Can Gravity Affect the Higgs Field and Vice Versa?

In summary: Its only a tiny fraction of the total energy in the universe, so the Higgs field has no observable effects on the cosmological scale.In summary, the Higgs field does not have any observable effects on the cosmological scale and the Standard Model is the same at every point in space.
  • #1
Can anyone speak to what effects gravity would have on the Higgs field or vice versa? As I understand, the Higgs field exists as a non-zero base energy field. A second assumption is being passed around that this field is "constant value across the entire universe", which simply doesn't compute well with our current observations on gravity.

I'm refraining from layman speculation, and I'll ask those who respond to do the same. While we may not have experimental examples yet, I'm also very interested in mathematical conclusions which have been reached.
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  • #2
The Higgs field behaves exactly the same way as other quantum fields w.r.t. gravity.

Today we are simply not able to calculate the vacuum energy density of quantum fluctuations correctly; in some sense the energy density has to be set to zero by hand. We have some procedures like subtracting a constant like in classical field theory, normal ordering of operators, renormalization ... So basically in QFT we always subtract a constant term such that the energy density in vacuum is exactly zero. We can do this w/o changing e.o.m. or any other prediction of the theory. Think about a particle moving in a potential V(x); now subtract V(x)-const.; the particle will move in exactly the same way b/c it feels the same force. So in QFT we chose 'const' such that the vacuum energy density is zero everywhere. And we can change this 'const' for energy w/o affecting the vacuum value of the field.

Therefore we know the vacuum value of the Higgs field (its responsible for its mass and the mass of other particles), we know its energy density (zero), and therefore we can expect that vacuum does not "produce any gravity", regardless whether there is a Higgs or not.

But there is indeed one interesting question, namely how to calculate this "const" from a quantum field theory or in the context of quantum gravity. Unfortunately today we are not able to do this; we either get infinite results - or finite results which are nonsense physically. So calculating the vacuum energy density - which may be related to the cosmological constant and dark energy - is an unsolved problem today.
  • #3
If I understand your question correctly, you want gravity to pull at the Higgs field resulting in 'more field' around massive objects and 'less field' in empty space.

Two reactions:
1) The Standard Model is the same at every point in space: particles have the same properties and follow the same laws at every point. The Standard model also determines the value of the Higgs field and it does not allow spatial variations. The masses of particles also depend on the value of the Higgs field and those are the same everywhere.

2) The energy of the Higgs field is not a reality on the cosmological scale. Cosmologically the observed vacuum energy is much much smaller than the total Standard Model prediction.

FAQ: Can Gravity Affect the Higgs Field and Vice Versa?

1. What is gravity and how does it work?

Gravity is a force that exists between any two objects with mass. It is a fundamental force of nature that causes objects to be attracted to one another. According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, gravity is the result of the curvature of space and time by massive objects.

2. What is the Higgs field and what does it have to do with gravity?

The Higgs field is a quantum field that permeates the entire universe. It is responsible for giving particles their mass through interactions with the Higgs boson. While the Higgs field is not directly related to gravity, it plays a crucial role in the Standard Model of particle physics which helps us understand the fundamental forces of nature, including gravity.

3. How was the existence of the Higgs field and boson discovered?

The existence of the Higgs field and boson was first proposed in the 1960s by theoretical physicists Peter Higgs, François Englert, and others. In 2012, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN successfully detected the Higgs boson, providing experimental evidence for the existence of the Higgs field.

4. Can the Higgs field be manipulated or controlled?

Currently, there is no known way to manipulate or control the Higgs field. It is a fundamental part of the universe and its properties are not fully understood. However, scientists are constantly studying and researching ways to better understand and potentially manipulate the Higgs field in the future.

5. How does the Higgs field and boson relate to the origin of mass in the universe?

The Higgs field and boson play a key role in the origin of mass in the universe. The Higgs field interacts with particles and gives them their mass, which in turn allows them to form larger structures like atoms and planets. Without the Higgs field, particles would have no mass, and the universe as we know it would not exist.

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