Can Besicovitch Covering Lemma Be Applied to Unbounded Sets in R^n?

  • Thread starter ArcanaNoir
  • Start date
In summary: Q}' containing any given point in E is less than something depending on the dimension. To do this, we can use the fact that the side lengths of the cubes in {Q} are bounded by R. This means that the number of cubes in {Q}' containing any given point in E is bounded by a constant, which depends only on the dimension. In summary, we can use the concept of "layers" and a maximal set of separated points to create a countable subcollection {Q}' that covers E and satisfies the condition that the middle sections of the original cubes are covered. We can also use the fact that the side lengths of the cubes are bounded to ensure that the number of cubes in {
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let {Q} be a collection of cubes covering a set E in R^n. Prove that there is a countable sub collection {Q}' of these cubes which covers E and [itex] \cup (\frac{1}{2}){Q} \subseteq \cup {Q}' [/itex], and the number of cubes in the subcollection containing any given point of E is less than something depending only on the dimension.
Oh and the sup of the side lengths of the cubes is bounded, but E is not bounded.

Homework Equations

[itex]\frac{1}{2}Q [/itex] means the cube inside Q with side length 1/2 of the side length of Q.
In other words, the countable subcovering needs to cover the middle sections of the original cover.

The Attempt at a Solution

I really like this proof covering cubes&f=false

But in this proof the set E is the centers of the cubes, so we only end up covering centers, not middle halves, and also E is bounded in that proof. My professor said I could modify this proof but I don't see how. *sad face* He also said the first half of my most recent attempt at this proof was badly written and the second half was worse. :(:(

The idea for dealing with the unbounded set E is to take "layers" of cubes which are about the same size. So something like sup{S(Q)}=R where S(Q) is the side length of Q and then [itex](1-\epsilon)^kR< S(q)\le R[/itex] for the first layer, then take a maximal set of points in E which are some specific distance apart (this is a piece I messed up on, no matter what distance I separate my points by there is always some flaw in my choice). Then take the cubes containing those points and discard some cubes (which ones?). Rinse and repeat.

I tried doing some optimal arrangement of separated points around a specific point for the bound, but I was told I did that wrong too :( (that was the "worse" part apparently.)
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  • #2

it is important to approach problems with a clear and logical mindset. Let's break down the problem and see if we can come up with a solution.

First, we are given a collection of cubes {Q} that cover a set E in R^n. This means that every point in E is contained within one of the cubes in {Q}. However, we need to find a countable subcollection {Q}' that covers E and also satisfies the condition that the middle sections of the original cubes are covered.

To start, we can consider a specific cube Q in {Q}. We know that the cube Q has a side length S(Q). We can also define a smaller cube with side length (1/2)S(Q), denoted as (1/2)Q. This cube is contained within Q and is the "middle section" of Q.

Now, we want to find a countable subcollection {Q}' that covers E and also satisfies the condition that (1/2)Q is contained within {Q}'. We can do this by selecting a maximal set of points in E that are separated by a specific distance. Let's call this distance d.

Next, we can take the cubes in {Q} that contain these selected points and add them to our subcollection {Q}'. We can also discard any cubes in {Q} that do not contain these points, as they will not contribute to covering the middle sections of the original cubes.

We can repeat this process for each cube Q in {Q}. This will give us a countable subcollection {Q}' that covers E and satisfies the condition that the middle sections of the original cubes are covered.

Now, we need to address the fact that E is unbounded. To do this, we can consider "layers" of cubes with side lengths that are approximately the same size. For example, we can define a layer with side length R, where R is the supremum of all the side lengths of the cubes in {Q}. We can then take a maximal set of points in E that are separated by a specific distance d, as before.

We can continue this process for each layer, taking a maximal set of points separated by d and adding the cubes that contain these points to our subcollection {Q}'. This will ensure that we cover all the points in E, even though it is unbounded.

Finally, we need to address the condition that

FAQ: Can Besicovitch Covering Lemma Be Applied to Unbounded Sets in R^n?

1. What is the Besicovitch Covering Lemma?

The Besicovitch Covering Lemma is a mathematical theorem that deals with the concept of covering sets with smaller sets. It states that in any metric space, there exists a number (called the Besicovitch number) such that any set can be covered by a finite number of smaller sets with diameters less than the Besicovitch number.

2. Who discovered the Besicovitch Covering Lemma?

The Besicovitch Covering Lemma was first discovered by the Russian mathematician Abram Samoilovitch Besicovitch in 1919.

3. What is the significance of the Besicovitch Covering Lemma?

The Besicovitch Covering Lemma is an important tool in the field of geometric measure theory. It has applications in various areas of mathematics, such as harmonic analysis, geometric measure theory, and fractal geometry.

4. Can the Besicovitch Covering Lemma be generalized to higher dimensions?

Yes, the Besicovitch Covering Lemma can be generalized to higher dimensions. In fact, Besicovitch himself extended the lemma to higher dimensions in 1937.

5. Is the Besicovitch Covering Lemma still an active area of research?

Yes, the Besicovitch Covering Lemma continues to be an active area of research, with new applications and generalizations being discovered. Researchers are also exploring connections between the Besicovitch Covering Lemma and other mathematical concepts, such as Hausdorff dimension and packing dimension.
