Can anyone solve this 1st order nonlinear ODE with constants a and b?

In summary, the conversation discusses the equation dy/dx = ay / (bx2 +xy), with a and b as constants. The key is to consider the unknown function x(y) instead of y(x). There is a disagreement regarding the use of Ei(x) and Ei(y) in the equation and its inversion. It is concluded that an analytical solution for x(y) may not be possible and numerical calculations are used to check the solution. The possibility of an explicit solution is mentioned and it is questioned if the conversation is for research or homework purposes.
  • #1
Can anyone help with the following:

dy/dx = ay / (bx2 +xy )

a,b constants

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  • #2
The key is to consider the unknown function x(y) instead of y(x)


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  • #3
JJacquelin said:
The key is to consider the unknown function x(y) instead of y(x)

Hi. Thanks for that. However, I'm not convinced your use of the Ei is correct if you define:

[tex]Ei(x)=\int_{-\infty}^x \frac{e^t}{t}dt[/tex]

If I start with the expression:

[tex]d(e^y t)=-\frac{e^y}{y}[/tex]

then integrating from y_0, t_0 to y,t:

[tex]\int_{\substack{t=t_0 \\ y=y_0}}}^{y,t}d(e^y t)=-\int_{y_0}^y \frac{e^y}{y}dy[/tex]

and get:

[tex]x(y)=\frac{e^y}{\frac{e^{y_0}}{x_0}-\int_{y_0}^y \frac{e^y}{y}dy}[/tex]

Now, that agrees with numerical calculations but I'm not sure how I could express that in terms of Ei(x) though.
  • #4
that agrees with numerical calculations but I'm not sure how I could express that in terms of Ei(x) though
Of course, you cannot express that in terms of Ei(x), but in terms of Ei(y).
May be, writing "in terms of" isn't the good wording. What I mean is that Ei(y) is the special function involved in the formula for x(y), as it was shown.
But I never said that Ei(x) is involved in an hypothetical formula for y(x). On the contrary, I said that the analytical inversion of x(y) in order to obtain y(x) is probably utopian with a finite number of elementary functions and even with classical special functions.
  • #5
thanks guys! - I appreciate the help
  • #6
JJacquelin said:
Of course, you cannot express that in terms of Ei(x), but in terms of Ei(y).
May be, writing "in terms of" isn't the good wording. What I mean is that Ei(y) is the special function involved in the formula for x(y), as it was shown.
But I never said that Ei(x) is involved in an hypothetical formula for y(x). On the contrary, I said that the analytical inversion of x(y) in order to obtain y(x) is probably utopian with a finite number of elementary functions and even with classical special functions.

Ok, I messed that up. I meant Ei(y) but I see as long as you define Ei(y) appropriately, I see what you mean.

Here's the numerical check of:

[tex]y'=\frac{y}{x^2+xy},\quad y(1)=1[/tex]

mysol = NDSolve[{Derivative[1][y][x] == 
      y[x]/(x^2 + x*y[x]), y[1] == 1}, y, 
    {x, 1, 5}]; 

p1 = Plot[y[x] /. mysol, {x, 1, 5}]; 

myx[y_] := Exp[y]/(Exp[1] - 
     NIntegrate[Exp[u]/u, {u, 1, y}]); 

mytable = Table[{myx[y], y}, 
    {y, 1, 1.6, 0.01}]; 

p2 = ListPlot[mytable, Joined -> True]; 

Show[{p1, p2}]

Notice how I tabulate the numbers in terms of {x(y),y} to retrieve the inverse numerically. The two plots superimpose nicely.
  • #7
For me where was no doubt.
Nevertheless its a good idea to check it numerically. Well donne !
  • #8
Is this a research question, or just homework? If it's serious, I may be able to get somewhere with an analytic (explicit) solution... possibly.

FAQ: Can anyone solve this 1st order nonlinear ODE with constants a and b?

1. What is a first order nonlinear ODE?

A first order nonlinear ODE stands for first order nonlinear ordinary differential equation. It is an equation that involves a function and its derivatives, where the order of the highest derivative is one and the equation is not linear. This means that the function and its derivatives are raised to powers or multiplied together in the equation, making it nonlinear.

2. How do you solve a first order nonlinear ODE?

There is no general method for solving all types of first order nonlinear ODEs. However, there are various techniques that can be used depending on the specific form of the equation. Some common techniques include separation of variables, substitution, or using an integrating factor.

3. What is the difference between a linear and a nonlinear ODE?

A linear ODE is an equation where the dependent variable and its derivatives appear in a linear fashion, meaning they are raised to the first power and are not multiplied together. On the other hand, a nonlinear ODE involves the dependent variable and its derivatives in a nonlinear fashion, with powers or multiplication present.

4. Can a first order nonlinear ODE have multiple solutions?

Yes, a first order nonlinear ODE can have multiple solutions. This is because nonlinear equations can have more complex and varied behavior compared to linear equations, allowing for multiple possible solutions.

5. What is the significance of first order nonlinear ODEs in science?

First order nonlinear ODEs are important in many areas of science, including physics, engineering, and biology. They can be used to model and understand complex systems and phenomena, such as population growth, chemical reactions, and electrical circuits.
