Can Electrical Signals Be Converted to Sound and Used to Read Minds?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of converting electrical signals from the brain into sound, leading to the idea of being able to hear others' thoughts. However, the experts explain that while it is possible to map brain activity and make rough estimations, there is currently no way to directly hear thoughts through computer programming.
  • #1
Hi friends I'm new here
I just want to know if we can convert electrical signals to sound
Engineering news on
  • #2
That's what a speaker does.

[thread moved to electrical engineering]
  • #3
I'm asking that if we can convert brain's electric signals to sound I.e.. So that we can hear their inner thoughts
  • #4
You can computer-generate sound based on some measurements of electrodes, but that doesn't mean you can "hear thoughts". You'll get a random-looking pattern of neurons firing.
  • #6
If you map the whole brain activity, calibrate it with known images and throw tons of highly sophisticated software in, you can get a very rough estimate of the visual input of the brain.

There is a rough correlation between the field of vision and spatial brain areas, so getting some rough idea which areas are active is possible (which you can see in the video). Sufficient to see that there is a face, but not more so far. Such a correlation does not exist for thoughts, at least no correlation is known. And even if there would be, it would need a huge amount of calibration to map it.
There are studies that monitored individual neurons, and apparently it can happen that those are highly specific - one study (, news article) found a neuron that responded to Halle Berry (pictures or her name written somewhere), but to nothing else tested.

Sure, a computer can learn such a correlation and then play a sound file where someone says "Halle Berry", but I don't think the question was meant that way.
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  • #7
So there is no chance of hearing other's thoughts through this computer programming thing? Only we can estimate what others are thinking? and I think it would take so much time for us to even estimate what he /she thinks
  • #8
Lokesh7890 said:
So there is no chance of hearing other's thoughts through this computer programming thing?
Not in the way you probably imagine. Brains are not operating with sound.
Lokesh7890 said:
Only we can estimate what others are thinking?
Not even that (at least not yet). There is a test subject where you can reliably check if that test subject thinks of Halle Berry, another one where you can check "if that persons thinks of an opera house, we can make an educated guess if it is the one in Sydney or not", and a few more isolated cases. Certainly of scientific interest, but most of the time humans are not thinking of Halle Berry or the Sydney Opera House.
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FAQ: Can Electrical Signals Be Converted to Sound and Used to Read Minds?

What is electrical current to sound conversion?

Electrical current to sound conversion is the process of transforming an electrical signal into an audible sound. This can be achieved using various devices such as speakers, headphones, or even simple transducers.

How does electrical current produce sound?

When an electrical current passes through a conductive material, it causes the molecules in the material to vibrate. This vibration is then picked up by a transducer, which converts it into sound waves that can be heard by the human ear.

What is the relationship between electrical current and sound?

The relationship between electrical current and sound is that electrical current is the energy source that produces sound. The amount of current flowing through a circuit determines the volume or loudness of the sound produced.

What types of devices use electrical current to produce sound?

There are many devices that use electrical current to produce sound, such as speakers, headphones, microphones, and musical instruments. Additionally, electronic devices like cell phones and computers also use electrical current to produce sound through their speakers or headphones.

How can electrical current be manipulated to change the sound produced?

Electrical current can be manipulated in various ways to change the sound produced. For example, altering the frequency or amplitude of the current can change the pitch or volume of the sound. Additionally, using different types of transducers or amplifiers can also affect the quality of the sound produced.
