Can Convergent Sequences with Different Limits Have Infinite Intersections?

In summary, for two convergent sequences with different limits, the set formed by taking the union of the elements of the sequences is finite, with a maximum number of elements equal to the larger of the two numbers that guarantee the sequences are within a certain distance of their respective limits.
  • #1
Let x_n and y_n be two convergent sequences with different limits. Show that the set {x_n : n€N} n {y_n : n€N} is finite.

Attempt: by definition, for each £>0 there exists an N such that |x_n - x|<£ and similarly |y_n - y|<£ holds for every n with n>N. Take £=(x-y)/3 and assume that x_n and y_n are equal for a while. Call N_1 the number which satisfies |x_n - x|<(x-y)/3 and call N_2 which satisfies |y_n - y|<(x-y)/3. Put N=max(N_1,N_2). So after that N, the distance between x_n and y_n is minimum (x-y)/3. Hence there are only N many elements of the set. Is this correct?
Physics news on
  • #2
I think I should have assumed the contrapositive, which is actually equivalent to what I did, right?
  • #3
bedi said:
Let x_n and y_n be two convergent sequences with different limits. Show that the set {x_n : n€N} n {y_n : n€N} is finite.

Attempt: by definition, for each £>0 there exists an N such that |x_n - x|<£ and similarly |y_n - y|<£ holds for every n with n>N. Take £=(x-y)/3 and assume that x_n and y_n are equal for a while. Call N_1 the number which satisfies |x_n - x|<(x-y)/3 and call N_2 which satisfies |y_n - y|<(x-y)/3. Put N=max(N_1,N_2). So after that N, the distance between x_n and y_n is minimum (x-y)/3. Hence there are only N many elements of the set. Is this correct?
That's basically right but there are a couple of inaccuracies along the way.
ε needs to be guaranteed > 0.
Call N_1 the number which
N_1 does not appear in the expression which follows. Need a 'for all' in there.

FAQ: Can Convergent Sequences with Different Limits Have Infinite Intersections?

What is a convergent sequence?

A convergent sequence is a sequence of numbers where the values get closer and closer to a single number as the sequence progresses. This number is called the limit of the sequence.

How do you determine the limit of a convergent sequence?

To determine the limit of a convergent sequence, you can use the formula lim(n->∞) an = L, where L is the limit and an is the nth term of the sequence. This formula means that as n (the number of terms) approaches infinity, the value of the nth term (an) will approach the limit (L).

What is the difference between a convergent sequence and a divergent sequence?

A convergent sequence has a limit, meaning the values in the sequence get closer and closer to a single number. In contrast, a divergent sequence does not have a limit, meaning the values in the sequence do not approach a single number and instead may increase or decrease without bound.

Can a convergent sequence have multiple limits?

No, a convergent sequence can only have one limit. This is because the definition of a limit states that the values in the sequence must get arbitrarily close to a single number as the sequence progresses.

What are some real-life applications of convergent sequences?

Convergent sequences are used in various fields such as physics, engineering, and economics to model real-world phenomena. For example, in physics, convergent sequences are used to model the motion of an object as it approaches a given position or velocity. In economics, they are used to model the behavior of a financial market as it approaches equilibrium.
