Can everybody suggest a better upper bound?

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving finding an upper bound for a given probability mass function with constraints on the probabilities. Various approaches and functions are suggested, but the main problem has not yet been solved. The problem is restated in terms of maximizing a function with a greedy approach.
  • #1
I have sent this question a couple of days ago, but it seems that its latex form had problem. So, I decide to send it again.

I will thank If somebody help me solving this problem.

Consider a random variable [itex] k_1 [/itex] with the given pmf as:

[itex]Pr[k_1=l]=\sum_{l_1+2l_2=l} \frac{N!}{(N-l_1-l_2)!l_1!l_2!}p_1^{l_1} p_2^{l_2} (1-(p_1+p_2))^{N-l_1-l_2}[/itex]

where [itex]l_1,l_2 \in [0,1,...,l] [/itex].

but we don't have [itex]p_1[/itex] and [itex]p_2[/itex] separately and we know just the value of [itex]p_1+p_2[/itex].

I want to find at least a good and tight upper bound for the above pmf.

For example; we can use the inequality of [itex] p_1^{l_1} p_2^{l_2} \leq \frac{l_1!l_2!}{(l_1+l_2)!}(p_1+p_2)^{l_1+l_2} [/itex], but it is not that much tight.

Can everybody suggest a better upper bound?
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  • #2
Do you get a sensible answer if you set [itex] \theta = p_1 + p_2 [/itex] and solve the maximization problem:

Maximize [itex] f(x) = x^{L_1}(1-x)^{L_2} [/itex] with respect to [itex]x [/itex]
subject to the constraint [itex] 0 < x < \theta [/itex]

by using calculus?
  • #3
Stephen Tashi said:
Do you get a sensible answer if you set [itex] \theta = p_1 + p_2 [/itex] and solve the maximization problem:

Maximize [itex] f(x) = x^{L_1}(1-x)^{L_2} [/itex] with respect to [itex]x [/itex]
subject to the constraint [itex] 0 < x < \theta [/itex]

by using calculus?

Set [tex]\theta=1, l_1 = 1, l_2=1[/tex]

and maximize f(x) wrt x.
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  • #4
Stephen Tashi said:
Do you get a sensible answer if you set [itex] \theta = p_1 + p_2 [/itex] and solve the maximization problem:

Maximize [itex] f(x) = x^{L_1}(1-x)^{L_2} [/itex] with respect to [itex]x [/itex]
subject to the constraint [itex] 0 < x < \theta [/itex]

by using calculus?

SW VandeCarr said:
Set [tex]\theta=1, l_1 = 1, l_2=1[/tex]

and maximize f(x) wrt x.

If I reword the problem,
find the supreme (or at least one good) function[itex]f(.)[/itex] which for it we have [itex]p_1^{l_1}p_2^{l_2}\leq f(p_1+p_2,l_1,l_2)[/itex]
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  • #5
sabbagh80 said:
If I reword the problem,
find the supreme (or at least one good) function[itex]f(.)[/itex] which for it we have [itex]p_1^{l_1}p_2^{l_2}\leq f(p_1+p_2,l_1,l_2)[/itex]

The function is maximal when [tex] p_1=0.5, p_2=0.5, l_1=1, l_2=1[/tex]

That is, the left side of your expression cannot exceed 0.25 if the exponents are from the set of natural numbers (as you defined them) and the sum of the two probabilities are constrained to be less than or equal to one.

EDIT: Stephen Tashi already gave you the function to maximize in post 2, which you quoted above. I added some constraints so that the answer would make sense in terms of probabilities.
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  • #6
SW VandeCarr said:
The function is maximal when [tex] p_1=0.5, p_2=0.5, l_1=1, l_2=1[/tex]

That is, the left side of your expression cannot exceed 0.25 if the exponents are from the set of natural numbers (as you defined them) and the sum of the two probabilities are constrained to be less than or equal to one.

EDIT: Stephen Tashi already gave you the function to maximize in post 2, which you quoted above. I added some constraints so that the answer would make sense in terms of probabilities.

Dear SW VandeCarr,
let me explain the problem in other view and also my answer.

Let [itex]p_1, p_2[/itex] be any two probability values with the constraint [itex]p_1+p_2=k\leq 1[/itex] where [itex]k[/itex] is constant. Also, suppose [itex]l_1, l_2 \in N[/itex] are two fixed numbers.
Then, by maximization, we have: [itex]p_1^{l_1}p_2^{l_2}\leq (\frac{kl_1}{l_1+l_2})^{l_1}(\frac{kl_2}{l_1+l_2})^{l_2}.[/itex]
Now, it seems that finding a better upper bound which is in terms of [itex]p_1+p_2[/itex] is impossible. Is this conclusion right?
  • #7
sabbagh80 said:
Dear SW VandeCarr,
let me explain the problem in other view and also my answer.

