Can Conformal Transformations be Derived from Group Composition Rules?

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  • Thread starter formodular
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In summary, the algebra of the conformal group \mbox{Con}(1,n-1) is isomorphic to that of the Lorentz group \mbox{SO}(2,n). This can be obtained from the infinitesimal form of the group multiplication law U(\Lambda) U(\bar{\Lambda}) = U(\Lambda \bar{\Lambda}), by setting U(\Lambda) = 1 + \frac{i}{2} \omega_{AB}M^{AB}, where \omega_{AB} + \omega_{BA} = 0, and A , B = -2, -1, 0, 1
  • #1

Is there a way to end up with the algebra


i) quickly

ii) starting from a group, as how one gets the CR's from the Lorentz group composition rules, as on

The other relations are quite complicated and the composition rules well are not clear.

Physics news on
  • #2
formodular said:

Is there a way to end up with the algebra


i) quickly

ii) starting from a group, as how one gets the CR's from the Lorentz group composition rules, as on

The other relations are quite complicated and the composition rules well are not clear.


The algebra of the conformal group [itex]\mbox{Con}(1,n-1)[/itex] is isomorphic to that of the Lorentz group [itex]\mbox{SO}(2,n)[/itex]. The latter can be obtained from the infinitesimal form of the group multiplication law [itex]U(\Lambda) U(\bar{\Lambda}) = U(\Lambda \bar{\Lambda})[/itex], by setting [itex]U(\Lambda) = 1 + \frac{i}{2} \omega_{AB}M^{AB}[/itex], where [itex]\omega_{AB} + \omega_{BA} = 0[/itex], and [itex]A , B = -2, -1, 0, 1, \cdots , n-1[/itex]. Doing the easy exercise gives you [tex][i M^{AB } , M^{CD}] = \eta^{BC}M^{AD} - \eta^{AC}M^{BD} + \eta^{AD}M^{BC} - \eta^{BD} M^{AC} ,[/tex] where [itex]\eta^{AB} = (1 , -1, \eta^{\mu\nu})[/itex] with [itex]\eta^{\mu\nu}[/itex] being the Lorentz metric on the n-dimensional Minkowski space-time [itex]\mu, \nu = 0, 1, \cdots n-1[/itex]. Now, the algebra of [itex]\mbox{Con}(1,n-1)[/itex] is obtained from the above by defining the following generators [tex]D = M^{-2 , -1} , \ \ \ J^{\mu\nu} = M^{\mu\nu} ,[/tex] [tex]\frac{1}{2} (P^{\mu} - K^{\mu}) = M^{-2 , \mu} ,[/tex] [tex]\frac{1}{2}(P^{\mu} + K^{\mu}) = M^{-1, \mu} .[/tex]

You may want to look at
  • #3
samalkhaiat said:
The algebra of the conformal group [itex]\mbox{Con}(1,n-1)[/itex] is isomorphic to that of the Lorentz group [itex]\mbox{SO}(2,n)[/itex].


This is ultimately the answer, and seeing it would give the commutation relations very quickly if you knew you could end up doing this. I must say understanding this is what I am having difficulty with and have spent a week trying to see this, and the link to DeSitter/Anti-DeSitter spaces, in a way that predicts everything in advance, and need to think some more before formulating a question on how to see this in advance, e.g. in an old Dirac paper he just goes to DeSitter space in seconds with no work.
  • #4
formodular said:
This is ultimately the answer

The Lie algebra isomorphism [itex]\mathfrak{so}(n,2) \cong \mathfrak{con}(n-1,1)[/itex], which I sketched in #2, is the mathematical base for the correspondence between field theory in the bulk of the space [itex]\mbox{Ads}_{n+1}[/itex] and a conformal field theory on its boundary [itex]\mbox{CFT}_{n}[/itex]. This is because of the fact that the group [itex]SO(n,2)[/itex] is the isometry group of [itex]\mbox{Ads}_{n+1}[/itex], and [itex]\mbox{Con}(n-1,1)[/itex] is (obviously) the symmetry group of [itex]\mbox{CFT}_{n}[/itex].
  • #5

I do not understand that yet, so from a more rudimentary place - if you view conformal transformations as transformations preserving the lightcone,
$$ds^2 = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - t^2 = 0 \ \ \to \ \ ds'^2 = f(x)ds^2 = 0$$
then we can go from here to what we will call AdS space by treating this as embedded in
$$x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - t^2 = 0 \ \ \to \ \ x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - t^2 - w^2 = - R^2 $$

where when ##x,y,z,t## are small in comparison with ##R## we have ##w## equal to ##R## to first order so that, as ##R \to \infty## we obtain our lightcone, and so it seems reasonable why conformal transformations arise in this AdS context,
$$x'^2 + y'^2 + z'^2 - t'^2 - w^2 = - R^2 \ \ \to \ \ f(x)(x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - t^2) - w^2 = - R^2$$
and why the Lie algebras might be linked.

Then there is another viewpoint

where you view your ##4## dimensional surface as a surface in ##5## dimensional projective space which, in homogeneous coordinates, gives ##6## coordinates ##x^{\mu}## and you can go from ##x_{\mu} x^{\mu} = 0## to conformal transformations as in that paper.

So yes this is some rudimentary pieces of this puzzle so far, not enough yet.

FAQ: Can Conformal Transformations be Derived from Group Composition Rules?

1. What is a conformal CR from group?

A conformal CR from group is a mathematical concept that describes a type of symmetry in a geometric space. It refers to a set of transformations that preserve angles and shapes, while also preserving the CR structure of the space.

2. What is the significance of conformal CR from group in science?

Conformal CR from group has applications in several fields of science, such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics. In physics, it is used to study the behavior of particles in quantum mechanics. In engineering, it is used to design structures with optimal strength and stability. In computer graphics, it is used to create realistic and accurate 3D models.

3. How is conformal CR from group related to conformal symmetry?

Conformal CR from group is a specific type of conformal symmetry, which is a type of symmetry that preserves angles but not necessarily shapes. However, in the case of conformal CR from group, both angles and shapes are preserved, making it a more restrictive form of symmetry.

4. Can conformal CR from group be applied to non-Euclidean spaces?

Yes, conformal CR from group can be applied to non-Euclidean spaces, such as hyperbolic or spherical spaces. In fact, it has been used to study the symmetries of these spaces and has led to important discoveries in the field of hyperbolic geometry.

5. Are there any real-world examples of conformal CR from group?

Yes, there are several real-world examples of conformal CR from group. One example is the behavior of light rays in a medium with varying refractive index, which can be described by a conformal CR from group. Another example is the shape of soap bubbles, which can be explained by the symmetry of a conformal CR from group.
