Can gravity exist without mass?

In summary, the conversation explores the concept of whether or not gravity exists in the absence of matter and energy. One participant argues that if something cannot be measured or detected, it is not a subject for science, while another suggests that in some theories, it may be possible to detect spacetime without reliance on matter and energy. The conversation also delves into the definition of gravity and how it relates to the existence of matter and spacetime. Ultimately, there is no clear answer to the initial question, and the discussion highlights the complexities and nuances involved in understanding fundamental concepts in physics.
  • #36
MeJennifer said:
These discussions about whether acceleration in flat spacetime is gravity started already in 2003 on this forum. It is all arguments about terminology and not physics. A waste of time if you ask me. :smile:
Hi MeJennifer

Let me give you an example of why this is not a waste of time. If some one believes that where there is a gravitational field there is spacetime curvature then its very tempting to take that to mean that this is true in all possible instances of a gravitational field. One physicist who did this assumed that the spacetime of a uniform gravitational field had a non-zero spacetime curvature. Therefore when he stated what he thought was a definition of a uniform gravitational field (which he stated as dz/d[itex]\tau[/itex] = constant) he arrived at a curved spacetime. Had he understood the true meaning of what a uniform gravitational field was then he would have been surprised when he got a curved spacetime and he'd therefore modify his assumption of what a uniform gravitational field was. In the case I'm thinking of he not only got the answer wrong but both the editor and the referees missed this error and as such the paper was published. A very bad paper too. All resulting because he didn't understand the relationship between gravity and spacetime curvature and their definitions. This led the author to make other wrong conclusions on a very basic postulate of relativity. The article is

Nonequivalence of a uniformly accelerating reference frame and a frame at rest in a uniform gravitational field , Edward A. Desloge, Am. J. Phys. 57, 1121 (1989). The abstract reads
A general expression is obtained for the space-time interval between neighboring events in a one-dimensional space in which it is possible to set up a rigid reference frame. Particular expressions are then obtained for the interval for the special cases of a rigid frame at rest in a uniform gravitational field and a rigid frame uniformly accelerating in field-free space. The two expressions are not equivalent and are used to show why, how, and to what extent observations made in a rigid enclosure at rest in a gravitational field are not equivalent to observations made in a rigid enclosure that is uniformly accelerating in field-free space. Two facts of particular interest that are demonstrated in the course of the analysis are the following: (i) Two spatially separated particles that are simultaneously released from rest and allowed to fall freely in a uniform gravitational field will not remain at rest with respect to one another. (ii) Uniformly accelerating reference frames and inertial frames are the only possible one-dimensional rigid frames in flat space-time.

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  • #37
By the way Mentz114, the SEM tensor is not zero everywhere. It is only zero in that region of spacetime where there is a vacuum. That means that it is zero outside the matter distribution. Therefore what you've been talking about is the exterior solution. That means that it applies to the regions outside the Sun, Planet etc. It does not apply to regions inside the gravitating body and it sure doesn't apply to the origin for a point particle.

  • #38
Hi Pete,
you are misunderstanding still. I am talking about a spherically symmetric mass not a spherically symmetric space-time. A ball of matter, not a point. The Scwarzschild metric is not the space-time of a ball of matter. If it were, we would have a non-zero T_00. All I've shown ( unless my maths is faulty) is that the Schwarzschild metric cannot be the metric of any space containing matter ( which we knew in any case).

you also stated the condition Setting T_00 = 0. If you see the energy density equal to zero everywhere then the mass-density is zero everywhere as is the resulting total mass. However I neglected to notice something when you stated that. The zero vacuum is not defined by T00 = 0 but by = 0 (as well as having a zero cosmological constant

Therefore, if you hold that the mass is zero then it implies that the constant is zero since they are equal. ).
I don't understand these remarks at all. All I've done is some simple maths which you don't seem to grasp.

The equation of state of a body is not required in order to find the gravitational field. All that is required is the stress-energy-momentum (SEM) tensor. There is nothing in Einstein's field equations which describes the equation of state.
I disagree. You can't write the EMT ( or SEM as you prefer to call it) without the equation of state. See the FLRW solution, where the equation of state is crucial in evaluating the metric.

Please don't bang on about your delta function. [tex]\rho\delta(r)[/tex] is not a mass distribution because it is infinitisimal. A ball of matter is described by a radial step function with a non-zero R_0, not a delta function.

I'm very busy at work so I'm giving up on this. You fail to understand what I mean by a spherical mass distribution and you deny simple maths - what can I do ?

