Can I Create a Self-Regulating Biosphere in My Room?

In summary, the author has a ambitious plan to create an independent biosphere, which requires extensive research and funding. The author also has a plan to create a self-regulating mirror system to provide light, and to introduce bacteria into the biosphere to create carbon dioxide.
  • #1
If you didn't know before; I would like to be an astrobiologist when I grow up. I plan to go to college for a degree in a fundamental science, and then apply to Ames University to pursue astrobiology.

Due to this reason, I have been reading into astrobiology. I am currently through a book written by my favorite author of all time "Ben Bova". The book is called FAINT ECHOES, DISTANT STARS.

This book has inspired me to attempt a very challenging project. I know that this project will take financing, extensive research, and determination, but if it succeeds, it could move us a step closer toward independent settlements off this planet. I'm sure this idea has been thought of, but in any case, at least I will get a head start on this years science project!

It may not come as a surprise to you that my idea is to create a completely independent, self regulation biosphere.

My idea is to make a completely air tight 5 foot, by 5 foot, by 3 foot, airtight, glass greenhouse. The bottom of this greenhouse would be organic and inorganic compounds with all the necessary nutrients for cyanobacteria to prosper, and reproduce.

To monitor air content, there would be gauges connected to the inside. Also, there would be a device that can start a fire inside. This way, we can make sure the green house is mainly carbon dioxide.

Then we would let the bacteria turn the carbon dioxide rich air into more oxygen rich air. Then we watch the bacteria die off as they poison themselves with the oxygen they produce.

Next, we introduce some type of organisms into the biosphere that can turn oxygen into carbon dioxide. This would help to regulate each other. To many cyanobacteria, and there isn't enough bugs to give them carbon dioxide, so they die off until there is equilibrium. They can balance each other out. Kinda like gaia theory.

I'm not quite sure all the details on how to make the ground stay nutrient rich. I think if we chose easily decomposable organisms and bacteria to introduce into the biosphere, they can decompose enough to feed each other, correct?

Also, we can add self regulating mirrors to equip onto the biosphere in order to keep up photo synthesis.

We could go as far as equiping a self heat and radiation system to protect the organisms, and put it into orbit to see if they can stay self regulating.

This is my idea. I thought I'd call it the Gaia green house, or something along those lines.

The information I need now; is how I can get the soil to keep itself nutrient-rich for the bacteria, and how to keep enough food to keep the bugs alive. I'm sure I need much more, but this is a start.

Thanks for reading.



My father has been looking for a project to do with me. I know that if I work out a good plan, he will pay, and help me to get all the necessary materials. I just need a complete plan.
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  • #2
Wow.. it sounds like you have quite an idea there! I am highly impressed by your ambition to want to turn your project into a reality, dispite still being in high school (correct?).

Have you considered, if you were to "launch this into orbit," that it would be in a non-gravitational enviornment. I'm not sure if that would have any important ramifications or not. You're basically wanting to create a psudoboisphere that can sustain itself in space? I would recommend researching and experimenting in a conrolled, earthly (yet enclosed) enviorment to try to re-create the effects of being outside the earth. For instance, applying some sort of light filter to the psudo-biosphere in order to re-create the type of light that would be reaching it from the moon's distance to the sun.
  • #3
Dear eNathan

Yes. Though I'm a little scared, I will be going into 9th grade soon. Lol.

Thank you for bringing up the gravity problem. I think that would definitely is an obstacle due to the fact that the biosphere would have to be prism shaped so that it can rotate around an axis to create artificial gravity. This would completely reshape the model.

I think it would be best to start out with the flat version on Earth 1st. Once equilibrium has been achieved, and proven successful; then we can recreate the model as a cylinder in order to create the necessary artificial gravity.

On the subject of light; I believe that self adjusting mirrors would solve this problem. I do agree that artificial light could work, but this would make it harder to make the biosphere independent. The energy source would obviously be light, so either way, light is necessary and mirrors, I feel, would serve there purpose.


  • #4
Good luck with this- it's been tried a few times and failed:

Read that in detail.

Requires light but it's claimed to last many years.
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FAQ: Can I Create a Self-Regulating Biosphere in My Room?

1. What is your dream science project about?

My dream science project is about developing a renewable energy source using biodegradable materials.

2. What inspired you to pursue this project?

I have always been interested in finding sustainable solutions to environmental issues. This project combines my love for science and my passion for protecting the planet.

3. What research methods will you use for this project?

I will conduct various experiments and tests to determine the most efficient and effective way to produce renewable energy using biodegradable materials. I will also conduct literature reviews and consult with experts in the field.

4. What do you hope to achieve with this project?

I hope to develop a renewable energy source that is accessible, affordable, and environmentally friendly. I also hope to raise awareness about the importance of using sustainable energy sources.

5. How do you plan on implementing your project in the real world?

If successful, I plan on further developing and refining the renewable energy source and then working with companies and organizations to implement it on a larger scale. I also hope to publish my findings in scientific journals to share my research with the broader scientific community.

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