Can Black Holes Break the Rules of Time?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of time travel and the shape of black holes. It is believed that time travel is only possible in one direction, towards the future. Black holes are defined by their event horizon, which is spherical for non-spinning black holes and may have a bulge for spinning black holes. The shape of black holes is determined by gravity and the event horizon is the only aspect with a meaningful geometry. The conversation also touches on the idea that particle accelerators cannot assist with time travel and that we live in a universe with three dimensions of space and one dimension of time.
  • #1
hey people..! I need to ask that whether time travel is possible ?.If speed of light is achieved..however besides this i also think that if speed of light is achieved nothing could stay at that speed virtually...what do you people think..??
Secondly, i was thinking that how do we know that BLACK HOLES are in a Circular Form.. i mean that it can be a shape less or even posses some other shape...
Also why can't we see a black hole as because the might emit some kind of radiations from them which can be used to plot an image or computer image of it..
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  • #2
Backwards time-travel is not possible.
Traveling the speed of light is not possible.
The event horizon for a (non-spinning) black-hole is spherical because it is spherically symmetric, what determines the shape is only the distance away from it--which is constant.
Black holes are defined as the things that (themselves) can't emit radiation. They do emit radiation from their horizons, its too weak to detect.
  • #3
Black holes emit hawking radiation, but, it is much cooler than the cmb. Sort of like trying to detect a star adjacent to the sun. Time travel is possible, but, only in one direction - the future. A black hole is defined by its event horizon. Only a schwardschild [non-spinning] black hole has a perfectly spherical event horizon. Kerr [spinning] black holes are believed to have a bulge in their event horizon [the poles are flattened]. It is highly probable the vast majority of, if not all, blacks holes spin.
  • #4
Chronos said:
Only a schwardschild [non-spinning] black hole has a perfectly spherical event horizon. Kerr [spinning] black holes are believed to have a bulge in their event horizon [the poles are flattened]. It is highly probable the vast majority of, if not all, blacks holes spin.

It's worth noting that you can have black holes which do not correspond to a simple solution of a kerr-schild spinning hole. For example, immediately after two black holes merge the common hole is quite elongated and different. In such situations (really, in situations where there is any deviation from a stable state solution such as schwarzschild or more generally kerr-schild), the black hole will "oscillate", dominantly in a quadrupolar moment, and radiate away gravitational waves until it relaxes to a stationary solution. Basically, anything that's not spherically symmetric will soon become spherically symmetric.
  • #5
Chronos said:
Black holes emit hawking radiation, but, it is much cooler than the cmb. Sort of like trying to detect a star adjacent to the sun. Time travel is possible, but, only in one direction - the future. A black hole is defined by its event horizon. Only a schwardschild [non-spinning] black hole has a perfectly spherical event horizon. Kerr [spinning] black holes are believed to have a bulge in their event horizon [the poles are flattened].

What of this did I not already say?
And the poles are not flatted, the schwarZSchild radius is the MINIMUM distance. For a spinning black hole, the event horizon is EXPANDED in the plane of rotation. Once on the subject (though fairly irrelevant to the initial question), an interesting note is that the side of the black-hole rotating towards an observer will appear larger than the other side. Check and mate.
  • #6
zhermes said:
The event horizon for a (non-spinning) black-hole is spherical because it is spherically symmetric

Thats what i am asking that how do you know that it is spherical and symmetrical.when they don't emit any radiations and radiations from its horizon is very hard to detect ..then what has lead us to conclusion that black holes are spherical ...also If black holes are attracting things towards it. why isn't the milky way center black hole is attracting glaxcy planets...
secondly what about the Particle Acclerator .wont it give any help in time travelling...
  • #7
@$@D said:
then what has lead us to conclusion that black holes are spherical

I suppose we have no observations to confirm that BH's are spherical, but a strong body of theory. Okay, here's a way to think about it:

A small asteroid is non-spherical because there isn't enough gravity to pull-it / mash-it into a sphere. Larger and larger asteroids, comets, moons become more and more spherical because their gravity gets stronger and stronger, and there are no forces which would lead to creating (significant) asymmetries.
Once you get to a star its VERY spherical, because that's the lowest energy configuration in a gravitational field. Once you're too massive to support yourself as a star, there is nothing preventing your collapse---and a spherically symmetric (for the most part) collapse into a black-hole. We know of no force to prevent the matter in a BH from shrinking to an infinitesimal point--so there's definitely (to our knowledge) nothing that would make it a-spherical.

