Can Anyone Survive on 24 Hour Days?!

  • Thread starter Rach3
  • Start date
I Hate 24 Hour Days.In summary, the conversation revolves around the topic of sleep and the use of caffeine and sleeping pills to manage insomnia. The participants also discuss the effects of not getting enough sleep and the importance of natural sleep habits. There is also a brief mention of unconventional relationships with professors and the effects of staying up late. The overall sentiment is negative towards the concept of 24 hour days and the struggles of managing sleep in a fast-paced society.
  • #1
I Hate 24 Hour Days!

Bleh, caffeine, bleh, black coffee, bleh, doxylamine 25mg, bleh, bleh, bleh...

How by Dirac do you earthling humans manage with your fast-spinning angular momentum globe! Double dosage cvs doxylamine doesn't even make me drowsy, ugh, maybe I should go get a perscription for something. I'm the ultimate in insomnia, 36 hour days are natural for me. Maybe I should drop out of school and become a medical doctor. :confused:

Let's see, "Hilbert Space Operators in Quantum Physics", or facebook, which shall it be, hmm, tough choice...

(yup. the fock space wins every time!)
Physics news on
  • #2
You sound like your missing out on a star trek convention.
  • #3
I (indefinite-particle-number-Hilbert-space)-ing HATE Star Trek! Inane television gimmick.
  • #4
Do you actually want to sound like a geek when you type? :confused:

Even the high school kids in here are not that bad... :rolleyes:


Are we trying to imitate someone? I need more ionic phase detractors!

:smile: :smile:
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  • #5
Rach3 said:
I (indefinite-particle-number-Hilbert-space)-ing HATE Star Trek! Inane television gimmick.
Way to cheat the PF obscenity censors, maternal Dutch/German-aircraft-maker-popular-during-the-Great-War.
  • #6
I think there are enough weighing anchors doing that on this forum without encouraging people to swear. go forth and multiply yourself.:smile: :wink:

Fear not brother, these Earthlings take a little getting used to, have you seen their currency? Earth dollars? Pounds? What the hilbert is that all about? And don't get me started on the way they reproduce, it's just disgusting! They eat mouldy food too! And animal blood soaked with fat! Bleuch...
  • #7
cyrusabdollahi said:
Do you actually want to sound like a geek when you type? :confused:

No, I really really don't. :frown:
  • #8
Rach3 said:
Bleh, caffeine, bleh, black coffee, bleh, doxylamine 25mg, bleh, bleh, bleh...

How by Dirac do you earthling humans manage with your fast-spinning angular momentum globe! Double dosage cvs doxylamine doesn't even make me drowsy, ugh, maybe I should go get a perscription for something. I'm the ultimate in insomnia, 36 hour days are natural for me. Maybe I should drop out of school and become a medical doctor. :confused:

Why don't you work on backing off the caffeine before seeking a prescription medication to put you to sleep. I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to accomplish there anyway when you're alternating caffeine with sleeping pills. :confused:
  • #9
Moonbear said:
Why don't you work on backing off the caffeine before seeking a prescription medication to put you to sleep. I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to accomplish there anyway when you're alternating caffeine with sleeping pills. :confused:

Seen it before, you can't do it sooner or later you end up nowhere and fast, if you want good sleep patterns go for natural, sleeping pills are a means to an end, and caffeine as a cure will leave you nowhere. Just use natural means, if you can't get enough sleep your losing the battle because of yourself, likewise with staying awake.

Have you any idea how much damage not getting enough sleep can cause? Most people don't, but studies into triple shift workers have shown they lose five years on average off their life expectancy, double shifts 1 or 2, and those who work regular hours are in the clear, so long as they get a good x hours.
  • #10
Schrodinger's Dog said:
Seen it before, you can't do it sooner or later you end up nowhere and fast, if you want good sleep patterns go for natural, sleeping pills are a means to an end, and caffeine as a cure will leave you nowhere. Just use natural means, if you can't get enough sleep your losing the battle because of yourself, likewise with staying awake.

Have you any idea how much damage not getting enough sleep can cause? Most people don't, but studies into triple shift workers have shown they lose five years on average off their life expectancy, double shifts 1 or 2, and those who work regular hours are in the clear, so long as they get a good x hours.

The trouble is not that I'm not getting enough sleep, I always get enough sleep. The trouble is that my professors are complaining that I get enough sleep.
  • #11
Rach3 said:
The trouble is that my professors are complaining that I get enough sleep.
Don't sleep with your professors - that could get you all in trouble!
  • #12
Gokul43201 said:
Don't sleep with your professors - that could get you all in trouble!
.. but TAs are ok, right? :redface:
  • #13
Math Is Hard said:
.. but TAs are ok, right? :redface:
Yup! As you've learned, that only gets the TA in trouble. TAs are expendable!
  • #14
Rach3 said:
The trouble is not that I'm not getting enough sleep, I always get enough sleep. The trouble is that my professors are complaining that I get enough sleep.

I got that a lot in biology class, my tutor had one of those voices that was a monotonous drone, I liked biology but he made it sound so dry, I once fell asleep in his class, and then woke up rather too abruptly when he made a comment, giving myself a nose bleed, I did that in another tutor's class, but luckilly there was a microscope to hand. Young people seem to naturally prefer to get up early, but as you reach teenage years, your amount of sleep you need actually goes up for a few years, and then most young people tend to adopt a preference for later nights. It's hard to get out of the habbit of doing this.
  • #15
I don't know why, but I feel sleepy all the time. Well, at least on the days before tests and quizzes.
  • #16
In my experience, caffeine makes me more drowsy. Everything should try at least once going without for a while.
  • #17
verty said:
In my experience, caffeine makes me more drowsy. Everything should try at least once going without for a while.

Aye as soon as it wears off you need another fix to keep you up.

Related to Can Anyone Survive on 24 Hour Days?!

1. Can humans physically handle living on a 24 hour day?

The human body is capable of adapting to a 24 hour day schedule. Our internal body clock, also known as the circadian rhythm, can adjust to different day lengths and maintain our sleep-wake cycles accordingly.

2. Will our productivity and energy levels be affected by a 24 hour day?

Studies have shown that individuals who live in areas with longer or shorter day lengths do not experience significant changes in productivity or energy levels. Our bodies are able to adapt to different day lengths and maintain our normal levels of productivity and energy.

3. How would a 24 hour day affect agriculture and farming?

If the entire world were to switch to a 24 hour day, it would likely have a significant impact on agriculture and farming practices. Crop growth and harvest times would need to be adjusted, and certain crops may struggle to adapt to the longer or shorter days.

4. What are the potential benefits of living on a 24 hour day?

One potential benefit of living on a 24 hour day is that it could potentially increase productivity and efficiency in certain industries. It could also lead to more consistent work schedules for individuals, which can have positive effects on mental health and work-life balance.

5. Are there any potential negative effects of living on a 24 hour day?

Some potential negative effects of living on a 24 hour day could include disruptions to natural ecosystems and wildlife, as well as potential challenges for individuals who have difficulty adjusting to new sleep-wake cycles. It could also have cultural and social impacts, as many societies have traditions and practices centered around day length.
