Can I Pursue Electrical Engineering Technology Without High School Physics?

In summary, the conversation is about a person considering pursuing an Engineering Technology degree at Purdue and debating between Electrical Engineering Technology (EET) and Electrical Engineering (EE). The person is concerned about the difficulty of the EE program and not having taken physics in high school. They are also interested in potential job opportunities and considering applying for Purdue's First-Year Engineering program. The conversation also includes advice from others who have experience with EET and EE, and the mention of the potential for high-paying jobs as an EET technician.
  • #1
I'm seriously considering pursuing some sort of Engineering Technology degree at Purdue. Right now I'm leaning towards Electrical Engineering Technology because I love the idea of getting hands on with circuits, controls, and sensors. However, I've heard the reputation of normal EE degrees being the "hardest" of them all, and I assuming this would somewhat carry over into EE Tech?

My main problem is that I haven't taken Physics in high school. I've gotten great grades in all my math classes, just never took Physics and didn't know I should until it was too late. That being said, do you think I'd be able to hang in the EET program? Here's a link to the plan of study:

Any other advice or suggestions of other programs in Purdue's College of Technology would be great! Thanks!
Physics news on
  • #2
If you are driven, it is not necessary to have taken any physics before to do well in intro college physics. I did it myself. It does take some hard work but you can definitely succeed.
  • #3
What are your opinion on the overall EET program? I know I couldn't get into Purdue's College of Engineering, so I figured this was the next best thing.
  • #4
NextElement said:
What are your opinion on the overall EET program? I know I couldn't get into Purdue's College of Engineering, so I figured this was the next best thing.

EE tech is nothing like an EE degree. It isn't at all difficult.
  • #5

As another user stated EE tech isn't that hard, I know some people who have done it, and I'm currently doing EE.
And in EE you'll probably fly through most of the EE tech material within your first year.
So it can't really be compared.
And don't worry too much about the physics, though it would be a bit helpful, you'll get by without it.
If your math skills are good you shouldn't worry too much.
  • #6
What kind of jobs do EET grads get?? Like day to day activities compared to an EE?
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  • #7
NextElement said:
What kind of jobs do EET grads get?? Like day to day activities compared to an EE?

As an EET you'll be a technician. So repairing things and testing out components / equipment and stuff most likely. That's not to say you will never do any kind of engineering that's just an idea of entry level work. EEs exist primarily to do equipment/circuit design/innovation/ planning/cost analysis. Things you won't be exposed to in any great detail doing EET.
  • #8
I would really like the potential to get into design, even if it is later in my career. I just don't want to be stuck wishing I had gone for something better. Should I apply for Purdue's First-Year Engineering program instead? I'm a qualified applicant I think (3.8 GPA, 29 ACT), but I doubt I'd get in OR survive once I got there because I haven't taken calculus or physics in high school.
  • #9
NextElement said:
I would really like the potential to get into design, even if it is later in my career. I just don't want to be stuck wishing I had gone for something better. Should I apply for Purdue's First-Year Engineering program instead? I'm a qualified applicant I think (3.8 GPA, 29 ACT), but I doubt I'd get in OR survive once I got there because I haven't taken calculus or physics in high school.

You should already apply and see what happens. Not taking physics or calc in hs doesn't matter. I didn't,hell, I had a 1.9 GPA in high school. I didn't give two ****s.

There's also no shame in being a technician, it's actually very hands on and fun. Behind every good engineer is a great technician.
  • #10
Well I'm in FIRST Robotics on the Controls team, and I love what we do. Wiring and circuits and sensors for the robot, and getting to test it all as well. I just feel like there are so many more job opportunities for EE grads.
  • #11
There are, but there is also no shortage of need for technicians. I still recommended you do EE or at least try.
  • #12
Student100 said:
As an EET you'll be a technician. So repairing things and testing out components / equipment and stuff most likely. That's not to say you will never do any kind of engineering that's just an idea of entry level work. EEs exist primarily to do equipment/circuit design/innovation/ planning/cost analysis. Things you won't be exposed to in any great detail doing EET.

As a side note in the right places techs can bring in 6 figures. I had one 100k yr as a tech and about 6 over 85K. So the money can be good. EEt techs will work with EEs but not doing the heavy duty design work (some low level local need stuff though). They will generally implement and maintain the efforts of the EEs and MEs.

EET tech do not, do nor need, the heavy duty math.
  • #13
You might also consider going to a community college first. I had no high school education at all in 2011. I was 31. I taught myself algebra/pre-algebra in a few weeks, took a basic chemistry class and a trig class and then hopped into calc and physics at a community college. It was a mess. Still, there's a lot of supplemental material on the internet that makes it possible if not manageable.

I spent two more semesters at CC. Now I'm in my second year at UIUC engineering. Don't sell yourself short. If you think you want to do something then do it.
  • #14
ChaseDuncan said:
Don't sell yourself short. If you think you want to do something then do it.

  • #15
Talked to an EE major I knew from Purdue today. He said he'd wished he had gone with EETech, because he wants to work for a small company where he can do things hands-on, and hates all the theory with little application that he has to go through in most EE classes.

Also, I think when you get a BS in EET you're considered a Technologist... Lots of big decisions...
  • #16
Heh I answered your physics question, have you decided physics then?

I'd suggest you try EE first. The way engineering is structured at Purdue is they try to go as far as the students can learn in class with theory etc, and leave it up to you to grow programming/soldering/machining skills whatever on the side. There are many classes of a design build test nature that will test you way beyond what any eetech program will do. As an example Google Purdue VIP courses and click the first link. There are also clubs that are engineering related and allow you to develop hands on experience.

Now if you can't handle engineering and decide to go the technology route, use community college as much as possible. You don't need to toss purdue 30k/yr to learn a technician trade.

I'd say your friend is a tad myopic, if he focuses and follows through his understanding of electronics will be an order of magnitude beyond the eetech guys.

A serious warning for you, first year Purdue engineering is heavy on learning programming in MATLAB and excel, and many kids are frustrated by this. You will need at least a 2.7gpa in the first year to be allowed into EE.

FAQ: Can I Pursue Electrical Engineering Technology Without High School Physics?

1. What is "EE Technology with no physics"?

"EE Technology with no physics" refers to the use of electrical engineering principles and techniques without relying on traditional physics concepts and models. This approach focuses on using empirical data and mathematical models to design and develop electronic devices and systems.

2. How is "EE Technology with no physics" different from traditional electrical engineering?

The main difference between "EE Technology with no physics" and traditional electrical engineering is the reliance on empirical data and mathematical models instead of fundamental physics principles. This allows for a more practical and data-driven approach to designing and developing electronic devices and systems.

3. What are the benefits of using "EE Technology with no physics"?

Some potential benefits of "EE Technology with no physics" include faster and more efficient design processes, as well as the ability to optimize and adapt designs based on real-world data and conditions. It also allows for a more flexible and adaptable approach to problem-solving in the field of electrical engineering.

4. Are there any drawbacks to using "EE Technology with no physics"?

One potential drawback of "EE Technology with no physics" is that it may not provide a complete understanding of the underlying physical principles behind electronic devices and systems. This could limit the ability to troubleshoot and solve complex problems. Additionally, this approach may not be suitable for all types of electrical engineering applications.

5. How is "EE Technology with no physics" used in practical applications?

"EE Technology with no physics" can be used in a wide range of practical applications, from designing consumer electronics and communication systems to developing advanced medical devices and renewable energy technologies. This approach allows for more efficient and data-driven design processes, leading to innovations and advancements in various industries.

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