Can anyone help me with this problem regarding photoelectrons?

In summary: However, the actual results depend on the frequency of the light hitting the metal. Low-frequency light won't release any photoelectrons, while higher-frequency light will. This is consistent with the particle theory of light, in that the energy of the light is used up to create the photoelectrons. However, this does not support the wave picture of light, as the wave picture would predict that higher-frequency light would release more photoelectrons. This is because the wave picture of light would predict that the energy of the light would be shared among the photoelectrons, allowing more of them to escape the metal. This is not the case, as the energy of the light is only used up by the photo
  • #1

I am new to this forum, doing A level physics, and have problems with photoelectrons and quanta etc...

This is a question I would like help with:

"Experiments on the photoelectric effect show that:

-the kinetic energy of photoelectrons released depends upon the frequency of the incident light and not on its intensity

-light below a certain threshold frequency cannot release photoelectrons

How do these conclusions support a particle theory but not a wave theory of light?"

I would apprecaite any input.

Physics news on
  • #2
surahman said:

I am new to this forum, doing A level physics, and have problems with photoelectrons and quanta etc...

This is a question I would like help with:

"Experiments on the photoelectric effect show that:

-the kinetic energy of photoelectrons released depends upon the frequency of the incident light and not on its intensity

-light below a certain threshold frequency cannot release photoelectrons

How do these conclusions support a particle theory but not a wave theory of light?"

I would apprecaite any input.


You ask the most elementary question, but the philosophy behind the answer is at the root of the quantum revolution and still remains a problem for physics. Up until the 1905 publication of Einstein's explanation of the photoelectric effect, the wave picture of light of course was the only acceptable explanation for light theory. Even Planck's discovery in 1895 of the law for black-body radiation which contains the 'quantum of action' explaining the interaction of light with material bodies did not overthrow the wave picture. Planck did not refute the wave picture of free radiation which was assumed to be completely described by Maxwell's equations. He only suggested we modify the theory of light's interaction with material bodies. Planck did not realize that the field theory of classical radiation would have to ultimately be revised based on his equation.

So along comes Einstein's theory of the photoelectric effect saying: E(max) = hv - P, where P is the work function of the electron escaping the surface. Then the simplest picture for this in Einstein's view, is that a light-quantum gives up all of its energy to an individual electron. That is, the photon must not be able to share its energy with several electrons such that increasing the number of photons will allow an electron to receive enough 'share' that it will escape the surface, as one might expect in a wave picture.

Keep in mind, Einstein's theory of the photoelectric effect only surfaces if we consider the light in 'packets' coming in one at a time and at high frequency. Einstein's formulation as it is written only holds for hv >> kT. So the light-quantum postulate is only true where Wien's law holds for blackbody radiation. The remainder of the blackbody curve is explained by Jeans' Law, which is a wave theory. Later Einstein would state that we can not abandon Jean's law so we must modify our theory for 'complementarity'. Both particle and wave picture must be true and it is a matter of what experiment we run that allows us to view one feature more strongly than the other. This of course is what quantum theory would introduce but even more strongly stated many years later.

Of course if you increase the light intensity so that the whole surface of the metal is strongly illuminated then you will measure light waves going in and electron waves coming out, even though you may think of the waves as composed of particles. So, yes you are correct, the photon theory does not refute the existence of waves, it just looks that way if you fire high frequency light pulses, at the lowest possible emission onto a metal surface and consider no other experiment.
  • #3
nickdanger said:
Even Planck's discovery in 1895 of the law for black-body radiation

Nick,you're a real physics itself and to its history in particular.Planck found his law at the end of October 1900,but he only made it public on December 14th 1900 in front of the members of the Prussian Academy of Sciences.
It wouldn't hurt checking those physics books again,right??
  • #4
dextercioby said:
Nick,you're a real physics itself and to its history in particular.Planck found his law at the end of October 1900,but he only made it public on December 14th 1900 in front of the members of the Prussian Academy of Sciences.
It wouldn't hurt checking those physics books again,right??

Sorry, I did pick that date from my memory...obviously flawed. Hopefully I did not mislead on the physics background itself (?), but let me know.

..reader beware.
  • #5
Photoelectric experiment

I did the photoelectric experiment myself and plotted the graph. It was crude but was indeed what the textbook said. I want to reproduce this at home one day.

FAQ: Can anyone help me with this problem regarding photoelectrons?

1. What is a photoelectron?

A photoelectron is an electron that is emitted from a material when it absorbs photons (particles of light). It is a type of secondary electron and is commonly used in photoelectric experiments to study the properties of materials.

2. How are photoelectrons produced?

Photoelectrons are produced when photons of a certain energy strike a material, causing electrons to be ejected from the material's surface. This process is known as the photoelectric effect and is used in a variety of applications, including solar cells and photoelectric sensors.

3. What factors affect the number of photoelectrons produced?

The number of photoelectrons produced depends on the intensity of the light, the frequency of the photons, and the properties of the material. Higher intensity and higher frequency light will result in more photoelectrons being emitted, while certain materials may have a higher or lower efficiency in producing photoelectrons.

4. How are photoelectrons detected and measured?

Photoelectrons are typically detected using a device called a photomultiplier tube, which converts the electrons into an electrical signal that can be measured. The number of photoelectrons can then be determined by measuring the strength of the electrical signal. Other methods, such as electron spectroscopy, can also be used to detect and measure photoelectrons.

5. What are the practical applications of photoelectrons?

The photoelectric effect and the production of photoelectrons have a wide range of practical applications. Some examples include solar cells, which use photoelectrons to convert light into electricity, and photoelectric sensors, which use photoelectrons to detect and measure light. Photoelectrons are also used in various scientific experiments to study the properties of materials and to understand the behavior of particles at the atomic level.

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