Can f(x) and f'(x) both approach a non-zero constant?

In summary, it is not possible for a function, f(x), to have a rule that would allow both f(x) and its derivative to approach a constant value as x approaches infinity. This is due to the definition of the derivative as a slope, which would not approach a constant value if the function itself is approaching a constant. Some proposed solutions involve using inequalities or manipulating the function's definition to create discontinuities, but these do not satisfy the requirement of the original poster for a differentiable function.
  • #1
Saracen Rue
Hello everyone! I've been curious about this for a while and couldn't come to a conclusion on my own so I've decided to ask it here.

I'm wondering if it's possible for a function, f(x), to have a rule which would allow it and it's derivative to both approach a constant value as x approaches infinity. For example, ##lim_{(x→∞)} f(x) = 3##, ##lim_{(x→∞)} f'(x) = 5##. Note, I don't mind if the constants are equal to each other, the only thing that's important is that they are non-zero constants.

Thank you all for your time :)
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  • #2
Saracen Rue said:
Hello everyone! I've been curious about this for a while and couldn't come to a conclusion on my own so I've decided to ask it here.

I'm wondering if it's possible for a function, f(x), to have a rule which would allow it and it's derivative to both approach a constant value as x approaches infinity. For example, ##lim_{(x→∞)} f(x) = 3##, ##lim_{(x→∞)} f'(x) = 5##. Note, I don't mind if the constants are equal to each other, the only thing that's important is that they are non-zero constants.

Thank you all for your time :)
Not that I can think of. The first derivative is a slope, implying that the function changes and would not approach a constant value. If f(x) were to approach a constant value, the slope of the function would be approaching zero for that domain.
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  • #3
Scolecites said:
Not that I can think of. The first derivative is a slope, implying that the function changes and would not approach a constant value. If f(x) were to approach a constant value, the slope of the function would be approaching zero for that domain.
Thank you for your advice. I had figured as much, but I still felt it necessary to ask in case there is a function that would act as an exception to the general rules that I don't yet know about.
  • #4
You can use inequalities to prove the impossibility. If

\lim_{x\to\infty} f'(x) = 5

then there exists [itex]R[/itex] such that [itex]f'(x)>4[/itex] for all [itex]x>R[/itex]. Then also

f(x) > f(R)+ 4(x-R)

holds for all [itex]x>R[/itex]
  • #5
How about something like 3+5*(x mod 1) ?
Say 3+5*(x mod (1/x)) ?
The limit is 3 and f'(x)=5, most of the time anyway.
  • #6
SlowThinker said:
How about something like 3+5*(x mod 1) ?
Say 3+5*(x mod (1/x)) ?
The limit is 3 and f'(x)=5, most of the time anyway.
That's very close to what I'm looking for! But not quite. As ##x→∞##, ##f(x)→8##. However ##f'(x)## only approaches ##5## as ##x→-∞##. Is there a further step to manipulate this so that they both approach a constant as ##x## approaches positive infinity?
  • #7
Saracen Rue said:
As ##x→∞##, ##f(x)→8##. However ##f'(x)## only approaches ##5## as ##x→-∞##.
Maybe your definition of "mod" is different from mine?
I'm pretty sure that f'(x) is exactly 5 everywhere, and also ##3\leq f(x) \leq 3+5/x## which approaches 3 as x goes to positive infinity.
  • #8
It is not clear what you mean with that mod function. Can you write the same things in terms of the floor function [itex]x\mapsto \lfloor x\rfloor[/itex]?

Anyway, it looks like you are speaking about functions that are not differentiable at all points. Why would you be interested in the limit

\lim_{x\to\infty} f'(x)

if [itex]f[/itex] was not differentiable at least in some set [itex]]R,\infty[[/itex] with some [itex]R\in\mathbb{R}[/itex]?
  • #9
jostpuur said:
It is not clear what you mean with that mod function. Can you write the same things in terms of the floor function [itex]x\mapsto \lfloor x\rfloor[/itex]?
$$f(x)=3+5(x^2-\lfloor x^2\rfloor)/x$$
jostpuur said:
Why would you be interested in the limit if [itex]f[/itex] was not differentiable at least in some set [itex]]R,\infty[[/itex] with some [itex]R\in\mathbb{R}[/itex]?
It was the only way I could figure out to satisfy the requirement of the original poster.
  • #10
SlowThinker said:
It was the only way I could figure out to satisfy the requirement of the original poster.

