Can Expanding Space Overcome Quark Confinement in Particles?

In summary, this conversation discusses the expansion of space at an accelerated rate and the potential consequences for atomic nuclei and particles. There is a distinction between the expansion of the universe and the gravitational effects on objects like stars. The question of what would happen once the size of the causal horizon approached the length of asymptotic freedom of quarks is dependent on the nature of dark energy. If dark energy remains constant, the described scenario would not occur, but if it increases with time, it could potentially happen. The current evidence suggests a constant scenario.
  • #1
This thread involves a little general relativity and a little particle physics.

Observations indicate that space is expanding at an accelerated rate.

Given this would continue, even atomic nuclei should be torn apart leaving single particles, isolated from one another by causal horizons.

What would ensue once the size of the causal horizon approached the length of asymptotic freedom of the constituent quarks of a meson or baryon?
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  • #2
stedwards said:
Observations indicate that space is expanding at an accelerated rate.

To make this statement complete, you should add "at cosmological scales" right after expanding. The stars for example don't expand (those things are generally referred to as gravitationally bound objects).

So your idea of torn apart matter is because of a misconception. One way to see the distinction is that in cosmology you are describing an homogeneous and isotropic dust cloud (all the constituent contributions are averaged in this cosmological fluid), whereas the spacetime around a star is described to a good extend by the Schwarzschild metric (probably a more precise answer would be by a more complicated metric, since the space around the star is not vacuum).

stedwards said:
What would ensue once the size of the causal horizon approached the length of asymptotic freedom of the constituent quarks of a meson or baryon?

I don't understand this question, if you could re-ask it in another way?
When the "size" of the universe became large enough (when the energy dropped below the QCD scale), the free quark-gluon plasma underwent a phase transition and hadronized, resulting to pions (which later annihilated) and neutrons/protons.
  • #3
How would I request this thread be moved the Special and General Relativity forum?
  • #4
stedwards said:
This thread involves a little general relativity and a little particle physics.

Observations indicate that space is expanding at an accelerated rate.

Given this would continue, even atomic nuclei should be torn apart leaving single particles, isolated from one another by causal horizons.

What would ensue once the size of the causal horizon approached the length of asymptotic freedom of the constituent quarks of a meson or baryon?

It depends on the nature of dark energy, but if the dark energy pressure remains constant (as in the simplest scenario, where dark energy is a vacuum energy of some kind, i.e. the cosmological constant) then what you describe will never happen. The dark energy density would remain constant per unit spacetime volume, but because objects are moving apart from each other, there gets to be more and more spacetime between them, so the expansion gets faster and faster, i.e. accelerates. But for things which aren't moving apart, i.e. things that are bound together (by electromagnetic/nuclear forces as for atoms, and by gravity for solar system/galaxy/galaxy cluster scales), then the force pulling them apart will not increase with time. So they will never get "ripped" apart.

But, if dark energy IS increasing in density with time, then what you describe could eventually happen. Personally I don't think it is likely :). Note also that the evidence currently is compatible with the constant scenario. But as for what exactly would happen at the scale you describe, I guess you mean something around the confinement scale, I have no idea :).

FAQ: Can Expanding Space Overcome Quark Confinement in Particles?

1. What is QCD and how does it relate to spatial expansion?

QCD stands for Quantum Chromodynamics, which is the theory that describes the interactions between quarks and gluons, the building blocks of protons and neutrons. Spatial expansion is the phenomenon in which the universe is constantly expanding. QCD is important in understanding the behavior of matter and energy during spatial expansion.

2. How does QCD account for the behavior of particles during spatial expansion?

QCD predicts that as the universe expands, the strong nuclear force, which is described by QCD, becomes weaker. This allows particles to move further apart from each other without being bound together by the strong nuclear force. As a result, the expansion of the universe can be described by QCD.

3. Can QCD explain the observed acceleration of spatial expansion?

Currently, QCD alone cannot fully explain the observed acceleration of spatial expansion. However, QCD plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of matter and energy during this expansion. Other theories, such as dark energy, are needed to fully explain the acceleration.

4. How do scientists study the effects of QCD on spatial expansion?

Scientists study the effects of QCD on spatial expansion through theoretical calculations and experiments. They use mathematical models based on QCD to make predictions about how particles behave during spatial expansion. These predictions can then be tested through experiments, such as particle accelerators, to confirm the validity of the theory.

5. Are there any open questions or debates regarding QCD and spatial expansion?

Yes, there are currently ongoing debates and open questions regarding the role of QCD in spatial expansion. Some scientists are exploring alternative theories, such as modified gravity, to explain the acceleration of expansion. Additionally, there are still many unanswered questions about the behavior of matter and energy during spatial expansion, and further research is needed to fully understand the role of QCD in this phenomenon.

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