Can Classical Mechanics Calculate Time Dilation?

In summary: Instead, it's just more complex math. In summary, the time experienced and measured by a relativistic traveler will not be equivalent to the travel time in a classically mechanical universe even if the same amount of energy is used to accelerate the object. The equations are different and the time dilation factor must be taken into account.
  • #1
Okay so I have a question about time dilation, kinetic energy and classical mechanics. My question is, if an object were traveling at very high relativistic speeds and experienced time dilation, would the time it experience and measure during the travels be equivalent to the travel time if it were traveling in a classically mechanical universe where FTL is possible? Assuming the same amount of energy is used the accelerate the object in both cases?

For instance, say I have a small space pod that weighs 1000 kg. And classically (no relativity) If I were to accelerate the ship to, say, 5c, the KE of the ship should be 1.125e+21 joules. And if I'm five light-years from some location that I'm approaching, then my travel time will be 1 year until I arrive at that location.

So now relativistically, I have the same ship (1000 kg) and I spend 1.125e+21 joules to accelerate it. I know it won't be FTL, but my question is, if I travel 5 light years in roughly 5 years, will I only experience 1 year due to time dilation?

Basically, my question is, can I use classical mechanics to calculate classical FTL travel times to see what my time dilation would be relativistically with the same amount of KE?
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  • #2
AndromedaRXJ said:
I use classical mechanics to calculate classical FTL travel times to see what my time dilation would be relativistically with the same amount of KE?

No. The equations are different.
  • #3
AndromedaRXJ said:
if I travel 5 light years in roughly 5 years, will I only experience 1 year due to time dilation?
Only for one particular speed.

Say you are traveling to a star at rest relative to the Earth and five light-years away according to an observer at rest relative to the Earth and the star. Whether you travel at .999c, .999999c, or .999999999c you will cover the distance in roughly five years according to that observer... but the elapsed time that you measure will be very different in the three cases.
  • #4
Vanadium 50 said:
No. The equations are different.

I know this. The kinetic energy is already given in both situations though. Let my try to ask the question differently since I think I asked it poorly.

Say a particle in a classical universe crosses 5 light years in 1 year, there for it also observes it self as traveling for 1 year. It's kinetic energy and mass are known.

Now say in a universe where relativity applies. The particle has the same mass and kinetic energy. Is the time it measures for it self 1 year? I know that's not what stationary observers will observe, but is that what it measures for it self?
  • #5
Nugatory said:
Only for one particular speed.

Say you are traveling to a star at rest relative to the Earth and five light-years away according to an observer at rest relative to the Earth and the star. Whether you travel at .999c, .999999c, or .999999999c you will cover the distance in roughly five years according to that observer... but the elapsed time that you measure will be very different in the three cases.

I know this. The mass and kinetic energy are already given, so the speed is already known. I'm wondering if the travel time it measures for it self is the same in both situations. I'm not concerned with stationary observers.
  • #6
AndromedaRXJ said:
The particle has the same mass and kinetic energy. Is the time it measures for it self 1 year?

The answer is still no, for the same reason.
  • #7
Vanadium 50 said:
The answer is still no, for the same reason.

Is the time it observes for it self less or more than what it would observe classically? Or does that vary?
  • #8
AndromedaRXJ said:
if I travel 5 light years in roughly 5 years, will I only experience 1 year due to time dilation?

No; you will experience significantly less than 1 year. The math is simple for this, but it's not the simple math you appear to be hoping for.

You have a rest mass of 1000 kg, which is a rest energy of ##9 \times 10^{19}## Joules (rest mass times ##c^2##, which is about ##9 \times 10^{16}##). You have a kinetic energy of ##1.125 \times 10^{21}## Joules. Your total energy is the sum of the two, which is ##1.215 \times 10^{21}## Joules. Your relativistic gamma factor, which is your time dilation factor, is the ratio of your total energy to your rest energy, which is ##121.5 / 9 = 13.5##. So you will experience ##5 / 13.5 = 0.37## years of elapsed time.
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  • #9
PeterDonis said:
No; you will experience significantly less than 1 year. The math is simple for this, but it's not the simple math you appear to be hoping for.

You have a rest mass of 1000 kg, which is a rest energy of ##9 \times 10^{19}## Joules (rest mass times ##c^2##, which is about ##9 \times 10^{16}##). You have a kinetic energy of ##1.125 \times 10^{21}## Joules. Your total energy is the sum of the two, which is ##1.215 \times 10^{21}## Joules. Your relativistic gamma factor, which is your time dilation factor, is the ratio of your total energy to your rest energy, which is ##121.5 / 9 = 13.5##. So you will experience ##5 / 13.5 = 0.37## years of elapsed time.

Wow that is really helpful, thanks! But you're right though. I was hoping for observed times for classical and relativistic travelers to correspond for a given mass and kinetic energy. I thought that would have been interesting if true, and would have been a neat math trick.

Related to Can Classical Mechanics Calculate Time Dilation?

1. What is time dilation in classical mechanics?

Time dilation in classical mechanics is a phenomenon where time appears to pass slower for an observer who is moving relative to another observer. This is a consequence of Einstein's theory of relativity, which states that time and space are relative and can be affected by the speed and gravity of an object.

2. How is time dilation calculated in classical mechanics?

In classical mechanics, time dilation can be calculated using the equation t' = t * sqrt(1 - v^2/c^2), where t' is the dilated time, t is the original time, v is the relative velocity between observers, and c is the speed of light. This equation is known as the Lorentz transformation and is used to calculate the effect of relative motion on time.

3. Can time dilation be observed in everyday life?

Yes, time dilation can be observed in everyday life, although the effects are very small at everyday speeds. For example, GPS satellites have to account for time dilation due to their high speeds in orbit, otherwise their location calculations would be inaccurate. Additionally, astronauts in space experience time dilation due to their high speeds relative to Earth.

4. Does time dilation only occur with high speeds?

No, time dilation can also occur due to differences in gravitational fields. This is known as gravitational time dilation and was famously demonstrated in the Hafele-Keating experiment, where atomic clocks were flown around the world and showed slightly different times due to their different speeds and positions in Earth's gravitational field.

5. How does time dilation affect the concept of time?

Time dilation challenges the traditional concept of time as a constant and absolute quantity. It shows that time is relative and can be affected by various factors, such as speed and gravity. This has significant implications for our understanding of the universe and has been confirmed through numerous experiments and observations.

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