The closer you get to a point, the more spherically symmetric you'll be. Black-holes are as close as you can get.
  • #8
@$@D said:
also If black holes are attracting things towards it. why isn't the milky way center black hole is attracting glaxcy planets...
secondly what about the Particle Acclerator .wont it give any help in time travelling...

The BH at the center of the galaxy IS attracting everything towards it, that's part of why the galaxy remains bound together, and rotating nicely in a spiral--just like the planets around the sun.

Particle accelerators have nothing to do with time travel (before someone else chimes in: sure, the particles being accelerated move more slowly in time from an outside perspective, but still). You can't travel backwards in time.
  • #9
Bear in mind we are talking about the event horizon, not the infinitesimal, singularity thing inside the event horizon. The event horizon is the only aspect of a black hole that has a meaningful geometry.
  • #10
Hi all,
This is just some food for thought that I have been contemplating for a while. We live in a universe with three dimensions of space and one dimension of time. Matter can only exist in three dimensions to our knowledge (and without getting into the micro) length, height and depth. When matter enters a black hole this rule, and physics, brakes. The other wise three dimensional matter becomes one dimensional, by this who is to say that the rolls are not simply switched? If matter is made into one dimension, then time might be made into three dimensions. Forwards, Backwards and alternate time lines.

When you take a multidimensional universe and force it to become one dimensional, or a singularity, just about every rule is broken. Why can't the same apply to time?
  • #11
arrow564 said:
Hi all,
This is just some food for thought that I have been contemplating for a while. We live in a universe with three dimensions of space and one dimension of time. Matter can only exist in three dimensions to our knowledge (and without getting into the micro) length, height and depth. When matter enters a black hole this rule, and physics, brakes.

Breaks. And, no, the 'rule' doesn't break. The singularity is where 'the rules' supposedly break down, but for that reason many physicists think singularities are excluded by physical processes we have yet to discover - that's the motivator for research into things like Quantum Gravity.

The other wise three dimensional matter becomes one dimensional, by this who is to say that the rolls are not simply switched?

'Spaghettification' doesn't mean the dimensions disappear, but that matter gets squeezed by intense tidal forces caused by space-time curvature very near the (supposed) singularity.

If matter is made into one dimension, then time might be made into three dimensions. Forwards, Backwards and alternate time lines.

No to the first bit, but there are theories which involve extra time dimensions, so who knows? Produce a physically observable consequence of that idea and you might unify GR & QM, as well as win a Nobel Prize.

When you take a multidimensional universe and force it to become one dimensional, or a singularity, just about every rule is broken. Why can't the same apply to time?

Again, doesn't happen as far as we currently know. And if it does, it happens behind an Event Horizon so that we can't see what happens...

Related to Can Black Holes Break the Rules of Time?

What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape. This happens when a massive star dies and collapses in on itself, creating an extremely dense object with a strong gravitational field.

How do black holes affect time?

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, time and space are interconnected. In the presence of a black hole's strong gravitational pull, time is distorted, and it slows down. This means that time passes slower for an object near a black hole than for an object further away.

Can we travel through a black hole?

Currently, it is not possible to travel through a black hole. The intense gravitational pull and the strong tidal forces near a black hole would tear apart any object or living being that attempted to enter it.

Is time travel possible in a black hole?

The concept of time travel is still a topic of debate and research in the scientific community. While some theories suggest that time travel may be possible in the extreme conditions near a black hole, it is not yet proven.

What is the connection between black holes and wormholes?

Wormholes are hypothetical tunnels that connect two distant points in space-time. Some theories suggest that black holes may lead to wormholes, making them a potential avenue for time travel. However, the existence of wormholes is still a topic of research and has not been proven.

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