Can FDM be Used to Multiplex OFDM Signals at Different Frequencies?

In summary, the individual is trying to combine multiple OFDM signals with different carrier frequencies using FDM to improve bit rate and spectral efficiency for transmission in optical. However, the expert suggests using a power combiner or coupler instead, as it maintains constant impedance and is more suitable for frequencies up to 18 GHz. The individual confirms that their signals are in the 2.7 GHz range, which is still feasible for this method.
  • #1
Hi guys, I'm currently generating OFDM signal and send it to DAC and then upconvert them to 1 GHz carrier signal.

I want to multiplex several of them, like say I upconvert them to 1 GHz, 800 MHz, 1.2 GHz, which represents 3 different signals, then multiplex them together using FDM, is it possible or is there any other better way to do this?
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  • #2
I don't understand the question. If you have three signals that already have different and well separated carrier frequencies, why do you need to FDM them? As opposed to just combining them into one signal (using a power combiner)?

I suspect I've misunderstood what you are trying to do...
  • #3
well, I want to combine them as in multiplexing them to combine bit rate and enhance my spectral efficiency and transmit them in optical. What do you meant by power combiner? Thanks for the reply.
  • #4
A power combiner is simply a device that just adds signals together; in the same way as a mixing board adds audio signal together.
The reason why you need a combiner (or maybe a coupler of some sort) is that it keeps the impedance constant, if you simply connect wires togther you'll an impedance mismatch which is bad if you are working at a few hundred MHz.
Note that a combiner can also work as a splitter.

As long as your signals are well separated in frequency there is no reason why you can't add and them an later split the result into components.
  • #5
But mine works in 2.7 GHz. Is that still possible?
  • #6
2.7 GHz is not a very high frequency, as a rule of thumb you can assume that working up to 18 GHz is "easy" and reasonably cheap (although the price of the components go up with frequency).

That said, at 2.7 GHz you still need "proper" microwave engineering; but there is no need for any "exotic" solutions.

FAQ: Can FDM be Used to Multiplex OFDM Signals at Different Frequencies?

What is FDM modulation on top of OFDM?

FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexing) modulation on top of OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) is a technique used in telecommunications to combine multiple signals onto a single transmission medium. In this method, the available frequency spectrum is divided into smaller subcarriers, each of which can carry a different signal. This allows for the efficient use of bandwidth and improved data transmission rates.

How does FDM modulation on top of OFDM work?

In FDM modulation on top of OFDM, the data is first converted into multiple parallel bit streams and each is modulated onto its own subcarrier using a technique such as Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM). The subcarriers are then combined using OFDM, which uses orthogonal subcarriers to minimize interference between them. The resulting signal is then transmitted over a single channel.

What are the advantages of using FDM modulation on top of OFDM?

FDM modulation on top of OFDM offers several advantages over other modulation techniques. It allows for efficient utilization of bandwidth, enabling more data to be transmitted over the same channel. It also provides improved resistance to noise and interference, resulting in better overall signal quality. Additionally, FDM modulation on top of OFDM allows for the simultaneous transmission of multiple signals, making it suitable for applications such as broadband internet, digital television, and wireless communications.

What are the applications of FDM modulation on top of OFDM?

FDM modulation on top of OFDM is used in a variety of applications, including wireless communication systems such as Wi-Fi and 4G/5G cellular networks. It is also commonly used in digital television broadcasting and digital subscriber line (DSL) internet connections. Additionally, FDM modulation on top of OFDM is used in satellite communications and radio broadcasting.

What are the challenges associated with FDM modulation on top of OFDM?

One of the main challenges of FDM modulation on top of OFDM is the complexity of the signal processing algorithms required to combine and separate the subcarriers. This can result in high computational and processing requirements, making it more challenging to implement in hardware. Additionally, the use of multiple subcarriers can also increase the risk of interference and signal distortion, which can affect the overall performance of the system.
