Can graphene work in outer space?

In summary, Graphene has conductive properties due to the free electrons from its carbon atoms. Cosmic rays, consisting mainly of protons and traveling at high speeds with energies of 1 GeV/c, can introduce defects in graphene over time. However, it is uncertain how quickly these defects would affect the conductivity of graphene. It is also unclear if these effects can be felt on Earth.
  • #1
I had a random idea and wanted to know whether graphene could retain it's conductive properties after being exposed to cosmic rays.

I know that graphene gets it's conductivity from the free electrons from its carbon atoms.
I know that cosmic rays consist mainly of protons, with the minority being heavier positive nuclei, traveling near the speed of light at energies of around 1 GeV/c.

Would this affect graphene's conductive property in any way?
Physics news on
  • #2
Cosmic rays would introduce defects in graphene (and any other solid material) over time. I don't know how quickly that would influence the conductivity.
  • #3
How exactly would defects affect graphene's conductivity?
  • #4
Anything here in the Earth feel the cosmic ray effects

FAQ: Can graphene work in outer space?

1. Can graphene be used as a material for space suits?

Yes, graphene has been shown to have excellent mechanical properties and can be used as a strong and durable material for space suits. It is also lightweight and flexible, making it an ideal candidate for use in space suits.

2. Can graphene be used to shield spacecraft from radiation?

Yes, graphene has been found to have excellent radiation shielding properties. It is able to absorb and dissipate high energy particles, making it a promising material for protecting astronauts and spacecraft from harmful radiation in space.

3. Can graphene be used to make solar panels for space exploration?

Yes, graphene has been used to create solar cells with high efficiency and durability. Its flexibility and light weight make it a suitable material for use in space exploration where weight and space are crucial factors.

4. Can graphene be used to improve communication systems in space?

Yes, graphene-based antennas have been shown to have improved performance in terms of bandwidth, frequency range, and efficiency compared to traditional metal antennas. This makes it a promising material for improving communication systems in space.

5. Can graphene be used to create fuel for space propulsion?

Yes, graphene has been used to create a new type of fuel called graphene oxide fuel. This fuel has the potential to provide higher energy output and be more efficient than traditional rocket fuels, making it a promising material for space propulsion.
