Can Brooms Really Stand by Themselves?

  • Thread starter Averagesupernova
  • Start date
In summary, there is a current trend on social media where people are excited about being able to stand brooms up by themselves. This is not a new phenomenon, but many are just realizing that it is physically possible. Some have pointed out that most modern brooms are angled, making it difficult to stand them up, but there are some videos of people doing it successfully. However, it is speculated that these videos may have been edited or staged. Ultimately, this trend is just a fun and harmless social media craze.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
I did a quick google to make sure this hasn't been covered already on PF but came up with no hits. What's up? I haven't followed up very many google hits but in the last few days on facebook and in stupid text messages everyone is excited about being able to stand brooms up all by themselves. Anyone else heard this hype? I guess someone just realized something like this isn't physically impossible for the first time in history. I don't see it is any different than standing a dime on edge.
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  • #2
Why wouldn't they be able to? I guess most modern brooms are angled, so that would make it very difficult, but a quick google search yielded some conspiracy site with a video of a woman standing a "spooky" broom. The bottom was more or less flat. Why wouldn't it stand up? Facebook is just well, facebook...
  • #3
It's all true.
  • #4
I doubt they got there without any help, so "standing by themselves" isn't quite accurate ;-)
  • #5
How great.
It reminded me this masterpiece from Disney.

FAQ: Can Brooms Really Stand by Themselves?

1. Can brooms really stand by themselves?

Yes, brooms can stand by themselves under certain conditions. This phenomenon is known as the "broom challenge" and occurs when the broom's center of gravity is directly above its bristles.

2. Why do brooms stand by themselves on certain days?

Brooms can stand by themselves on any day, as long as the conditions are right. However, many people believe that brooms can only stand on the first day of spring due to a viral social media hoax. This is not true and brooms can stand by themselves on any day of the year.

3. How do you make a broom stand by itself?

To make a broom stand by itself, you need to find a flat surface and position the broom so that its bristles are evenly spread out. Then, carefully balance the broom so that its handle is perpendicular to the ground. It may take a few tries to find the right balance.

4. Is the broom challenge just a trick or is there science behind it?

The broom challenge is not a trick, but it is also not a scientific phenomenon. While it may seem like magic, the broom challenge is simply a result of physics and the broom's center of gravity. As long as the broom's center of gravity is directly above its bristles, it will stand by itself.

5. Can any type of broom stand by itself?

Yes, any type of broom can stand by itself as long as it meets the conditions mentioned above. However, some brooms may be easier to balance than others, so you may have to try different brooms before finding one that can stand by itself.

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