It certainly is the only way to get a some kind of function requested by the original poster, since I already proved (or showed some relevant steps of a proof) that such function cannot exist if it is required to be differentiable for all sufficiently large [itex]x[/itex]. The inequality in my proof can be justified by the mean value theorem, by the way, I forgot to mention it above.
  • #11
I guess the original question has already been answered, but anyway, I could not help taking a look at the function you just defined, and I guess of course you have to keep doing some exercises to maintain your math skills :-p

The formula

x\mapsto \frac{x^2 - \lfloor x^2\rfloor}{x}

defines a function that has discontinuities at points [itex]x=\sqrt{1},\sqrt{2},\sqrt{3},\ldots[/itex], and is differentiable between these points. When [itex]x[/itex] assumes values from an interval [itex]\sqrt{n}\leq x < \sqrt{n+1}[/itex], the expression assumes values from the interval

0\leq \frac{x^2 - \lfloor x^2\rfloor}{x} < \frac{1}{\sqrt{n+1}}

So these values are going to zero in the limit [itex]n\to\infty[/itex].

The derivative is

D_x \frac{x^2 - \lfloor x^2\rfloor}{x} = 1 + \frac{\lfloor x^2\rfloor}{x^2}

When [itex]x[/itex] assumes values from an interval [itex]\sqrt{n}< x<\sqrt{n+1}[/itex], the derivative assumes values from the interval

1 + \frac{n}{n+1} < 1 + \frac{\lfloor x^2\rfloor}{x^2} < 2

The lower bound can be written in the form

2 - \frac{1}{n} + O\Big(\frac{1}{n^2}\Big)

so we see that the values of the derivative get squeezed close to 2 at the limit [itex]n\to\infty[/itex].
  • #12
Another approach is to have a function that is not defined everywhere. E.g a function that is defined on a sequence of diminishing open intervals.

In this case you could have a function that is continuous and differentiable everywhere ( on its domain) but meets the criteria.
  • #13
jostpuur said:
The derivative is
D_x \frac{x^2 - \lfloor x^2\rfloor}{x} = 1 + \frac{\lfloor x^2\rfloor}{x^2}
Are you sure about this? I might have made a mistake in rewriting x mod (1/x) into the floor function but I'm pretty sure that
$$\frac{d}{dx} (x\ \mod\ \text{anything}) = \frac{d}{dx} (x) = 1$$
except on points where the mod function does its thing.

Edit: Well you're right, it looks like something funny is going on here when there's a function of x in the denominator.,+x+mod+(1/2),+x+mod+(6/x)}+from+6+to+16
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FAQ: Can f(x) and f'(x) both approach a non-zero constant?

1. Can the limit of f(x) and f'(x) both approach a non-zero constant as x approaches infinity?

Yes, it is possible for the limit of f(x) and f'(x) to both approach a non-zero constant as x approaches infinity. This is known as L'Hopital's rule and is commonly used in calculus to evaluate limits involving indeterminate forms.

2. Is it possible for f(x) to approach a non-zero constant while f'(x) approaches infinity as x approaches a specific value?

Yes, this scenario is known as a vertical tangent line and can occur when the derivative of f(x) is undefined at that specific value. This can happen when the slope of the tangent line to the graph of f(x) becomes steeper and steeper as x approaches that value.

3. Can f(x) approach a non-zero constant while f'(x) approaches zero as x approaches infinity?

Yes, this is possible and is known as a horizontal asymptote. It occurs when the graph of f(x) approaches a non-zero value as x approaches infinity, but the slope of the tangent line to the graph approaches zero.

4. Is it possible for both f(x) and f'(x) to approach different non-zero constants as x approaches infinity?

Yes, this is possible and can occur when the graph of f(x) approaches a horizontal asymptote and the slope of the tangent line to the graph approaches a different non-zero value.

5. Can f(x) and f'(x) both approach zero as x approaches infinity?

Yes, this is possible and is known as a removable discontinuity or a hole in the graph. This occurs when the limit of f(x) as x approaches infinity is equal to the limit of f'(x) as x approaches infinity, and both limits are equal to zero.

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