Can Basic Propositional Calculus Solve These Logical Homework Questions?

  • Thread starter Steverino777
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In summary: Basically, if you apply the definition of a decreasing function to the specific case given, you can conclude that f(5) < f(3). Then, using Modus Tollendo Ponens, you can eliminate the "if x<y" part of the statement and just be left with f(5) < f(3).
  • #1
This is mostly some basic stuff, but I just want to make sure I am doing these right. I have a hard time understanding what the questions are saying sometimes.

Homework Statement

1)Explain how we may conclude that if f is a decreasing function, then f(5) < f(3)
Make reference to a logical principle. [Note- By defintion, a function g is decreasing i.f.f the conditional "if x<y, then g(x)>g(y)" is true for any real numbers x and y]

2)Suppose A and B are sets and w is an object, for which it is known that A[tex]\subseteq[/tex]B and w[tex]\in[/tex]A. Explain how we may conclude w[tex]\in[/tex](A[tex]\cap[/tex]B) Make reference to a logical principle.

3)Explain why it is true that if a real number x satisfies |x|>a, but it is not the case that x > a, then x < -a must hold. Make reference to a logical principle.

Homework Equations

(p[tex]\wedge[/tex]q) -> p Law of Simplification
p -> (p[tex]\vee[/tex]q) Law of Addition
[p[tex]\wedge[/tex](p ->q)] -> q Modus Ponens
[(p[tex]\vee[/tex]q)[tex]\wedge[/tex] ~q] -> p Modus Tollendo Ponens
[(p -> q)[tex]\wedge[/tex]~q] -> ~p Modus Tollens
(p -> r) -> [(p[tex]\wedge[/tex]q) -> r]
[~p -> (q[tex]\wedge[/tex]~q] -> ~p Law of Contradiction

The Attempt at a Solution

1) The definition of a decreasing function states, "if x<y, then g(x)>g(y)" is true for any real numbers x and y. By hypothsis we know f is a decreasing function, so that the preticular case of the definition, "if 5 < 3, then g(5) > g(3)" is known to be true. --That's as far as I can get using an example form the book as a guideline. I'm not sure where to go from here and which logical principle applies to this argument.--

2) --I know how to explain it but I don't know which logical principle to use.--
A[tex]\subseteq[/tex] B includes all the elements in A that are also elements of B. Since it is given w[tex]\in[/tex] A, by this definiton w is also an element of B. A[tex]\cap[/tex]B includes only the elements that A and B share in common. Since w is both an element of A and B, it is one of the elements that A and B share in common, making it an element of A[tex]\cap[/tex]B.

3)If a real number x satisfies |x|>a, that means x < -a or x > a. It is also given that it is not the case that x > a. Therefore by Modus Tollendo Ponens we can conclude that x < -a.

If anyone could help me with finding which logical principles apply to one and two, that'd help a lot.
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  • #2
Anybody out there who could help?
  • #3
I could help you with number 2, you could make use of the "intersection of a subset rule." But you've got the basic idea nailed.

Edit: I think that you could use Universal Modus Ponens for #1.
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FAQ: Can Basic Propositional Calculus Solve These Logical Homework Questions?

1. What is Basic Propositional Calc?

Basic Propositional Calc, also known as propositional logic or sentential logic, is a branch of mathematical logic that deals with propositions and logical relationships between them. It is used to analyze and determine the validity of arguments and statements.

2. How is Basic Propositional Calc different from other types of logic?

Basic Propositional Calc focuses solely on propositions and their logical relationships, while other types of logic may also incorporate concepts such as quantifiers, predicates, and sets.

3. What are the main components of Basic Propositional Calc?

The main components of Basic Propositional Calc are propositions, logical operators, and truth values. Propositions are statements that are either true or false, logical operators connect propositions to create more complex statements, and truth values represent the truth or falsity of a proposition.

4. How is Basic Propositional Calc used in real-world applications?

Basic Propositional Calc has many practical applications, such as computer science, artificial intelligence, and mathematics. It is also used in everyday life to analyze and evaluate arguments, and to make logical deductions.

5. What are some common mistakes to avoid when working with Basic Propositional Calc?

Some common mistakes to avoid when working with Basic Propositional Calc include confusing logical operators, not properly evaluating truth values, and not using parentheses correctly. It is important to carefully follow the rules and notation of Basic Propositional Calc to avoid errors and ensure accurate analyses.