Best wishes to you too,

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  • #39
I neglected to say that the Black holes that I was referring to are of the kind that didn't form by gravitational collapse. I was thinking of the kind that have existed from the beginning of the universe, i.e. microblack holes. Collapsed stars are not singularities, although there is no way to determine that from observation.

  • #40
Hi Pete,
I've been thinking about this and looking at other solutions of the EFE and I have to say I'm not so sure of my ground anymore. With the Tolman solution for instance, it is assumed that the field outside a collapsing star is Schwarzschild and remains so throughout the collapse. Maybe it really is.

  • #41
Mentz114 said:
Hi Pete,
I've been thinking about this and looking at other solutions of the EFE and I have to say I'm not so sure of my ground anymore. With the Tolman solution for instance, it is assumed that the field outside a collapsing star is Schwarzschild and remains so throughout the collapse. Maybe it really is.

Hi Mentz

No worries my friend. I too have been rethinking my comments above. For now I'll have to retract my assertions regarding the stress-energy-momentum tensor of a black hole through all of spacetime. I spoke of it because I recall reading a paper on some sort of averaging process over diract functions. However I don't understand the particulars so its more or less high gugu physics to me. :biggrin: If I don't understand something fully then I'd rather not make assertions about it as I did here. I therefore retract my comments regarding this topic.

I also didn't understand that you were unaware that the field outside a collapsing star is Schwarzschild and remains as such throughout the collapse.

  • #42
Vacuum Energy

paw said:
Notice I said 'in some theories'. I believe that in some theories of quantum physics and possibly in string theory it might be possible to detect virtual particles forming and annhilating from the vacuum. Some explanations of the Casimir effect suggest vacuum energy (as opposed to EM) might be detectable. Hawking radiation from black hole evaporation if detected would in some sense indicate the existence of the spacetime vacuum. All of this is speculation at this time I believe but allows the possibility in principle.

Vacuum energy is still a type of "energy" nonetheless and as long as there is energy somewhere there will always be gravity as a result of it. According to Einstein, gravity is a RESULT of matter or energy. If neither were around there would be no gravity because in essence, space-time would not be "curved" or "indented" in any way.

Hope this helps.
  • #43
NYSportsguy said:
Vacuum energy is still a type of "energy" nonetheless and as long as there is energy somewhere there will always be gravity as a result of it.

We might need another term here. By default, gravity is an effect caused by the presence of matter. A similar effect to gravity could be caused by energy with no associated matter present.
  • #44
Nickelodeon said:
We might need another term here. By default, gravity is an effect caused by the presence of matter. A similar effect to gravity could be caused by energy with no associated matter present.
You can find more on this at See section on the cosmological constant.

  • #45
Well we know E= MC^2. Thus in theory energy = mass. They are interchangeable.

So if mass can cause gravity, so can energy. This is a proven fact.

Vacuum energy causes gravity.

Now if there was no energy or no mass in our universe, then gravity would not be present. The concept of gravity would still be alive however...but none would be present.
  • #46
Pete and Mentz, I have to say that I love all of your comments. They are truly rational and clearly thought out.

I must say that to stay in accordance with SR and GR, Gravity does not exist without matter. Mass distorts space-time and thus gravity can be evaluated... Of course... you can look at the lack of mass meaning that gravity is just null... not void.

So choose what you want...

I say that gravity exists (Zero gravity is still gravity... like zero is still a number... which took the Romans years to figure out) when no mass is present.
  • #47
someone might have posted this already, sorry if they have. but doesn't a black hole have gravity and no mass, just a rip in space time?
  • #48
Freezeezy said:
Pete and Mentz, I have to say that I love all of your comments. They are truly rational and clearly thought out.
Thanks Freezeezy. That is kind of you to say. Its nice to know that all the posting I do here is not in vain. :smile:
campal said:
someone might have posted this already, sorry if they have. but doesn't a black hole have gravity and no mass, just a rip in space time?
No. A black hole definitely has mass. It isn't necessarily a rip in spacetime either. A star collapsing might collapse into a black hole and yet leave no singularity.

  • #49
The reason a black hole is a black hole to begin with is because it has TREMENDOUS mass and

Another thing, I truly think "black holes" are conclusive evidence that the universe is flat in shape and not positively or negatively curved as some cosmologists and astrophysicists hypothesize.
  • #50
pmb_phy said:
TNo. A black hole definitely has mass. It isn't necessarily a rip in spacetime either. A star collapsing might collapse into a black hole and yet leave no singularity.

