Can Galaxy Lensing Confirm Dark Matter's Presence?

In summary, the conversation discusses the evidence for the existence of dark matter, particularly focusing on its role in galaxy clusters and the density profile of dark matter within galaxies. There is general agreement among scientists that dark matter is needed to explain the observed gravitational lensing in galaxy clusters and the distribution of matter within galaxies. The term "halo" is often used to describe the large cloud of dark matter surrounding a galaxy, but it is more accurate to view it as a diffuse cloud with a denser core where most of the normal matter is located. The density profile of dark matter, from the halo to the core, provides valuable information about its properties, such as its collisional cross section and mean free path.
  • #1
When we observe galaxy lensing of background objects taking place, is it possible to estimate the total mass of the galaxy carrying out the lensing and from that confirm that dark matter is needed to be present to provide sufficient mass to bend the light by the amount observed? Is there agreement?

This article got me thinking about this question:

This is just another article which I thought interesting:
Space news on
  • #2
The evidence comes from galaxy clusters rather than individual galaxies. This is because most of the normal matter mass in galaxy clusters is visible in the x-ray band: it exists as a diffuse, high-temperature gas throughout the cluster. The reason why the temperature is in the X-ray range is because of the depth of the gravitational potential well. You can figure out the mass of the galaxy cluster from either the temperature of the gas, or from gravitational lensing. And the luminosity of the gas gives you how much gas there is, so it's easy to see that there isn't near enough mass in the cluster gas to produce the deep gravitational potential well of the galaxy cluster.

To get a really stark picture, it's sufficient to look at collisions between galaxy clusters:

In general, yes, there is quite good agreement that the cosmological data as a whole strongly supports the existence of dark matter. There are still a few holdouts that are trying to produce alternative gravity models that do not require dark matter, but their attempts have become ever more feeble, and seem highly unlikely to ever succeed.
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  • #4
I'm not aware that there has ever been any theory that says that dark matter exists only at the galactic rim. What HAS been said that because of the yo-yo motion of dark matter through the middle of galaxies and back out the other side, and the way this motion works, most dark matter spends most of its time in the halo.
  • #5
phinds said:
I'm not aware that there has ever been any theory that says that dark matter exists only at the galactic rim. What HAS been said that because of the yo-yo motion of dark matter through the middle of galaxies and back out the other side, and the way this motion works, most dark matter spends most of its time in the halo.
Indeed. The largest density is near the center of the galaxy.

I think the problem is that the term "halo" misleadingly implies that dark matter surrounds the galaxy. A better visualization is that a galaxy is made up of a large cloud of dark matter, and in the center of that cloud is a small but relatively dense bunch of normal matter (the visible part of the galaxy).
  • #6
Chalnoth said:
Indeed. The largest density is near the center of the galaxy.

I think the problem is that the term "halo" misleadingly implies that dark matter surrounds the galaxy. A better visualization is that a galaxy is made up of a large cloud of dark matter, and in the center of that cloud is a small but relatively dense bunch of normal matter (the visible part of the galaxy).
Wait, do you mean the largest density of DARK matter is in the center? I though the halo was slightly more dense than the center in terms of dark matter only. I've got that wrong?
  • #7
Yup. One of the more commonly-used density profiles is the NFW profile:–Frenk–White_profile

[tex]\rho(r) = {\rho_0 \over {r \over R_s}\left(1 + {r \over R_s}\right)^2}[/tex]

It's not quite correct, but neither is it horribly wrong. If I recall correctly, one of the unsolved problems with dark matter simulations is that they predict a dark matter density profile that is much denser at the galactic center than observations suggest. But either way, yes, the density continues to increase. The normal matter has such a large impact because it is more dense.
  • #8
OK, thanks for that correction.
  • #9
The density profile of DM, from halo to core, is a valuable clue about its collisional cross section.
  • #10
Chronos said:
The density profile of DM, from halo to core, is a valuable clue about its collisional cross section.
Can you expand on that, please? I have no idea what import that has.
  • #11
phinds said:
Can you expand on that, please? I have no idea what import that has.

Maybe because it is related to the DM's mean free path within the core?

Related to Can Galaxy Lensing Confirm Dark Matter's Presence?

1. What is galaxy lensing and how does it work?

Galaxy lensing is the phenomenon where the gravity of a massive galaxy bends and distorts the light of background galaxies, causing them to appear stretched or distorted. This is due to the presence of dark matter in the massive galaxy, which has a gravitational pull that alters the path of light. By studying these distortions, scientists can map out the distribution of dark matter in the galaxy.

2. Why is galaxy lensing important in the study of dark matter?

Galaxy lensing allows scientists to indirectly observe and study dark matter, which is difficult to detect through other means because it does not emit or absorb light. By measuring the effects of galaxy lensing, scientists can gain insight into the amount and distribution of dark matter in the universe.

3. How do scientists use galaxy lensing to determine the mass of a galaxy?

By studying the distortions caused by galaxy lensing, scientists can create a map of the dark matter distribution in a galaxy. This, combined with other observations, allows them to estimate the total mass of the galaxy, including the unseen dark matter. This is important in understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies.

4. What are the limitations of using galaxy lensing to study dark matter?

One limitation is that galaxy lensing is a statistical method, as scientists need to study a large sample of galaxies to get accurate results. Another limitation is that it can be affected by other factors such as the presence of gas and stars in the galaxy, which can also alter the path of light.

5. How does galaxy lensing support the existence of dark matter?

Galaxy lensing is one of the strongest evidences for the existence of dark matter. The amount of dark matter needed to produce the observed distortions is much greater than the amount of visible matter in galaxies. Additionally, the distribution of dark matter inferred from galaxy lensing matches with other observations and theoretical predictions.

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