Can electromagnetic fields produce space-time curvature?

In summary: I think you're missing the point.The question was whether or not a stationary EM field could cause curvature, and the answer is that it cannot because there is no energy associated with that field in its rest frame.In summary, the conversation discusses whether or not electromagnetism can generate space-time curvature. One person argues that it can, using the example of light propagating fluctuations in the electric and magnetic fields to show that photons have momentum and energy, which can cause curvature. However, another person points out that a stationary EM field does not have its own energy and therefore cannot cause curvature. They discuss how the total energy of a system, including both nuclear and electronic binding energies, affects its mass and thus the amount of curvature it can
  • #1
Energy---> space time curvature

In general energy---> space-time curvature
Any sperimental evidence that electromagnetism--->space-time curvature?

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  • #2
blue_sky said:
In general energy---> space-time curvature
Any sperimental evidence that electromagnetism--->space-time curvature?


As I mentioned before, gold and aluminum have different amounts of electrostatic energy. I think the figures were .4% and .1% of the total mass of the atoms were due

But we know from Eotovos experiments that both are affected by gravity in the same way.
  • #3
pervect said:
As I mentioned before, gold and aluminum have different amounts of electrostatic energy. I think the figures were .4% and .1% of the total mass of the atoms were due

But we know from Eotovos experiments that both are affected by gravity in the same way.

Thanks... but this looks like that electromagnetism doesn't generate space time curvature. I got it correctly?

  • #4
Electromagnetism does generate spacetime curvature, i think. Here's my reasoning:

Light propagates a flucttuation in both the electric and magnetic fields. These fluctuations can be represented as the bosons called photons (just go with me here), and photons have momentum and energy, and do cause space time curvature.

The point I'm making is that the electromagnetic field carries energy, and so should cause spacetime curvature, but only if it carries its own energy as in the case of light. If for example, we just have a stationary point charge, there is no curvature, because the electric field possesses no energy of its own independsnt of a charge placed in it.

note: I'm only speculating here.
  • #5
blue_sky said:
Thanks... but this looks like that electromagnetism doesn't generate space time curvature. I got it correctly?


I'm not sure why you think that.

It's been demonstrated very - vigorously - that nuclear binding energies affect the mass of atoms. A coherent treatment of energy requires that electronic binding energies be treated in the same way as nuclear binding energies, that they affect the mass of atoms.

The way the treatment works is that a bound system has a lower mass than an unbound system.

It can be seen from the figures quoted that the total electronic binding energies are not a negligible part of the mass of atoms (.1% and .4% for Al and Gold).

Note that in normal chemical reactions, only the outer electrons are involved. The energies here are low, the effect on mass is small enough to be ignored. But when you add together ALL of the electronic energy, esp. for heavy elements, it's a lot larger, because the inner electrons are very strongly bound, and the contribution to total energy is no longer negligible.
[end edit]

There's some more data on the magnitude of electronic binding energies at

but I haven't personally added up these numbers and computed E/c^2, I've been relying on my text (MTW's Gravitation) to be accurate about the total percentage of energy that's binding energy in these elments.

Comparing elements with a different amount of differing binding energies (i.e. different amounts of electronic binding energy, differing amounts of nuclear binding energy) in an Eotovos type balance should determine if elements with different sorts of energy distributions act differently with respect to gravity, or whether only the total energy matters.

This is actually a test of the equivalence principle.

To date, it's been found that only the total energy counts, it doesn't matter how much of it is nuclear binding energy, chemical binding energy, etc.
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  • #6
well, according to E=mc^2, energy is proportional to mass. so i guess it could bend spacetime but you would need a very high amount of energy because m = E/c^2. if this has been posted, sorry, i didnt read any of the other posts.
  • #7
franznietzsche said:
Electromagnetism does generate spacetime curvature, i think. Here's my reasoning:

Light propagates a flucttuation in both the electric and magnetic fields. These fluctuations can be represented as the bosons called photons (just go with me here), and photons have momentum and energy, and do cause space time curvature.
Even in classical electrodyamics and EM field can have energy, momentum and stress. There is no need to invoke photons to arrive at this conclusion. From this it follows that the stress-energy-momentum tensor, Tuv, is non-zero and at evets for which it is non-zero there is a non-vanishing spacetime curvature.
The point I'm making is that the electromagnetic field carries energy, ..
...and therefore mass..
...and so should cause spacetime curvature, but only if it carries its own energy as in the case of light. If for example, we just have a stationary point charge, there is no curvature, because the electric field possesses no energy of its own independsnt of a charge placed in it.
There is energy in/associated with all electric and magnetic field fields, even when they are static fields. If one then changes their frame of referece to one moving with respect to the charges rest frame then in that frame the momentum density of the fields will not vanish.


Related to Can electromagnetic fields produce space-time curvature?

1. What is energy and how does it relate to space-time curvature?

Energy is a physical quantity that represents the ability of a system to do work. In the context of space-time curvature, energy is related to mass and gravity. According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, mass and energy can warp the fabric of space-time, causing objects to follow curved paths.

2. How does space-time curvature affect the movement of objects?

Space-time curvature affects the movement of objects by causing them to follow curved paths. This is because objects with mass and energy create a gravitational field that warps the space-time around them, influencing the motion of other objects in that space-time.

3. Can energy be converted into space-time curvature?

Yes, according to Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2, energy and mass are equivalent and can be converted into each other. This means that energy can be converted into mass, which in turn can cause space-time curvature.

4. Does space-time curvature only occur in the presence of massive objects?

No, space-time curvature can also occur in the absence of massive objects. According to quantum field theory, empty space is not truly empty but is filled with virtual particles that constantly pop in and out of existence. These particles have energy and can cause space-time curvature.

5. How does space-time curvature impact our understanding of the universe?

Space-time curvature is a fundamental concept in Einstein's theory of general relativity, which has greatly impacted our understanding of the universe. This theory has allowed us to better understand the behavior of massive objects, such as planets and stars, and has led to the discovery of phenomena such as black holes and gravitational waves. It also plays a crucial role in our understanding of the expansion of the universe and the concept of space-time itself.

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