Can complex analysis be used to solve PDEs other than the Laplacian?

In summary, I think it is possible to solve other PDEs in the complex domain, provided that they have a harmonic potential function as a solution.
  • #1
Hey all,

I was reading up on Harmonic functions and how every solution to the laplace equation can be represented in the complex plane, so a mapping in the complex domain is actually a way to solve the equation for a desired boundary.

This got me wondering: is this possible for other PDEs apart for the laplacian? For instance, diffusion, or the heat equation? Thus far, my search hasn't yielded any relevant information..!
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  • #2
Dr. Reinhart Piltner used complex analysis to find a general solution for 3d static elasticity problems in terms of complex functions, which amounted to finding a biharmonic potential function in terms of six arbitrary complex functions of three complex variables (of the form [itex]\zeta_{i} = a_{i}x + b_{i}y + c_{i}z,[/itex] where one parameter[itex] (a_{i}, b_{i}, c_{i})[/itex] is equal to[itex] \sqrt{-1}[/itex] for each i) that meets several other conditions.

I don't know if the elasticity part interests you, but you will probably find the derivation of biharmonic solution interesting.

For some reason only the 1987 and 1989 papers work, the others all open the same paper (copy-paste web designing?). The 1987 paper is the one with the derivation, though.

That's the only other PDE application to complex numbers I know of, but I'm sure there are plenty of others.
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  • #3
If there is such a thing as 'cool' for papers, those are its definition :biggrin:

I'l read them in detail this afternoon! Thnx a million!
  • #4
meldraft said:
This got me wondering: is this possible for other PDEs apart for the laplacian? For instance, diffusion, or the heat equation? Thus far, my search hasn't yielded any relevant information..!

I think so. You could take a Laplace transform of for example the heat equation (or wave equation, I don't remember well) with given boundary conditions and initial conditions. In order to get the solution to the PDE, at one point you'll need to take the inverse transform which might involve solving an integral with making use of the residue theorem.
  • #5
Hmmm you got me there, I'll have to read up on the residue theorem. From what few I read on wiki though, you can use it to (among other things) solve real integrals. This looks indeed quite like the case of the Laplacian, since harmonic functions end up representing a real solution.

Wouldn't a strange consequence however be the following:

Every complex function has harmonic real and imaginary parts. If other PDEs can be expressed in complex form, solutions to the aforementioned equations would also be harmonic?

FAQ: Can complex analysis be used to solve PDEs other than the Laplacian?

1. Can complex analysis be used to solve PDEs with non-constant coefficients?

Yes, complex analysis can be used to solve PDEs with non-constant coefficients. Complex analysis techniques allow for the use of analytic functions, which can be used to represent solutions to PDEs with non-constant coefficients.

2. Are there any limitations to using complex analysis to solve PDEs?

While complex analysis is a powerful tool for solving PDEs, there are some limitations. It is most effective for linear, homogeneous PDEs, and may not be suitable for non-linear or non-homogeneous equations. Additionally, the use of complex numbers may make the solution more difficult to interpret physically.

3. How does complex analysis help in solving PDEs?

Complex analysis provides a powerful framework for solving PDEs by utilizing analytic functions, which have many useful properties such as being infinitely differentiable. It also allows for the use of contour integration, which can simplify the solution process.

4. Can complex analysis be used to solve PDEs in higher dimensions?

Yes, complex analysis can be used to solve PDEs in higher dimensions. However, the complexity and difficulty of the equations increase significantly as the number of dimensions increases, making the use of complex analysis more challenging.

5. Is complex analysis the only method for solving PDEs?

No, complex analysis is not the only method for solving PDEs. There are other techniques such as separation of variables, numerical methods, and transform methods that can also be used to solve PDEs. The choice of method depends on the specific equation and desired solution approach.

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