Can an Omnipresent God Coexist with the Concept of Hell?

  • Thread starter thinsoul
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In summary: The concept of reward and punishment for the deeds of this life are not unique to the Christian faith. But in the interest of continuity, I'm asking these questions based on the Christian concept of hell as the punishment and eternal fate of the " damned ", for lack of a better description of the paradox and hypocricy these question(s) suggest.The first area I'm looking for feedback on, is based on the definition of God provided by my christian friends. If that is to be believed, then how could such a force/entity maintain pure essence in peace and love, yet have such a revolting trait to punish by fire, separation of the " most cherished " of it's creations from it's
  • #1
The concept of reward and punishment for the deeds of this life are not unique to the Christian faith. But in the interest of continuity, I'm asking these questions based on the Christian concept of hell as the punishment and eternal fate of the " damned ", for lack of a better description of the paradox and hypocricy these question(s) suggest.

The first area I'm looking for feedback on, is based the definition of God provided by my christian friends, as a force of pure peace and love beyond total human understanding and comprehension.

If that is to be believed, then how could such a force/entity , maintain pure essence in peace and love, yet have such a revolting trait to punish by fire, separation of the " most cherished " of it's creations from it's presence,and\or eternal death\execution of the spirit ?

Second.-- How can any of the commonly accepted concepts , of hell as a place or condition of punishment, exist with an omnipresent entity ?

Well God is omnipotent some might say, " he can simply will you out of existence". I say there is no such thing as "out of existence" with an " omnipresent " entity.But even if that is an option, what of perfection and purity of essence?Where is perfection in that ?

A sane and logical look at the nature the God described in the Bible tells me that, if it were a person being described, they would need years and years of intense mental therapy.
The entire notion of this concept, seem's, well...human to me.

I'm not athiest mind you, but there is a realist streak in me that finds it hard to nurture a faith in something with such fundamental flaws in the basic logic. Who knows, maybe I went to one too many Grateful Dead shows? But one thing's for sure, we're all going to know someday.
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  • #2
I guess it all depends on how God is viewed, ie, there are religious sects that believe that God is nothing but love and peace, and then there are the groups that preach that everyone has eternal damnation put upon them and they must redeem themselves.

Its probably an interpretation of the bible by these different Christian groups. Its confusing to me.
  • #3
God is loving, but he has wrath. I have wondered these same things. I have come to the conclusion that God wants you to follow him, and if you don't he just says, "fine, I won't bother you anymore." And HE leaves YOU. And after seeing God all you desire is Him, so when he leaves you it is hell.
  • #4 is PF policy not to bring up religious discussion here, philosophical discussions of "god" is fine, but I see this topic as borderline...i will check back on it in the next day and see where it has gone...
  • #5
From a purely theoretical standpoint, I find omniscience and omnipotence incompatible with a loving diety and eternal punishment.

Omniscience means that the diety knows the person is doomed to torment before they are born. Omnipotence means the diety has the power to alter the person's fate. So, essentially, the diety has knowingly created someone doomed to eternal torment. That is hardly loving.


FAQ: Can an Omnipresent God Coexist with the Concept of Hell?

1. What is omnipresence?

Omnipresence refers to the concept of being present everywhere at the same time. It is often associated with the idea of God or a deity, but can also be applied to other philosophical or scientific concepts.

2. How does omnipresence relate to the hell paradox?

The hell paradox is a philosophical dilemma that questions how a benevolent, all-powerful deity could allow suffering to exist in the world. Omnipresence is often brought up in this paradox because it raises the question of whether a deity who is present everywhere is also present in hell, and if so, how can they allow suffering to occur in their presence.

3. Is omnipresence a scientifically accepted concept?

Omnipresence is a philosophical and theological concept, and as such, it is not scientifically accepted. There is no scientific evidence or proof of a deity or being that is present everywhere at the same time. However, the idea of omnipresence can be explored and studied from a philosophical or metaphysical perspective.

4. Can omnipresence be proven or disproven?

As mentioned before, omnipresence is not a scientific concept and therefore cannot be proven or disproven through scientific methods. It is a matter of personal belief and faith, and each individual may have their own interpretation or understanding of this concept.

5. How do different religions and belief systems view omnipresence?

Omnipresence is a concept that is present in many religions and belief systems, but it may have different interpretations and meanings. For example, in Christianity, God is believed to be omnipresent and present in all places, while in Hinduism, the concept of Brahman refers to the ultimate reality that is present in all things. Other belief systems may have different understandings of omnipresence, and it is important to respect and understand these diverse perspectives.

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