Let [itex]p_1, p_2[/itex] be any two probability values with the constraint [itex]p_1+p_2=k\leq 1[/itex] where [itex]k[/itex] is constant. Also, suppose [itex]l_1, l_2 \in N[/itex] are two fixed numbers.
Then, by maximization, we have: [itex]p_1^{l_1}p_2^{l_2}\leq (\frac{kl_1}{l_1+l_2})^{l_1}(\frac{kl_2}{l_1+l_2})^{l_2}.[/itex]
Now, it seems that finding a better upper bound which is in terms of [itex]p_1+p_2[/itex] is impossible. Is this conclusion right?

Clearly, on the left side of the inequality [tex]p_1^{l_1} p_2^{l_2}[/tex] for any positive integer values of the exponents greater than 1, the value of the expression decreases. If one or both of the exponents take a zero value then the left side of the expression becomes 0.5 or 1 which, while true, is trivial IMO in terms of maximizing the function;

[tex] f(x)=(x)^{l_1}(1-x)^{l_2}[/tex] [tex]0\leq x \leq 1 [/tex]

Note for the right side of your inequality, for values of k less than or equal to 1, the expression has a maximum value of 0.25 when the [itex]l[/itex] terms are equal to 1.

EDIT: I'm not sure you what you mean about the upper bound for [itex]p_1 + p_2[/itex]. Assuming they refer to the same probability space, the upper bound is of course 1. That's defined by the laws of probability.
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  • #8
SW VandeCarr said:
Clearly, on the left side of the expression [tex]p_1^{l_1} p_2^{l_2}[/tex] for any positive integer values of the exponents greater than 1, the value of the expression decreases. If one or both of the exponents take a zero value then the left side of the expression becomes 0.5 or 1 which, while true, is trivial IMO in terms of maximizing the function;

[tex] f(x)=(x)^{l_1}(1-x)^{l_2}[/tex] [tex]0\leq x \leq 1 [/tex]

Note for the right side of your expression, for values of k less than or equal to 1, the expression has a maximum value of 0.25 when the [itex]l[/itex] terms are equal to 1.

EDIT: I'm not sure you what you mean about the upper bound for [itex]p_1 + p_2[/itex]. Assuming they refer to the same probability space, the upper bound is of course 1. That's defined by the laws of probability.

Are you agree with the given upper bound for [itex]l_1, l_2 \in N [/itex] and [itex]k \leq 1[/itex]?
I have to find the upper bound "in terms of [itex]p_1 + p_2=k"[/itex] not "for" [itex]p_1 + p_2=k[/itex]
Also, about the probability space, except [itex]p_1 + p_2[/itex], we also have [itex]p_0=1-p_1-p_2=1-k[/itex].
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  • #9
Even when we find the upper bound of the [itex]p_1^{l_1}p_2^{l_2}[/itex] as [itex](\frac{kl_1}{l_1+l_2})^{l_1}(\frac{kl_2}{l_1+l_2}) ^{l_2}[/itex] with the constraint of [itex]p_1+p_2=k \leq 1,[/itex] but the main problem has not solved.
If I rephrase the main problem again, it is as follows;

[tex]f=max_{0\leq x \leq k} \sum_{l_1,l_2 \in A} \frac{N!}{(N-l_1-l_2)!l_1!l_2!} x^{l_1}(k-x)^{l_2}(1-k)^{N-l_1-l_2}[/tex]
where for the sake of simplicity, [itex]A[/itex] is the set of which the integer values of [itex]l_1, l_2[/itex] are picked up.
If we want to maximize the above expression in greedy way, we can write
[tex]f<\sum_{l_1,l_2 \in A} \frac{N!}{(N-l_1-l_2)!l_1!l_2!} (\frac{k l_1}{l_1+l_2})^{l_1}(\frac{k l_2}{l_1+l_2})^{l_2}(1-k)^{N-l_1-l_2}.[/tex]
But, it is clear that this bound is not that much acceptable.
Can everybody suggest a better upper bound?(the main question of this thread!)
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  • #10
sabbagh80 said:
Consider a random variable [itex] k_1 [/itex] with the given pmf as:

[itex]Pr[k_1=l]=\sum_{l_1+2l_2=l} \frac{N!}{(N-l_1-l_2)!l_1!l_2!}p_1^{l_1} p_2^{l_2} (1-(p_1+p_2))^{N-l_1-l_2}[/itex]

where [itex]l_1,l_2 \in [0,1,...,l] [/itex].

but we don't have [itex]p_1[/itex] and [itex]p_2[/itex] separately and we know just the value of [itex]p_1+p_2[/itex].

I want to find at least a good and tight upper bound for the above pmf.

Could you show how the pmf was derived, so maybe it is possible to derive bounds or an exact formula by another method?
  • #11
bpet said:
Could you show how the pmf was derived, so maybe it is possible to derive bounds or an exact formula by another method?

