Can Feynman Diagrams Show How Protons Can Collide Despite Pauli's Principle?

  • Thread starter Quarlep
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In summary, the conversation covered the topic of the Pauli principle and its application to the collision of two protons. It was discussed that while the principle states that two identical fermions cannot occupy the same quantum state, this is not an issue for protons colliding since they are moving relative to each other. The use of Feynman diagrams to represent particle interactions and collisions was also mentioned, with the caveat that at high energies, the interactions between partons must be taken into account. Additionally, the concept of bound states versus scattering states was discussed, with the understanding that the indistinguishability of two protons can be neglected in a scattering experiment. Finally, it was noted that Feynman diagrams are only a representation of a full
  • #1
I learned that Pauli principle says two fermions cannot be same place than how we can collide two protons actually its also impossible (for me) to show this in feymann diagram.I want to know how its possible.

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  • #2
I learned that Pauli principle says two fermions cannot be same place
It does not. They cannot be identical in all quantum numbers. The protons are moving relative to each other, so this is not an issue.

What do you want to show in a Feynman diagram?
  • #3
Generally, particle interactions like collisions should not be thought off as two billiard balls colliding, this is two classical a picture.

In particle physics, interactions between protons are usually mediated by photons. Two protons colliding means: they get near enough each other that their mutual electric fields change their directions. On a Feynman diagram, you would show this as a photon being exchanged by the two protons.
  • #4
additionally to DrDanny or a pions... For weak interactions (beta decay) you can only work with protons at a 4point Fermi interaction approximation. I am not sure if in general you can use the vector bosons for proton to neutron or vice versa coupling.
exception: for if you work at high energies and so the interactions are hard scattering processes (interactions between the partons), so you would need to take into account the quarks and gluons.
  • #5
  • #6
Not sure why you're using field theory to compute this process, unless you're at energies much higher than the QCD scale, in which case you'd be using perturbative QCD. In this case, the issue is irrelevant because the degrees of freedom there are quarks and gluons.

Two nucleons can interact via a contact interaction at low energies ala this paper. But don't take such a contact interaction literally; Feynman diagrams are equivalent to propagators which actually describe amplitudes in terms of wave mechanics. It is certainly possible for two identical fermions to have overlapping wave functions.

I think another source of your confusion is stemming from thinking about bound systems, whose spectra are discrete. A bound state can be described by [itex]\left\lfloor n \, (L\, S) J \, M_J ... \right\rangle[/itex], where the "..." denotes the possibility of internal degrees of freedom. In this case, you definitely can't put two fermions in a state where all the quantum numbers are the same. But in scattering states, a continuum of states is possible: [itex]\left\lfloor n \, (L\, S) J \, M_J ... \right\rangle \rightarrow \left\lfloor E \, (L\, S) J \, M_J .. \right\rangle.[/itex] Asymptotically, the overlap between two protons in a scattering experiment is zero, and their indistinguishability can be neglected.
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  • #7
Something else to add:

In Mattuck's A Guide To Feynman Diagrams In the Many-Body Problem, the author emphasizes in chapt. 4.6 that the nature of Feynman diagrams are QUASI-physical. They only represent parts of a full calculation.

FAQ: Can Feynman Diagrams Show How Protons Can Collide Despite Pauli's Principle?

1. What are proton-proton collisions?

Proton-proton collisions are high-energy collisions between two protons, which are subatomic particles that make up the nucleus of an atom. These collisions are studied in particle physics and are used to investigate the fundamental building blocks of matter and the laws of nature.

2. How are proton-proton collisions created?

Proton-proton collisions are created using particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. These accelerators use strong magnetic fields to accelerate protons to nearly the speed of light and then collide them together in a controlled environment.

3. What happens during a proton-proton collision?

During a proton-proton collision, the two protons collide with each other and release a large amount of energy. This energy can then be converted into new particles, such as quarks, gluons, and even new particles that have not yet been discovered.

4. Why are proton-proton collisions important in physics?

Proton-proton collisions are important in physics because they allow scientists to probe the fundamental forces and particles that make up our universe. By studying these collisions, scientists can gain a better understanding of the building blocks of matter and the laws of nature.

5. What are some potential applications of proton-proton collisions?

Proton-proton collisions have a wide range of potential applications, including the production of new particles for medical imaging and cancer treatment, the study of the origin of the universe, and the development of new technologies, such as more powerful particle accelerators.
