Can I Build My Own Portable Microcomputer with a Gumstix?

  • Thread starter dduardo
  • Start date
In summary, the Gumstix Basix 400 is a small computer that runs on Linux and is the size of a stick of gum. It can be used to build a portable microcomputer with a touchscreen lcd, audio out, and rechargeable battery pack. Some people have used plexiglass to make a custom case for it, while others have used it for projects such as a homemade iPod or a computer that can be powered by cranking. One person even attached a Gumstix to a balloon with GPS and a camera.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
I just got my Gumstix Basix 400 in the mail today! :smile:

This is such a cool little computer. It is literally the size of a stick of gum and runs on Linux. My goal is to build a portable microcomputer complete with touchscreen lcd, audio out and recharable battery pack. The case will probably be made out of plexiglass, although it would be nice if I could make a custom injection mold model.

Who needs to buy an ipod when you can just build one! :-p
Computer science news on
  • #2
wow! That's really neat! I want a teeny tiny computer!
  • #3
neat indeed, I just read about that computer that you crank to get power they are going to use in third world countries
  • #4
Here is a guy that rigged up a gumstix with gps and a camera, and put it on a balloon:
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FAQ: Can I Build My Own Portable Microcomputer with a Gumstix?

What is "Yippy, Got My Gumstix"?

"Yippy, Got My Gumstix" is a phrase commonly used by scientists and engineers to express excitement and success after receiving their Gumstix, a popular single-board computer used for various research and development projects.

What is a Gumstix?

A Gumstix is a small, low-cost single-board computer that is often used in scientific and engineering projects. It is known for its compact size, low power consumption, and versatility.

How is "Yippy, Got My Gumstix" relevant to scientists?

"Yippy, Got My Gumstix" is relevant to scientists because the Gumstix is a powerful tool for conducting research and developing new technologies. It is often used in projects related to robotics, Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence.

Where can I get a Gumstix?

Gumstix can be purchased online from the official Gumstix website or from various electronics retailers. They are also available from other online marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay.

What are the advantages of using a Gumstix?

Gumstix offers several advantages to scientists, including its compact size, low power consumption, and customizable options. It is also known for its reliability and affordability, making it a popular choice for many research and development projects.