Why do you say this? Can you give a referenece?

NYSportsguy said:
Another thing, I truly think "black holes" are conclusive evidence that the universe is flat in shape and not positively or negatively curved as some cosmologists and astrophysicists hypothesize.

Why do you say this? Can you give a referenece?
  • #51
George Jones said:
Why do you say this?
As matter falls into a black hole it slows down and, as measured by an outside observer, never gets to or past the event horizon.
Can you give a referenece?
I'll look for one. Perhaps I'm wrong.

  • #52
pmb_phy said:
As matter falls into a black hole it slows down and, as measured by an outside observer, never gets to or past the event horizon.

It seems that you mean the purely classical case of stellar collapse. I thought you meant either the semi-classical case of Hawking radiation, something completely non-classical like loop quantum gravity or string theory.

In the classical case, the existence of an infinite redshift surface does not preclude the existence of spacetime singularities. In fact, in the purely classical case of stellar collapse, once the collapse proceeds far enough (as it does for sufficiently massive stars), I know of no way to evade the Penrose-Hawking singularity theorems. A person falling along with the collapsing surface of the star will rapidly find himself inside an event horizon, and will almost as rapidly himself up close and personal with a singularity.

If Hawking radiation is considered, the mainstream view is that a singularity still forms. A small minority of physicists think that Hawking radiation will carry away enough mass/energy to prevent the formation of an event horizon and singularity; see".

Quantum theories of gravity are not sufficient developed for the emergence of a consensus view on status of spacetime singularities inside event horizons.
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  • #53
George Jones said:
It seems that you mean the purely classical case of stellar collapse.
The term classical includes relativistic. If you mean Newtonian then no, the slowing down of matter and stopping outside the event horizon is not a Newtonian phenomena.
In the classical case, the existence of an infinite redshift surface does not preclude the existence of spacetime singularities.
In fact, in the purely classical case of stellar collapse, once the collapse proceeds far enough (as it does for sufficiently massive stars), I know of no way to evade the Penrose-Hawking singularity theorems.
Sorry but I never heard of them. But this is an observer dependant phenomena. Whether something crosses the event horizon depends on who is doing the observing.
A person falling along with the collapsing surface of the star will rapidly find himself inside an event horizon, and will almost as rapidly himself up close and personal with a singularity.
True. But the subject is in regards to observers outside the event horizon. Not about observers who are falling through it.

  • #54
Note that black holes can only completely form in an open universe.
  • #55
Thats a bit dubious MeJennifer. I know why you would say that, but I think its a bit of a mathematical technicality more so than a real physical effect. In physics, we tend to cut infinities off as a general rule.

A big star collapses, it pops out a black hole. Which is why we likely had black holes 10 billion years ago, even though we weren't sure whether or not we were open, closed or critical. Indeed, they may have evaporated already, depending on how you model quantum effects.
  • #56
pmb_phy said:
The term classical includes relativistic.

Yes, usually, and that is how I used the term

Sorry but I never heard of them. But this is an observer dependant phenomena. Whether something crosses the event horizon depends on who is doing the observing.

The Penrose-Hawking singularity theorems are infamous in general relativity. Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler gives a brief treatment, Wald's text gives a detailed treatment, and they are at least mentioned in many introductory GR texts.

True. But the subject is in regards to observers outside the event horizon. Not about observers who are falling through it.

No, the subject is singularities inside black holes.

In post #48, you said

A star collapsing might collapse into a black hole and yet leave no singularity.

In classical general relativity, this just isn't true.
  • #57
George Jones said:
The Penrose-Hawking singularity theorems are infamous in general relativity. Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler gives a brief treatment, Wald's text gives a detailed treatment, and they are at least mentioned in many introductory GR texts.
Do you have a precise reference?

  • #58
pmb_phy said:
Do you have a precise reference?

I won't have the same spacetime coordinates as my relativity books until Monday, and I can give you a bunch of references then.

The only reference that I have at home is The Edge of Infinity: Beyond the Black Hole, by Paul Davies, which has a very good popular-level treatment of singularities. I really like this book, and it gives a tremendous (and quite accurate) explanation of Penrose's first singularity theorem. I even recommend it as a complement to mathematical references for physics types encountering for the first time the technical details of singularity theorems.
  • #59
George Jones said:
I won't have the same spacetime coordinates as my relativity books until Monday, and I can give you a bunch of references then.

