Can I become a better player by watching others play?

In summary, the conversation discusses the potential benefits of watching professional gamers on YouTube in improving one's own gaming skills. It also mentions the concept of mirror neurons and their role in visualizing and empathizing with others' actions. However, it is noted that video games may not be as instructive as other activities when it comes to learning from watching. Furthermore, it is clarified that reaction time cannot be improved solely by watching videos, as it is a physiological aspect that can only be trained, not learned.
  • #1
physics user1
So I put this question in this category because i think it might be too much on the medical/neurological side than on the general discussion , if i did a mistake sorry

The question can be made in another way: do i create links between my neurons in my brain that i can use as i watch pros while they play?

I'm talking more specifically about call of duty, i watch lots of you tube videos made by a pro while he plays, and I am wondering if its helping me in an unconscious way
maybe by watching how he does in a situation it might make me instinctively react like him when i get in the same situation, can this be possible? How? Is it possible to speed the improvement this way? Two subjects, one improves on his own without watching videos and one watches them, they both have same potential and start from the same point, does the one that wtches videos improve faster?

Here a video, he is really good, i enjoy watching his videos:

Also a question related, he's got really good reaction time, do i improve mine too watching his videos?

I know it might sound like stupid questions but I am actually curious, thanks in advance
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  • #2
Do a search on Mirror Neurons. I'm not sure on the current status of these ideas but they were popular some years ago. The idea is that these mirror neurons can be trained by visualisation and give a sense of empathy while watching someone perform an action.

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  • #3
Cozma Alex said:
I'm talking more specifically about call of duty, i watch lots of you tube videos made by a pro while he plays, and I am wondering if its helping me in an unconscious way...
The general answer is yes, but it is difficult with video games because you don't see the player playing, you only see his avatar. So you don't actually know what he's doing. Fortunately the options are limited to the controller movements, but it is still not as instructive as watching someone play golf, for example.

...and it also is conscious, not unconscious.
Also a question related, he's got really good reaction time, do i improve mine too watching his videos?
No, (again except insofar as you can learn it consciously). Pure reaction time is physiological and while it can be trained it can't be learned by watching videos.
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FAQ: Can I become a better player by watching others play?

1. Can watching others play really help me become a better player?

Yes, it can. Watching others play can help you learn new strategies, techniques, and approaches that you may not have thought of on your own. It also allows you to observe how other players react and adapt to different situations, which can help improve your own decision-making skills.

2. Do I have to watch professional players to improve my skills?

No, you can watch players of any skill level to learn and improve. While professional players may have more advanced strategies and techniques, watching players at your own skill level can still provide valuable insights and tips.

3. How often should I watch others play to see improvement in my own skills?

This can vary depending on the individual, but it is generally recommended to watch others play consistently and regularly, perhaps a few times a week. This will allow you to continuously learn and improve without becoming overwhelmed.

4. Should I focus on watching players who play the same game as me?

It can be beneficial to watch players who play the same game as you, as you can directly apply their strategies and techniques to your own gameplay. However, watching players in different games can also provide valuable insights and ideas that you can adapt to your own gameplay.

5. Is it important to actively study and analyze while watching others play?

Yes, actively studying and analyzing while watching others play can greatly enhance the learning experience. Pay attention to their movements, decision-making, and overall gameplay, and try to understand the reasoning behind their actions. This will help you apply their strategies and techniques more effectively in your own gameplay.
