Can AP Shell Pierce 2 Steel Plates? | Work Questions

  • Thread starter Die4Physics
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In summary, the conversation revolves around a question about whether an armor piercing shell with an initial speed of 1800ms-1 can pierce through a second steel plate after piercing through the first one at a reduced speed of 1200ms-1. The problem is determining if the speed will continue to decrease by 600ms-1 with each piercing and how to show whether it can or cannot pierce through the second plate. The discussion also mentions the lack of potential energy in this horizontal motion and the use of the kinetic energy formula to determine if the shell can pierce through the second plate. The asker is seeking help and is reminded to show their own work according to the forum rules.
  • #1
About Work Questions!

With the initial speed of 1800ms-1, AP(Armor Piercing Shell) after piercing through the 1st steel plate its speed is 1200ms-1. Can it pierces through the second steel plate? I know what you mean but the problem I encounter is I am not sure whether the speed will reduce by 600ms-1 every piercing? And I don't know how can i show that it can or it can't pierces through the 2nd steel plate? On my understanding this is a horizontal motion so there wouldn't be any Ep. There will only be Ek and with the formula Ek=1/2mv2 how i can show will it pierces through the 2nd plate.
Your help will be much appreciate!
Thank you!
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  • #2

Please show your work... we on PF can't just help without you working out on your own as per the rules.

FAQ: Can AP Shell Pierce 2 Steel Plates? | Work Questions

Can AP Shell Pierce 2 Steel Plates?

Yes, it is possible for an AP (Armor-Piercing) shell to pierce through 2 steel plates. The ability of an AP shell to penetrate depends on various factors such as the type and thickness of the steel plates, the velocity and angle of impact, and the design of the shell itself.

How does the thickness of the steel plates affect the AP shell's ability to penetrate?

The thicker the steel plates, the more difficult it will be for the AP shell to penetrate through. This is because thicker plates offer more resistance and can absorb more energy from the shell, reducing its ability to pierce through.

What is the difference between AP shells and other types of ammunition?

AP shells are specifically designed to penetrate through armor, while other types of ammunition such as High Explosive (HE) shells are meant for causing damage to softer targets like buildings or vehicles. AP shells have a harder and denser core, which allows them to maintain their shape and penetrate through tough materials.

Is the angle of impact important for an AP shell to penetrate through steel plates?

Yes, the angle of impact is a crucial factor for an AP shell to penetrate through steel plates. Ideally, the shell should hit the steel plates at a perpendicular angle (90 degrees) for maximum penetration. If the angle is too shallow or too steep, the shell may ricochet or fail to penetrate through.

Can two layers of steel plates offer the same protection as a single thicker plate against AP shells?

Yes, two layers of steel plates can offer the same protection as a single thicker plate against AP shells. In fact, using multiple layers of steel plates with an air gap in between can provide even better protection against AP shells as the gap can absorb some of the energy from the shell, reducing its effectiveness.