The only reference that I have at home is The Edge of Infinity: Beyond the Black Hole, by Paul Davies, which has a very good popular-level treatment of singularities. I really like this book, and it gives a tremendous (and quite accurate) explanation of Penrose's first singularity theorem. I even recommend it as a complement to mathematical references for physics types encountering for the first time the technical details of singularity theorems.
Great! Thanks George! A short time back I got into a discussion about black hole singularities and I became convinced that it wasn't possible to state that a black hole had a singularity since there would be no way to observe them. I also read something in Kop Thorne's book "Black Holes & Time Warps" regarding frozen stars. I guess I gave up too soon and for no good reason. Thanks for catching me on this. Greatly appreciated. :smile:

  • #60
well empty space does not mean that there is zero energy , and as relativity says energy is equivalent to mass , and mass create gravity . hence if space -time is there then i think gravity is also there.
  • #61
quantumcore said:
well empty space does not mean that there is zero energy , and as relativity says energy is equivalent to mass , and mass create gravity . hence if space -time is there then i think gravity is also there.

Quantumcore pretty much hit it on the head. If you think about it are there stars that lay just by themselves in the universe? Most, if not all stars I believe tend to be in clusters around galaxies. The super massive black hole in the center of these (all the galaxies) of the universe cause this. It is the super dense state of these black holes that cause the the starts to be somewhat revolving around them (what we know as gravity) in a galaxy like state to begin with.

If you still don't believe me...just ask Einstein.
  • #62
NYSportsguy said:
It is the super dense state of these black holes that cause the the starts to be somewhat revolving around them (what we know as gravity) in a galaxy like state to begin with.

That's a massive span of energy from "mass", emanating from the super massive black hole (at center of galaxy) all the way out to the most distant stars, and steering them around the galactic center. And why are they planar and not symmetrical spheroid?

Is there still "mass" present at these outer points, where gravity is obviously moving these stars? The argument (I guess) is that there's a field present but from it's origin, many light years away.
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  • #63
Does gravity exist if the universe is devoid of all matter, including the dark-matter?

well empty space does not mean that there is zero energy , and as relativity says energy is equivalent to mass , and mass create gravity . hence if space -time is there then i think gravity is also there.

is one view which makes sense.

The relates to when pressure and energy appeared in the universe with a gravitational field:

From Fabric of the Cosmos, Brian Greene:

how does gravity emerge from various initial conditions, big bang ...from grand unification conditions...Higgs fields appear during spontaneous symmetry breaking and give rise to mass...Above 10^28 degrees the other three forces were unified...

So it sounds like sometime before 10^-12 and slightly after t=0 seconds gravity existed without mass...and I guess that might vary depending on which model is used...
  • #64
The simple answer is no. Without mass nothing exists, most importantly perception. Move away from a body of mass/perception and your perception decreases slightly. Astronaughts experience this reduction in perception through altered taste and spatial perception reduction. Trouble with docking and a strange taste reaction to favorite foods are examples. Over large tracts of reduced mass or empty space light is the only dimention that we can percive truly.
With no mass gravity would be infinite and pure, but there would be no one able to percive it.
  • #65
I'm curious, I've been doing a lot of reading about Quantum Electrodynamic physics.. Under this theory it asserts that only on average that there is nothing to where energy is borrowed from the future with the stipulation that it must quickly be returned.. This being the process of particle and anti-particle emergence and collisions to where they quickly destroy each other.

Now I have a problem with the term nothing in understanding how this could be possible to exist. Because I see this as claiming that a -1 energy or -1 spatial dimension would some how be capable of existing. So I am wondering if anyone has considered that the Universal set is energy itself to where all of existence is entirely comprised of energy..

So is nothing really a no-thing or zero base energy that can't be measured because it's the base minimum to all existence? So on an energy scale there would be no literal zero energy but a zero base energy that vibrates or self-osculates to drive emergence vs borrowing energy from the future.. Hence, a representation of (0,1) to where it's only perceived to be nothing, but in reality it really isn't nothing but no-mass energy at it's lowest possible energy level or complexity..

This is where 0 = no other objects or levels of energy above zero base energy at any given focal point regardless if there is an infinite number of neighboring 0's.. And this is where 1= the base energy or the only object at any given focal point regardless if there are an infinite number of other neighboring 1's.. Can this be represented similar to Qbits in concept?

And sorry if this seems like a dumb question because I'm not a physics major.. I am just curious..
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  • #66

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