Can I Pursue a Physics Career With a Disability?

In summary: I have had x-rays, a mri, and a carpal tunnel test, and they all came back normal. I'm not sure what else to do.It sounds like you've been through a lot of tests and you still don't know what's wrong. You might want to consider seeing a specialist.
  • #1
Hi all, I'm 21 years old and I will be graduating in May 2008 with a math/physics double degree. In fall 2008 I plan to go to graduate school and pursue a PhD in physics.

My problem is that my dominant hand became stricken with pain, 6 months ago. I can't really use it for anything other then typing, I can't write with a pen or turn doorknobs. I fear that I will eventually not be able to type.

The doctors are unable to help/understand, telling me to rest up for a few weeks, take ibuprofen, and avoid sports (one said "writing with a pen shouldn't be a problem"). The situation is complicated by the fact that I am poor an locationally isolated, but I have seen enough doctors to convince me that the cause and treatment of my disability are unknown.

The job of the physicist is to produce written output, and besides that, to cogitate. The pain from my hand is such that it is difficult to concentrate, and I struggle to record anything in writing.

For these reasons, I worry that I cannot have a career in physics, despite the fact that I have already trained for 10,000 hours. Did anyone else go through something similar?

I wonder if Stephen Hawking is in pain, or if he just can't move? Any other examples of disabled physicists would be appreciated, especially examples those who were disabled before they were noticed (unlike Hawking).
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  • #2
Um... write with your bad hand and make that your dominant hand which in turn let's your good hand rest like your doctors want you to do.

Obviously this a set back, and I have no idea how I would deal with the situation, but you have another hand. How to deal with the pain? I have no idea. I bet it's amazingly hard. There are mathematicians that have dealt with pain throughout their careers and Riemann is one of the them. Maybe you can read their stories for motivation. :smile:
  • #3
I spent a lot of time with graduate students when I was doing my senior thesis, so I know a bit about the life of physics researchers. If you have to choose from all the various disabilities out there, this one actually seems like the best choice for a physicist. Under the worst case scenario (i.e. the hand thing is permanent), the most you'd have to do is get some accomodations made. For example, you might have to get someone else to take notes for you, and you might need to get a special keyboard to type. It's true that physicists are required to do a fair bit of writing, as well as typing for computer programming. But based on what I know about research careers in physics, this shouldn't really affect you at all. If you can think, and you can effectively communicate said thoughts to others, then you can be a physicist.

Of course, from what you've said, there's a good chance that the hand will recover soon enough. So hopefully this will just turn out to be a minor inconvenience.
  • #4
There's lots of good software out now where you can just dictate whatever you want, and it will be translated into text...besides that, start working on your other hand. With practice, you can learn to use it just as well.
  • #5
There's lots of good software out now where you can just dictate whatever you want

I wondered about that. Does anyone know a good talk-to-type software that works in any application and supports entering arbitrarily obscure keyboard combinations like those found in Mathematica or TeX ?
  • #6
Crosson said:
I wondered about that. Does anyone know a good talk-to-type software that works in any application and supports entering arbitrarily obscure keyboard combinations like those found in Mathematica or TeX ?
Check "Dragon Naturally Speaking", it's been in the market for a very long time and pretty good!
You can "teach" it just about anything.
  • #7
hmm have you been checked for carpal tunnel syndrom?

or have you had any sort of x-ray/ electromyography/mri scan done on it?

it seems like a very local condition such as yours would have some sort of direct cause that could be treated.
  • #8
I was originally classified as a quadrapaligic after break my neck in a car wreck but I'm now walking again with fore arm crutches and have been going to therapy for about 2.5 years now. The docs said I would never walk again and be confined to a wheelchair the rest of my life, maybe a powerchair after your shoulders give out from pushing yourself around all day.

I'm in constant pain, chronic neurological pain that will never go away. Its all over my body and my left hand has less function than yours and yet I'm a Computer Science and engineering major who types all day and I've trained it to type just as fast as my right hand. I woke up and I couldn't move any of my fingers nor anything from my chest down.

It takes work but recovery can happen, I still can't pick up anything with my left hand unless its something light but if its too small like a penny its also difficult. To top that off I wake up every morning and my legs are in constant spasms that feel like they are going to rip the tendons in my knees, its better than coffee in the morning.

You learn to live with the pain and you don't let it stop you, if you want to do something, do it. I know people who are complete quads, on vents who can't use any of their hands, arms, can't even breathe on their own and are perusing what they love to do.

If you feel like you can't go on anymore, look at someone who is worse off than you and you will soon realize you have it easy, that's what I do. In fact if you read this you should already feel better about your condition. :)As another member said, people who can't use their hands at all, use, Dragon Naturally Speaking software. But you are not disabled in the respect that you can't use any of your hands so I don't think you should use that software. You have 1 good hand, you can retrain that good hand to be your main writing hand as another member said.

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  • #10
I received a Bachelor's and Master's degree in physics while having the diagnosis of schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder. I now find social sciences more satisfying professionally (helping people personally), but still love physics.

My medications cause a tremor, making writing at length under stress difficult (to say nothing of psychic havoc). If you are studying in the United States, you may wish to pursue a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Inquire of the resources at" . Such an accommodation can include extra time to finish an assignment or test, or use of a keyboard rather than pen or pencil. You must make known to your school ahead of time that you have a disability and make a reasonable request.
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  • #11
I'm left handed. When I was younger, my father couldn't afford a left-handed guitar so he got me a right-handed one and I learned to play right-handed. Maybe guitar isn't comparable to writing, but I'd think learning to right with your off-hand would be good stimuli for your brain anyway.
  • #12
As a step-mother of a child with mental and physical delays, I would definitely say that you should pursue your interests and loves to your fullest... and as mentioned, laws are out there that require institutions, testing centers, etc., make accommodations for individuals with disabilities... if your disability becomes permanent. Some universities are of course better than others at this... but the only way to find out is to visit. You might have to even consider yourself to have a special role in helping to make a better learning environment and spread awareness in the university/department you chose.

FAQ: Can I Pursue a Physics Career With a Disability?

1. Can a person with a disability pursue a career in physics?

Yes, a person with a disability can absolutely pursue a career in physics. In fact, many physicists with disabilities have made significant contributions to the field. It is important to remember that a person's disability does not define their abilities or limit their potential.

2. What accommodations are available for physicists with disabilities?

There are a variety of accommodations available for physicists with disabilities, depending on their specific needs. These accommodations can include assistive technologies, flexible work arrangements, accessible workspaces, and supportive services. It is important for individuals to communicate their needs with their employer or academic institution to ensure they have the necessary accommodations to succeed.

3. Are there any challenges facing physicists with disabilities in the field?

Like any profession, there can be challenges for physicists with disabilities in the field. These may include physical barriers in the workplace, communication barriers, and societal stigma. However, with advancements in technology and increased awareness and inclusivity, these challenges are becoming less prominent.

4. Can a physicist with a disability conduct research or perform experiments?

Yes, a physicist with a disability can absolutely conduct research and perform experiments. Many accommodations, such as adaptive equipment and lab assistants, can help individuals with disabilities participate in these activities. Additionally, there are many areas of physics that do not require physical mobility, such as theoretical and computational physics.

5. Are there any successful physicists with disabilities?

Yes, there are many successful physicists with disabilities who have made significant contributions to the field. Some notable examples include Stephen Hawking, who had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and Temple Grandin, who has autism. These individuals have not let their disabilities hinder their passion and pursuit of knowledge in the field of physics.

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