac{t}{n}\right)^{n/t}\|\exp\{|z|^{t}\}\|_{C}\\

thereby establishing the result for all sufficiently large $n.$

FAQ: Can an entire function with exponential growth have bounded derivatives?

1. Can an entire function with exponential growth have bounded derivatives?

Yes, it is possible for an entire function with exponential growth to have bounded derivatives. This occurs when the function has a rate of growth that is slower than the rate at which its derivatives approach infinity.

2. How can an entire function have exponential growth?

An entire function can have exponential growth if its growth rate increases exponentially as the input variable increases. This can occur when the function contains terms such as ex or xn, where n is a positive integer.

3. Is exponential growth always associated with unbounded derivatives?

No, exponential growth does not always result in unbounded derivatives. It depends on the specific function and its rate of growth. Some exponential functions have bounded derivatives, while others do not.

4. What is the significance of an entire function having bounded derivatives?

If an entire function has bounded derivatives, it means that it is a well-behaved function that does not grow too quickly. This can be useful in various mathematical applications, as it allows for easier analysis and manipulation of the function.

5. How can I determine if an entire function has bounded derivatives?

The easiest way to determine if an entire function has bounded derivatives is by examining its growth rate. If the function's growth rate is slower than the growth rate of its derivatives, then it has bounded derivatives. Alternatively, you can also use mathematical techniques such as the Cauchy-Riemann equations to prove that the function has bounded derivatives.
