Can hypernuclei with multiple strange quarks be formed and observed?

In summary: All 416 nucleons (plus the extra nucleons formed in nucleon-antinucleon pairs) fly away as free nucleons.
  • #1
What are the strangest known nuclei? Specifically, have any nuclei with strangeness over 3 been seen?

Are there any known charming or beautiful hypernuclei? Considering that Be-8, with half-life 10-16 s is a well described nucleus, the 10-12...10-13 s lifetime of charming and beautiful hyperons should be plenty to form nuclei.

Also, have any nuclei been seen which contain no nucleons?

And what are the observed properties of neutral and negative hypernuclei?
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  • #2
You seem to be confusing two different things. Strange and charm quarks are found in hadrons. Nuclei consist of protons and neutrons made up of up and down quarks.

Nuclei (by definition) are made up of nucleons.
  • #3
mathman said:
Nuclei consist of protons and neutrons made up of up and down quarks.

Nuclei (by definition) are made up of nucleons.

Can hyperons be bound to nucleons by strong force, the way nucleons are bound to each other in nuclei?

Can hyperons be bound to each other by strong force?

What is a strong force bound system connecting of several hyperons but including no nucleons? Is it a nucleus or not?
  • #4
Almost all hypernuclei studied contain just one Λ. Among the ones produced: 3ΛH, 4ΛH, 5ΛH, 6ΛH, 6ΛHe and 7ΛHe. There have been a few observations of double hypernuclei, which were formed after a conversion of a Ξ-hyperon into two Λ particles.

See this review paper.
  • #5
Right - in presence of abundant nucleons of both tastes, hyperons can convert to lambda by quark exchange.

Note that baryons that differ by one quark cannot undergo quark exchange.

What happens when omegas are captured? In large nuclei, 3 lambdas, but in small nuclei?
  • #6
snorkack said:
Can hyperons be bound to nucleons by strong force, the way nucleons are bound to each other in nuclei?

Can hyperons be bound to each other by strong force?
Right (both).
What is a strong force bound system connecting of several hyperons but including no nucleons? Is it a nucleus or not?
It is a hypernucleus, which is a subgroup of all nuclei.

The problem I see with charmed/beauty hypernuclei: both the formation of nuclei with multiple baryons and the production of charm/beauty-quarks are rare, and happen at different energy scales. The chance to have both at the same time could be low.
  • #7
mfb said:
Right (both).
Hava any hypernuclei containing no nucleons been positively observed?
mfb said:
The problem I see with charmed/beauty hypernuclei: both the formation of nuclei with multiple baryons and the production of charm/beauty-quarks are rare, and happen at different energy scales.

Nuclei with multiple baryons are commonly present from the start. At high energy scales, they disintegrate, but is the energy equally distributed? The energy may be carried away mostly by a few baryons being some of the original nucleons, leaving the charmed or beautiful hyperons bound in a hypernucleus of some size.

There are 6 strange hyperons (without charm or beauty) and 2 nucleons. Between them, there are 14 pairs of baryons which differ by one quark and therefore cannot undergo quark exchange.
  • #8
snorkack said:
Hava any hypernuclei containing no nucleons been positively observed?
That would be like a bunch of apples without apples. How is that supposed to look like?

Nuclei with multiple baryons are commonly present from the start.
What do you mean with "from the start"?

At high energy scales, they disintegrate, but is the energy equally distributed? The energy may be carried away mostly by a few baryons being some of the original nucleons, leaving the charmed or beautiful hyperons bound in a hypernucleus of some size.
Well, you need hard, inelastic scattering to produce charm or beauty quarks. A quark gluon plasma could be nice in that respect - it can slow down the heavy quarks. At the LHC, something like 50 ##c\bar{c}##- and 2 ##b\bar{b}##-pairs are produced (on average) per lead-lead-collision.
  • #9
mfb said:
That would be like a bunch of apples without apples. How is that supposed to look like?
Imagine, say, aftermath of an omega capture:
ending up as a bound state.
If 2 (presumably different) hyperons but no nucleons are bound to each other by strong force in a way two nucleons are bound to each other in a deuteron, is the resulting bound system a "nucleus" or something else?
mfb said:
What do you mean with "from the start"?
Collisions where charm and beauty are formed often happen inside nuclei.
mfb said:
Well, you need hard, inelastic scattering to produce charm or beauty quarks. A quark gluon plasma could be nice in that respect - it can slow down the heavy quarks. At the LHC, something like 50 ##c\bar{c}##- and 2 ##b\bar{b}##-pairs are produced (on average) per lead-lead-collision.

And what comes in is 416 nucleons.

Where do these 50 charms on average wind up? How many on average fly away as mesons, how many depart as free charmed hyperons, and how many wind up bound in charmed hypernuclei?

Do all 416 nucleons (plus the extra nucleons formed in nucleon-antinucleon pairs) fly away as free nucleons, or do appreciable numbers of (presumably mostly small) nuclei form?
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  • #10
snorkack said:
Imagine, say, aftermath of an omega capture:
ending up as a bound state.
If 2 (presumably different) hyperons but no nucleons are bound to each other by strong force in a way two nucleons are bound to each other in a deuteron, is the resulting bound system a "nucleus" or something else?
Ah, well, that depends on the interpretation of the word "nucleon" now. A bound state of several baryons without neutrons or protons is possible, but I don't know of observations of them.

Where do these 50 charms on average wind up? How many on average fly away as mesons, how many depart as free charmed hyperons, and how many wind up bound in charmed hypernuclei?
I am sure ALICE has published some papers about that. Some of them are annihilated before they form hadrons, some of them produce charmonium, some of them produce charmed hadrons, but I don't have numbers.

Do all 416 nucleons (plus the extra nucleons formed in nucleon-antinucleon pairs) fly away as free nucleons, or do appreciable numbers of (presumably mostly small) nuclei form?
Many protons and neutrons are destroyed in the collisions, and their valence quarks end up in other hadrons (several thousand particles are created in central collisions).
  • #11
Turns out that it is not exactly the baryons differing by 1 quark that are stable towards quark exchange.

Ksions can be turned into two lambdas. Like
Note that the energy is small. But on the other hand, ksions cannot be turned into lambda plus sigma - to the contrary:

Considering how small the energy production of ksion conversion is - can it be reversed by a suitable shell structure?

FAQ: Can hypernuclei with multiple strange quarks be formed and observed?

What are the strangest observed nuclei?

The strangest observed nuclei are those with extremely high or low numbers of protons and neutrons, such as those with more than 100 protons or those with an equal number of protons and neutrons.

What causes nuclei to become strange?

The strangeness of a nucleus is primarily caused by the strong nuclear force, which is responsible for holding protons and neutrons together. As the number of protons and neutrons increase, the strong nuclear force becomes less stable and can result in the formation of strange nuclei.

How are strangest observed nuclei discovered?

Strangest observed nuclei are typically discovered through experiments with high-energy particle accelerators. These experiments involve colliding particles at high speeds, which can create nuclei with unusual numbers of protons and neutrons.

Why are strangest observed nuclei important in scientific research?

Strangest observed nuclei have properties that can provide valuable insights into the fundamental structure and behavior of matter. They can also help scientists better understand the conditions present in the early universe and in extreme environments such as neutron stars.

Are strangest observed nuclei used in any practical applications?

While strangest observed nuclei have not yet been utilized in practical applications, their study has led to advancements in nuclear physics and may hold potential for future technological developments, such as in energy production and medical imaging.

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