Can CO2 Increase Temperature in a Sealed Environment?

In summary, the demonstration involves using two clear cubes, one containing dry ice, to show the effects of CO2 absorption on temperature. The box should be made of a transparent material and the bottom should be covered with a material with low albedo to maximize the temperature difference.
  • #1
I was pondering a posible global warming demonstration.

Two identical clear cubes with thermometers in the center. they have some 1 way valve at the top. Put dry ice in one. The one containing the dry ice is initally cooler, but as all of the dry ice evaporates, the cube fills up with CO2 and regestirs a higher temperature.

FIrst off, I know glass is opaque in IR. What material could the box be so it's clear in IR? I don't want an actual greenhouse, I want everything comming from the CO2.

Is the absorptivity of CO2 high enough to create a measurable difference in temperature? I'm picturing 2'*2'*2'

Unless I'm mistaken, I believe I'l want to bottom do be something with high albedo (white paper) to maximize the effect.
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  • #2
The answer to your first question is that the box should be made of a transparent material such as acrylic or polycarbonate. These materials are not opaque in IR and therefore should allow the CO2 to be absorbed by the thermometer. The absorptivity of CO2 is indeed high enough to create a measurable difference in temperature. However, keep in mind that the size of the cube will have an effect on the amount of CO2 that can be absorbed. In other words, a larger cube will be able to absorb more CO2 and thus create a more noticeable difference in temperature. Finally, the bottom of the cube should be covered with something that has a low albedo such as black paper or cloth. This will help to absorb more heat from the sunlight and increase the difference in temperature between the two cubes.
  • #3

Thank you for sharing your idea for a possible global warming demonstration. Using two identical clear cubes with thermometers and dry ice is a creative and visual way to demonstrate the impact of CO2 on temperature.

To answer your first question, there are materials such as quartz or sapphire that are transparent in the infrared spectrum. These materials are commonly used in scientific instruments such as spectrometers. However, they may not be practical or cost-effective for a demonstration like this. An alternative could be using a special type of plastic that is transparent in the infrared range.

Regarding the absorptivity of CO2, it is indeed high enough to create a measurable difference in temperature. In fact, CO2 is known as a greenhouse gas precisely because of its ability to absorb and trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere. However, the size of the cubes and the amount of dry ice used will also play a role in the magnitude of the temperature difference.

Lastly, using a high albedo material for the bottom of the cubes is a good idea to maximize the effect. This will help reflect more light and heat onto the cubes, further demonstrating the impact of CO2 on temperature.

Overall, your idea for a global warming demonstration is thought-provoking and has the potential to effectively communicate the concept to others. Keep exploring and experimenting with different materials and methods to make it even more impactful.

Related to Can CO2 Increase Temperature in a Sealed Environment?

What is the purpose of a global warming demonstration?

A global warming demonstration is a form of protest or activism that aims to raise awareness about the ongoing issue of global warming and the need for immediate action to address it. The purpose is to bring attention to the detrimental effects of human activities on the environment and urge individuals, organizations, and governments to take steps towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

How does global warming affect the planet?

Global warming refers to the gradual increase in the Earth's average temperature due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This leads to various consequences such as rising sea levels, more frequent and severe natural disasters, loss of biodiversity, changes in weather patterns, and disruption of ecological balance. These effects have a profound impact on the planet and can ultimately lead to irreversible damage if not addressed.

What evidence supports the existence of global warming?

Scientists and researchers have collected and analyzed data from various sources, including temperature records, ice core samples, and satellite measurements. This evidence shows that the Earth's average temperature has been steadily increasing over the past century, and the rate of warming has accelerated in recent decades. Additionally, changes in precipitation patterns, sea level rise, and melting of polar ice caps further support the existence of global warming.

What can individuals do to address global warming?

Individual actions may seem insignificant in the face of a global issue like climate change, but they can make a significant difference when combined. Some ways individuals can contribute to addressing global warming include reducing energy consumption, using renewable energy sources, minimizing waste and recycling, supporting sustainable practices, and advocating for change through voting and activism.

What is the role of governments and policies in addressing global warming?

Governments have a crucial role in addressing global warming by enacting and enforcing policies and regulations that promote sustainable practices and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This can include setting targets for renewable energy use, implementing carbon pricing mechanisms, and investing in green technologies. It is also essential for governments to work together on a global scale to address this issue effectively.

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