We can say, it is a kind of tri-nomial distribution with a constraint of [itex]p_1+p_2=k[/itex] where [itex]0<k<1[/itex]. And [itex]Pr[k_1=l][/itex] is the summation of the above pmf over the constraint of [itex]l_1+2l_2=l[/itex]. If you sum up over all the values of [itex]l[/itex], you can easily get unity, since it is the summation of a tri-nomial distribution.
Actually, the set [itex]A[/itex] is defined as: [itex]A=\{l_1,l_2 \in \{0,1,...,N\}|l_1+2l_2=l \}[/itex] and [itex]l \in \{0,1,...,2N \}[/itex].
I really need to improve the given upper bound which is derived in greedy way.
  • #12
sabbagh80 said:
We can say, it is a kind of tri-nomial distribution with a constraint of [itex]p_1+p_2=k[/itex] where [itex]0<k<1[/itex]. And [itex]Pr[k_1=l][/itex] is the summation of the above pmf over the constraint of [itex]l_1+2l_2=l[/itex]. If you sum up over all the values of [itex]l[/itex], you can easily get unity, since it is the summation of a tri-nomial distribution.
Actually, the set [itex]A[/itex] is defined as: [itex]A=\{l_1,l_2 \in \{0,1,...,N\}|l_1+2l_2=l \}[/itex] and [itex]l \in \{0,1,...,2N \}[/itex].
I really need to improve the given upper bound which is derived in greedy way.

Ok so [itex]L=X_1+...+X_N[/itex] where [itex]P[X=1]=p_1[/itex] and [itex]P[X=2]=p_2[/itex], in which case you'd also need [itex]l_1+l_2\le N[/itex] right?
  • #13
bpet said:
Ok so [itex]L=X_1+...+X_N[/itex] where [itex]P[X=1]=p_1[/itex] and [itex]P[X=2]=p_2[/itex], in which case you'd also need [itex]l_1+l_2\le N[/itex] right?

yes, you are right. I had considered it in my mind, but, I forgot to mention it. So, we can modify the set as [itex]A=\{l_1,l_2 \in \{0,1,...,N\}|l_1+2l_2=l, l_1+l_2\leq N \}[/itex]
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  • #14
Write [itex]L_N=X_1+...+X_N[/itex], so the p.g.f. with [itex]p_1+p_2=q[/itex] is
[tex]g(x;p_1,N) = (1-q+p_1x+(q-p_1)x^2)^N[/tex]
[tex]P[L_N=n] = \tfrac{\partial^n}{\partial x^n}g|_{x=0}[/tex]
so taking derivatives wrt [itex]p_1[/itex] and applying the Leibniz formula shows that the probability is maximized at either
[tex]P[L_{N-1}=n-1] = P[L_{N-1}=n-2][/tex]
or [itex]p_1=0[/itex] or [itex]p_1=q[/itex]. Not sure how to solve the equation though.
  • #15
bpet said:
Write [itex]L_N=X_1+...+X_N[/itex], so the p.g.f. with [itex]p_1+p_2=q[/itex] is
[tex]g(x;p_1,N) = (1-q+p_1x+(q-p_1)x^2)^N[/tex]
[tex]P[L_N=n] = \tfrac{\partial^n}{\partial x^n}g|_{x=0}[/tex]
so taking derivatives wrt [itex]p_1[/itex] and applying the Leibniz formula shows that the probability is maximized at either
[tex]P[L_{N-1}=n-1] = P[L_{N-1}=n-2][/tex]
or [itex]p_1=0[/itex] or [itex]p_1=q[/itex]. Not sure how to solve the equation though.

Could you please define what you mean by [itex]L_i [/itex] and [itex] X_j[/itex]? Sorry, but, I am confused by these two notations.
  • #16

[tex]f=max_{0\leq x \leq k} \sum_{l_1,l_2 \in A} \frac{N!}{(N-l_1-l_2)!l_1!l_2!} x^{l_1}(k-x)^{l_2}(1-k)^{N-l_1-l_2}[/tex]

The usual algorithms for "geometric programming" find the extrema of polynomials with positive coefficients, but people have developed extensions of the algorithms that handle polynomials with coefficients of arbitrary signs. I haven't searched for an online reference to these algorithms, but I recall reading a hardcopy of a paper about them years ago. So if you are seeking numerical answers, I think the algorithms exist.

FAQ: Can everybody suggest a better upper bound?

1. Can you explain what an upper bound is?

An upper bound is a limit or maximum value for a set of data or variables. It is used to determine the highest possible value that a variable can take within a given range or scenario.

2. Why is it important to find a better upper bound?

Finding a better upper bound can help improve the accuracy and efficiency of mathematical models and algorithms. It can also provide a more realistic representation of the data and help in making more informed decisions.

3. How can one suggest a better upper bound?

One can suggest a better upper bound by analyzing the data and considering various factors such as the range of values, outliers, and the purpose of the upper bound. Consulting with experts and conducting further research can also help in suggesting a more accurate upper bound.

4. Can a better upper bound be determined through trial and error?

Yes, trial and error can be used to suggest a better upper bound. However, it is important to have a good understanding of the data and the variables involved in order to make an informed decision. It is also recommended to use other methods and techniques to validate the suggested upper bound.

5. Are there any limitations to finding a better upper bound?

There are some limitations to finding a better upper bound, such as the availability of accurate data, the complexity of the problem, and the assumptions made in the analysis. It is important to acknowledge these limitations and consider them when suggesting a better upper bound.

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